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[W:171]FBI chief Wray refutes Barr, says no 'spying' on Trump campaign (1 Viewer)

In the case of Trump, it was a criminal investigation, which was begun after Papadopoulis got drunk and told the Australian Ambassador that the Trump campaign was working with Russia to get dirt on Hillary. The Australian Ambassador immediately contacted the FBI, and the investigation began. The FISA warrants for this investigation were approved, issued, and extended 60 days later by a court judge.
And where did PapaD get his information? Joseph Mifsud ? Why is Mifsud associated with Italian Intelligence and friends with several US agents? Something stinks like Diarrhea. And why did Mueller conclude there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Can you say setup?
No, it isn't.

Fusion GPS was hired by a conservative "anyone but Trump" group to do opposition research on him. When it became obvious that Trump would win the GOP nomination, they dropped the contract, which was then picked up by a law firm called Perkins Coie, who had been hired by the DNC, not Hillary. They did have the permission of the Clinton Campaign to pay Fusion GPS. It's unlikely that Hillary had any direct involvement with that decision.

Then, Fusion GPS hired a former MI6 agent now in private practice because they knew that he had lived and worked for many years in Moscow and maintained contacts there. Since they needed someone to do a little fishing on that end, he was a good choice.

What you and most people call the dossier was really just a collection of intelligence field reports, and Steele fully disclaimed any verification at the time, especially about the salacious stuff that no one really cares about anyway. FYI, many of those field reports have been verified, and NOT ONE OF THEM has yet been disproven.


"But ... Hillary!!!"


Gawd I know it's the talking points but do people really believe this silly convoluted mess still?

I bet you thought Mueller was gonna find Trump conspiracy in his report also.

Thanks for responding...now I know how you stand.
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And where did PapaD get his information? Joseph Mifsud ? Why is Mifsud associated with Italian Intelligence and friends with several US agents? Something stinks like Diarrhea. And why did Mueller conclude there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Can you say setup?

I use the word entrapment but yes setup works
No, it isn't.

Fusion GPS was hired by a conservative "anyone but Trump" group to do opposition research on him. When it became obvious that Trump would win the GOP nomination, they dropped the contract, which was then picked up by a law firm called Perkins Coie, who had been hired by the DNC, not Hillary. They did have the permission of the Clinton Campaign to pay Fusion GPS. It's unlikely that Hillary had any direct involvement with that decision.

Then, Fusion GPS hired a former MI6 agent now in private practice because they knew that he had lived and worked for many years in Moscow and maintained contacts there. Since they needed someone to do a little fishing on that end, he was a good choice.

What you and most people call the dossier was really just a collection of intelligence field reports, and Steele fully disclaimed any verification at the time, especially about the salacious stuff that no one really cares about anyway. FYI, many of those field reports have been verified, and NOT ONE OF THEM has yet been disproven.


"But ... Hillary!!!"

The conservatives were out of there BEFORE Steele was hired. If HRC campaign paid MILLIONS to Perkins Coie you can bet they knew where their money was going and it was their responsibility to know and to report it to ECC.
Gawd I know it's the talking points but do people really believe this silly convoluted mess still?

I bet you thought Mueller was gonna find Trump conspiracy in his report also.

Thats for responding...now I know how you stand.
I'd say his meter is pegged out.
Mueller Dossier is a one sided con job based on lies and entrapments....still couldn't nail Trump campaign on Russian conspiracy even running "Russian operatives" at the campaign ....Mifsud example A

Nonsense. What are your usual news sources? They seem to be giving you long debunked rhetoric and right wing talking points. Steele had no intention of conning anyone, he was simply reporting information he received from his known sources. Trumpsters keep insisting on making the man into a villain, but at the time, why would he give a rat's ass about our election? Who lied? Who was entrapped? By whom? For what? Talking points, that's all you have. No details, no proof, just angry partisan bull****.

You cannot be taken seriously on this topic until you read Mueller's report. FYI, Mifsud is covered in Volume I. Seriously, don't even bother replying to me until you've read it. I'm tired of the deliberate ignorance from the Trumpsters on this thread.
Except that the FBI at the time did not know who else may have been involved in a SUSPECTED conspiracy. If you investigate an organization without already knowing which individuals are involved, you don't notify the potential targets.

Logic and reason are beyond price, and sadly in short supply on this forum.

RTFR! So many here would already know the answers to most of their questions on this topic if they would just do their homework.

Jeff Sessions might have been involved? Rudy Giuliani as well? The FBI would think that? Give us a break.
They assumed it.
Nonsense. What are your usual news sources? They seem to be giving you long debunked rhetoric and right wing talking points. Steele had no intention of conning anyone, he was simply reporting information he received from his known sources. Trumpsters keep insisting on making the man into a villain, but at the time, why would he give a rat's ass about our election? Who lied? Who was entrapped? By whom? For what? Talking points, that's all you have. No details, no proof, just angry partisan bull****.

You cannot be taken seriously on this topic until you read Mueller's report. FYI, Mifsud is covered in Volume I.

please read and watch all videos in thread....the tide is turning

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud
In the case of Trump, it was a criminal investigation, which was begun after Papadopoulis got drunk and told the Australian Ambassador that the Trump campaign was working with Russia to get dirt on Hillary. The Australian Ambassador immediately contacted the FBI, and the investigation began. The FISA warrants for this investigation were approved, issued, and extended 60 days later by a court judge.

Wait, your Leftist pards have been saying it was a counter-intelligence investigation.
Nonsense. What are your usual news sources? They seem to be giving you long debunked rhetoric and right wing talking points. Steele had no intention of conning anyone, he was simply reporting information he received from his known sources. Trumpsters keep insisting on making the man into a villain, but at the time, why would he give a rat's ass about our election? Who lied? Who was entrapped? By whom? For what? Talking points, that's all you have. No details, no proof, just angry partisan bull****.

You cannot be taken seriously on this topic until you read Mueller's report. FYI, Mifsud is covered in Volume I.

Actually Steele had already said he didn't know who his sources were.
Except that the FBI at the time did not know who else may have been involved in a SUSPECTED conspiracy. If you investigate an organization without already knowing which individuals are involved, you don't notify the potential targets.

Logic and reason are beyond price, and sadly in short supply on this forum.

RTFR! So many here would already know the answers to most of their questions on this topic if they would just do their homework.

Turns out no one was involved, because "collusion" was never a crime, anyway. :lamo
And where did PapaD get his information? Joseph Mifsud ? Why is Mifsud associated with Italian Intelligence and friends with several US agents? Something stinks like Diarrhea. And why did Mueller conclude there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Can you say setup?

Nah. There's no credible evidence that he's associated with Italian intelligence. Perhaps you meant the Russians?
The point of an investigation is to FIND OUT. Dozens of contacts with an adversarial foreign country raises some serious red flags, too manyto ignore.

Why don't Trump's supporters WANT that sort of activity investigated? They interferred in our election. The Trump administration has done absolutely NOTHING to close the gaping holes in our systems or counteract their propaganda deluges via social media. They are going to do it again in 2020. It sure seems like Trump's supporters don't care about that.

You can buy into all of Trump's false narratives if that floats your boat, but for me, the fact that this administration has no intention of countering further Russian interference speaks volumes about their wants and priorities. Trump believes Putin over every American intelligence expert, so one can only assume two things from that:

1. His giant, fragile ego will not allow him to admit that he may not have won the election on his own merit.

2. Trump is just fine with taking Putin's help again in 2020.

That isn't true. Trump and DHS have been working on protecting the elections I have heard a long list of changes that they have made to protect the election.

Sec. of State Mike Pompeo Claims Trump Has Done More To Stop Election Meddling Than 'Any Other President'

“We have worked diligently to protect America’s election system, something I wish the previous administration had done more effectively,” he said. “We had pretty good success in 2018, and the Department of Homeland Security has talked about that, and we continue to be very focused.”

He further said that "The president has done more on election interference than any previous president” during the interview....

Pompeo made similar comments while appearing on Fox News Sunday. When host Chris Wallace pointedly asked why the president seemed reticent to “get tough” with Putin, Pompeo balked.

“This administration has been tougher on Russia than any previous administrations,” he said, adding that the show wasn’t long enough for him to rattle off election safety efforts. “…We continue to work on it, we continue to make sure that every election is as safe as it could possibly be.”

Among those efforts include an executive order allowing the president to impose sanctions on countries that attempt to interfere with elections, as well as a partnership between Homeland Security and all 50 states to protect and monitor any attempts to game the election.
Sec. of State Mike Pompeo Claims Trump Has Done More To Stop Election Meddling Than 'Any Other President'
Gawd I know it's the talking points but do people really believe this silly convoluted mess still?

I bet you thought Mueller was gonna find Trump conspiracy in his report also.

Thanks for responding...now I know how you stand.

I realize that righties like simple explanations, and it's so much easier to tell yourselves that "Hillary did it," but the truth is often complex. The right's aversion to doing their own research and homework on issues is legendary. I researched the Steele report, Fusion GPS, and who paid them a couple of years ago. Why won't you do the same?

"I bet you thought" is arrogant and presumptuous. I had no specific expectations on conspiracy because I read a lot, so I know that's a very difficult crime to prove. Plus, I never believed that Trump himself was directly involved in getting help from Russia ... he simply isn't that smart. And being old enough to have been an adult during Watergate, I do know quite well that it is rarely the deed that gets you in trouble, it's always the coverup. Just ask Nixon.

Read the Mueller report. From your posts, it sounds like you need to. And for future reference, if you want to know where I stand on any issue, you don't need to assume. Just ask me.

The conservatives were out of there BEFORE Steele was hired. If HRC campaign paid MILLIONS to Perkins Coie you can bet they knew where their money was going and it was their responsibility to know and to report it to ECC.

Sigh . . .

Perkins Coie didn't give Fusion GPS any specific instructions other than "see if you can find connections between Trump, his campaign people, and Russia." Fusion GPS hired Steele because they knew him to be a former covert operative for MI6 in Moscow and had retired into private consulting. They knew he still had contacts in Moscow. If Fusion GPS said anything to yheir cluent, Perkins Coie, it was probably something like "we had to hire this expert in Great Britain and it is going to cost you more money."

Read the transcript of Glenn Simpson's testimony before congress.

Read the Transcript of Glenn Simpson's Testimony to Congress
I realize that righties like simple explanations, and it's so much easier to tell yourselves that "Hillary did it," but the truth is often complex. The right's aversion to doing their own research and homework on issues is legendary. I researched the Steele report, Fusion GPS, and who paid them a couple of years ago. Why won't you do the same?

"I bet you thought" is arrogant and presumptuous. I had no specific expectations on conspiracy because I read a lot, so I know that's a very difficult crime to prove. Plus, I never believed that Trump himself was directly involved in getting help from Russia ... he simply isn't that smart. And being old enough to have been an adult during Watergate, I do know quite well that it is rarely the deed that gets you in trouble, it's always the coverup. Just ask Nixon.

Read the Mueller report. From your posts, it sounds like you need to. And for future reference, if you want to know where I stand on any issue, you don't need to assume. Just ask me.


why couldn't DOJ people see this and warn Trump campaign of the dangers of these so called Russian agents trying to infiltrate campaign?
Nah. There's no credible evidence that he's associated with Italian intelligence. Perhaps you meant the Russians?
There are photos of him with Italian agents and he works at Link University a private University in Rome that trains Italian Intelligence officers. He also has ties to UK and US intelligence officers. If he is a Russian officer the US UK and Italians have big problems.
He didn’t say there was no spying, he said he personally doesn’t have evidence of it. Very dishonest headline NBC used.

I don't say there is no teapot orbiting the Sun somewhere between Earth and Mars, I just personally have no evidence of it.
I don't say there is no teapot orbiting the Sun somewhere between Earth and Mars, I just personally have no evidence of it.

I didn't say you stopped beating your wife and kids and in-laws...I just personally have no evidence of it
Moderator's Warning:
Cut out the personal insults or you'll be thread banned at the very least. Posts made before this in thread may still be subject to moderation.
Sigh . . .

Perkins Coie didn't give Fusion GPS any specific instructions other than "see if you can find connections between Trump, his campaign people, and Russia." Fusion GPS hired Steele because they knew him to be a former covert operative for MI6 in Moscow and had retired into private consulting. They knew he still had contacts in Moscow. If Fusion GPS said anything to yheir cluent, Perkins Coie, it was probably something like "we had to hire this expert in Great Britain and it is going to cost you more money."

Read the transcript of Glenn Simpson's testimony before congress.

Read the Transcript of Glenn Simpson's Testimony to Congress
:lol: And you have proof of this are did you just make that up? Link required. I'm sure they said here is a million dollars just find us something. :lol: If HRC didn't know how millions of her Campaign dollars were being spent she is even a bigger idiot than I already think she is.
There are photos of him with Italian agents and he works at Link University a private University in Rome that trains Italian Intelligence officers. He also has ties to UK and US intelligence officers. If he is a Russian officer the US UK and Italians have big problems.

LOL! You'll believe just about anything won't you? No state intelligence agency would ever make someone like Mifsud an agent. He would be considered to be a bit too unreliable and incompetent of a personality. But his academic world connections and fondness for travel, trysts into grey zones, and for intrigue however would appear to make a him well suited candidate for serving as something of a 'cutout' for one.
There are photos of him with Italian agents and he works at Link University a private University in Rome that trains Italian Intelligence officers. He also has ties to UK and US intelligence officers. If he is a Russian officer the US UK and Italians have big problems.

Which doesn't mean he's somehow, magically, associated with them.
I didn't say you stopped beating your wife and kids and in-laws...I just personally have no evidence of it

I think you are missing the point of Russell's Teapot. When someone makes an extraordinary claim, the burden of proof to substantiate their claim is on them. For example, if I made the claim that somewhere between Earth and Mars there is a tiny teapot in orbit around the sun that is too small to see with a telescope, the burden of proving such a claim is on me. Anyone else can only say that there is no evidence of such a celestial teapot.

Similarly, when a claim is made that the Obama Administration spied on the Trump campaign, then the burden of proving that claim is on the person who made it. Anyone else can only say that they have no evidence that such a thing occurred.

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