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[W:286] Are US child migrant detainees entitled to soap and beds? (1 Viewer)

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Spare me your faux outrage. You are dehumanizing these migrants with your reckless choice of words.

You're on the spectrum of support for literal genocide, and therefore your opinion is trash and does not deserve any respect whatsoever.

Sorry if you don't like the facts. But these people have had their day in court and have been found guilty. Maybe you would support a witch hunt or an attack on our rights instead.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Sorry if you don't like the facts. But these people have had their day in court and have been found guilty. Maybe you would support a witch hunt or an attack on our rights instead.

The only rights that are under assault are those of migrants whom we are treating worse than animals. Well guess what. In the United States of America, even if you break a law, you have rights. You can't just throw a child into a cage, starve them, and create conditions where many of them have been sexually assaulted.

So spare me your pathetic faux outrage against the misdemeanor of crossing the border without proper documentation while discounting the type of cruelty in tRump concentration camps that should have stayed back in the Dark Ages.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

The only rights that are under assault are those of migrants whom we are treating worse than animals. Well guess what. In the United States of America, even if you break a law, you have rights. You can't just throw a child into a cage, starve them, and create conditions where many of them have been sexually assaulted.

So spare me your pathetic faux outrage against the misdemeanor of crossing the border without proper documentation while discounting the type of cruelty in tRump concentration camps that should have stayed back in the Dark Ages.

Well, we certainly don't want to be in the "Dark Ages".... Tell me, should we just open the borders fully, and let anyone and everyone who wants, enter the country and stay?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Well, we certainly don't want to be in the "Dark Ages".... Tell me, should we just open the borders fully, and let anyone and everyone who wants, enter the country and stay?

You are not addressing my concerns of the cruel conditions in the tRump concentration camps. Are you okay with those conditions or not, j-mac?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

You are not addressing my concerns of the cruel conditions in the tRump concentration camps. Are you okay with those conditions or not, j-mac?

I believe I've already covered that...You really should read the thread before responding....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

When I read the comments in the threads about AOC and her comments on the Concentration Camps, it was amazing how virtually every Trump supporter was OK persecuting brown skinned people in Concentration Camps.

Their complaint, almost without fail, was that they were being called "Concentration Camps".

Hey I have a crowd pleaser of an idea here. How about we make these kids work for their food, soap and blankets? We could set up a mini sweat shop with smaller chairs and lower the height of the belt! Labeling it 'child labor' or a 'worker camp' is so yesterday's news. Instead The Trump Administration can call it "Kiddie Crafts Time' at the camp, but extend the hours from 1 hour to ten hours then we sell what they make to buy them their own toothbrushes and food and blankets. Teach these young ones free market principles and the value of a hard day's work at the same time!
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Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I believe I've already covered that...You really should read the thread before responding....

Show me EXACTLY where you condemned the deplorable conditions in the tRump concentration camps and called for their immediate improvement. A post number will suffice.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Hey I have a crowd pleaser of an idea here. How about we make these kids work for their food, soap and blankets? We could set up a mini sweat shop with smaller chairs and lower the height of the belt! We can call it 'Crafts Time' at the camp but extend the hours from 1 hour to ten hours then we sell what they make to buy them their own toothbrushes and food and blankets. Teach these young ones free market principles at the same time!

Don't give them ideas. Seriously, some people would take you up on that.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I believe I've already covered that...You really should read the thread before responding....

Have you a response for this?

4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility | HuffPost

"4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility
The kids were unresponsive, feverish and vomiting, yet receiving no medical care, according to lawyers."

Four toddlers were so severely ill and neglected at a U.S. Border Patrol facility in McAllen, Texas, that lawyers forced the government to hospitalize them last week.

The children, all under age 3 with teenage mothers or guardians, were feverish, coughing, vomiting and had diarrhea, immigration attorneys told HuffPost on Friday. Some of the toddlers and infants were refusing to eat or drink. One 2-year-old’s eyes were rolled back in her head, and she was “completely unresponsive” and limp, according to Toby Gialluca, a Florida-based attorney.

She described seeing terror in the children’s eyes.

“It’s just a cold, fearful look that you should never see in a child of that age,” Gialluca said. “You look at them and you think, ‘What have you seen?’”

Another mother at the same facility had a premature baby, who was “listless” and wrapped in a dirty towel, as HuffPost previously reported.

The lawyers feared that if they had not shown up at the facility, the sick kids would have received zero medical attention and potentially died. The Trump administration has come under fire for its treatment ― and its alleged neglect ― of migrants who have been crossing the southern border in record numbers. The result is overcrowded facilities, slow medical care and in some instances, deaths.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Have you a response for this?

4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility | HuffPost

"4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility
The kids were unresponsive, feverish and vomiting, yet receiving no medical care, according to lawyers."

There's a thread on this topic. Please visit it here:
4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Show me EXACTLY where you condemned the deplorable conditions in the tRump concentration camps and called for their immediate improvement. A post number will suffice.

I know that yesterday was a long time, especially when you don't read the thread....


There are more earlier in the thread...Look, I think that these reports are disturbing, however, our CBP are overwhelmed, now certainly that is no reason not to provide basic necessities, when they are being detained, however, to pretend that this is some cruel policy is political BS at its worst...So, next time you decide to knee jerk call someone out for supporting something, maybe you should educate yourself as to what they have said before that....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

No, just your cherry picked portions of that report. See, for example:
Is the complaint that they are not handing out bars of soap or is there no handsoap dispensers in the bathrooms? If not perhaps they would need to be added to satisify the flores ruling.

I did not cherry pick anything. I posted the link. I bolded the parts that say they have no evidence that not showering spreads diseases.

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Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Have you a response for this?

4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility | HuffPost

"4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized After Lawyers Visit Border Patrol Facility
The kids were unresponsive, feverish and vomiting, yet receiving no medical care, according to lawyers."

It's a wonderfully emotional article designed to paint those working within a totally overwhelmed system of being callous, and, cruel...Truth is though, (from your own piece) "Congress has not yet passed an emergency funding package that would include almost $3 billion to help care for unaccompanied migrant children." So you tell me? These conditions are terrible, and they shock, and repulse any normal, compassionate person, but, what are your solutions?

For instance, would it be a proper argument from me to say that Congress, controlled by Democrats, are perpetuating this crisis by not addressing it, so that these conditions can be used politically against their opponents? I would if I were acting like Democrats today....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Is the complaint that they are not handing out bars of soap or is there no handsoap dispensers in the bathrooms? If not perhaps they would need to be added to satisify the flores ruling.

I did not cherry pick anything. I posted the link. I bolded the parts that say they have no evidence that not showering spreads diseases.

"Showering" was not the issue - it was whether SOAP was needed for "safe and sanitary." The CDC says, YES!, definitively, and suggests in places like an overcrowded prison they recommend anti-bacterial soap, not just plain soap.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I know that yesterday was a long time, especially when you don't read the thread....


There are more earlier in the thread...Look, I think that these reports are disturbing, however, our CBP are overwhelmed, now certainly that is no reason not to provide basic necessities, when they are being detained, however, to pretend that this is some cruel policy is political BS at its worst...So, next time you decide to knee jerk call someone out for supporting something, maybe you should educate yourself as to what they have said before that....

Question--that link isn't taking me to the right post. Which post #?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

The only rights that are under assault are those of migrants whom we are treating worse than animals. Well guess what. In the United States of America, even if you break a law, you have rights. You can't just throw a child into a cage, starve them, and create conditions where many of them have been sexually assaulted.

They have the right to go back to the wonderful country they left if we are treating them so bad. They can just walk back across to the wonderful country of Mexico that has already offered them asylum under international law. They have the right to be punished for breaking our immigration laws. We have the right to decide who immigrates to our country not these lawless losers. Sorry but we don't need any more lawless people in this country. We already have to many that support the lawless.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

That's not the policy - the problem is the system is being overwhelmed, and people are coming in faster than they can add capacity.

They've been trying to do this, but there's a shortage of resources. In my view they need to reform the system, because it's way too lengthy and complex. There should be a screening that says -- do you come from these countries which are in a state of peace and generally safe? (Including Mexico and other such countries) Then you get a ticket back and a packet of information on how to seek assistance from YOUR government, and the process for seeking legal residency. Do you come from ___ countries? Do you have a specific threat? No? Then same treatment.

Obvious that the system is being overwhelmed. There needs to be more asylum adjudicators who could decide claims more rapidly, more room to detain people more humanely, restoration of assistance to the three Central American countries and/or pressure on them if they are part of the problem. If people get sent back after a fair handling of their claims, that sends a message to those who would file frivolously.

Illegal immigration from Mexico has been down for a while, and was when Trump gave his Mexican rapist speech, and that is part of the problem. There is almost no reason to assume good will or benefit of the doubt with Trump, given his lies, exaggerations and fear mongering. He needs to stop twittering ever changing policy of tactical positions and speak plainly to the country to reestablish some trust. But in some ways he seems more interested in feeding his base rather than expanding it or informing it. Good examples are his “Middle Easterners in the caravan” comment a while back, and his attempt to eliminate from consideration for asylum the very abuses Central Americans are running from, upending decades of precedent. It probably won’t stand a challenge, but does little to convince, say, my side that he acts in good faith.
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Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

poor people don't caravan thousands of miles without lots of support money and food....cut off those funds.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I don’t understand your point. What does this guy’s terrible experience have to do with the topic at hand?

I wonder if he got a toothbrush and jammies?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Outline - Read & annotate without distractions

A Mexican airline is offering one-dollar flights to undocumented migrants wishing to return to Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala as the country struggles to curb arrivals from Central America.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

It's a wonderfully emotional article designed to paint those working within a totally overwhelmed system of being callous, and, cruel...Truth is though, (from your own piece) "Congress has not yet passed an emergency funding package that would include almost $3 billion to help care for unaccompanied migrant children." So you tell me? These conditions are terrible, and they shock, and repulse any normal, compassionate person, but, what are your solutions?

For instance, would it be a proper argument from me to say that Congress, controlled by Democrats, are perpetuating this crisis by not addressing it, so that these conditions can be used politically against their opponents? I would if I were acting like Democrats today....

I have not heard anyone in the Trump administration plead for money for soap, toothpaste or beds.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

While I would certainly agree that soap and blankets and perhaps even toothbrushes should be provided to those who do not have them, "the most disgusting thing America did in the 21st century??? Huh...you're quite a little out of touch, aren't you.

Have we done something in the past 19 years more inhuman than ripping families apart and having children die in concentration camps? Please, do tell.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

How many of these kids are showering in your bathroom right now?

Sliding responsibility from the state to the individual is a real garbage argument bud. It's not even witty, it's a boring, go nowhere argument out of bad faith.

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