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Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank him (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

I suppose I am the only person here thus far that cannot agree with either side of this exchange...

You're not.

But the problem is, if you point out that this preposterously dishonest lead-in by the Kos blogger (is there any other kind there?) . . .

ust days ago, Donald Trump announced that the U.S. no longer had any problem with the regime of Syrian president, and Russian ally, Bashar Assad.

. . . is supposedly supported by this . . .

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the U.S. approach was being driven by a new "reality" and that Assad's future had to be a decision for the Syrian people. Similar statements were made earlier by U.S. Cabinet members speaking in Ankara, London and at the United Nations.

. . . and that NOWHERE in what Spicer said was there ANYTHING like "no longer has a problem with" . . .

. . . one will get accused of being a Trumpkin.

If one says "it's up to the Iranian people to change their regime," is one saying that they don't "have a problem with" the Iranian regime?

When one said it was up to the Iraqi people to remove Saddam, was one saying they "don't have a problem with" Saddam?

Because I'm told the answer to both is no. And anyone at Kos would agree.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Never in his sorry tenure in the senate has McCain had the best response. McCain, the favorite republican of the leftwing
except for the year he ran for president what a choice this country did have in 2008, talking like scraping the bottom of the barrel.

McCain the warmongering bore was delighted and overcome with pride that along with Georgia’s fugitive ex-president
Mikhail Saakashvili, US Senator John McCain was approved to be members of the International Advisory Group
that was supposedly formed to help Ukraine’s president in “conducting reforms.”

John McCain, who for years spearheading the anti-Russian and particularly anti-Putin crusade, said that while he
“would love to do anything” to help Ukraine, he has not yet cleared his new appointment under the US Senate rules.
He was dumb enough to believe a sitting senator could have been cleared for such a folly!

You put John McCain & Saakashvili in a hat and you have a hatfull with those two. Saakashvili policies almost led
to the entire nation of Georgia being leveled to the ground and thus became persona-non grata in his homeland.
McCain if he had beat Obama & became US president in 2009 would have followed Saakashvili policies, things would not
have been pretty!
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank


I know some other people refrained from posting videos of the attacks but screw that I think people should watch this to grasp the enormity of it.

Honestly, the situation over there is FUBAR, I don't really think there is much Obama could have done or Trump can do to affect the socio-political situation.

What we can and should be doing is providing refuge to as many of these people as we can. The terrorist threat to us from refugees is practically non-existent. We have the resources to help these people and shame on us for not doing so.

Dear Lord, I wish I hadn't looked at that. I resisted the temptation of Beau's videos. That just breaks my heart. How can we be so callous to ignore those people? This is the same country where brave men gave up their lives to help the Europeans in crisis in the last century. How have we sunk so far?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

I brought Trump up because his name is in the subject line. :roll:

Not getting involved in another quagmire isn't much to talk about.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

I think Trump has been pretty clear regarding not broadcasting his military strategies. I'd also suggest that those readers who choose to view this kind of thing objectively peruse the Newsweek article which covers, essentially, the same issue. - Are Trump and Tillerson Letting Syria?s Assad Off the Hook?

That's a really ****ty article. Literally most of it is whining about President Obama and almost none of it devoted to what Tillerson said and how Assad is likely to interpret our administration's green light for the use of chemical weapons.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

You're not.

But the problem is, if you point out that this preposterously dishonest lead-in by the Kos blogger (is there any other kind there?) . . .

. . . is supposedly supported by this . . .

. . . and that NOWHERE in what Spicer said was there ANYTHING like "no longer has a problem with" . . .

. . . one will get accused of being a Trumpkin.

If one says "it's up to the Iranian people to change their regime," is one saying that they don't "have a problem with" the Iranian regime?

When one said it was up to the Iraqi people to remove Saddam, was one saying they "don't have a problem with" Saddam?

Because I'm told the answer to both is no. And anyone at Kos would agree.

Except that the "reality" is that Putin is propping up Assad with his military and the Syrian people don't get to decide anything. How is that not throwing the Syrian people under the bus?
So you want war, the problem is, the rebels, are islamic extremists, many of them, and would then become part of isis. While the gassing is horrendous, arming people who also want to kill you is how we get into trouble in the first place. Trump, and the US actually had the same reaction as the rest of the western world. what more should be expected of us?

Should we send in troops into that environment, to help pro fundamentalist islamicists overthrough a brutal dictator? what then? what should we do?

Oh you want to help the innocent people getting slaughtered? Then you support ISIS!!

Jesus ****ing christ Trump supporters defenses here are absolutely shameful.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Except that the "reality" is that Putin is propping up Assad with his military and the Syrian people don't get to decide anything. How is that not throwing the Syrian people under the bus?

Explain in detail exactly how you think this speaks to my post.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Ah...so you prefer ISIS. Good to know.

So now the choice is Putin or ISIS? I choose neither.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

You mean the "liar" stuff?

Trump exaggerates and uses metonymy a lot. That's not the same as lying. Does he lie? I'm sure he does. We all do. Does he do it more than other politicians? I really don't think so. Most politicians are professional liars.

Ironically, this is a bunch of lies.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Explain in detail exactly how you think this speaks to my post.

Explain to me how the Syrian people get to decide anything when the Russian military is propping up Assad. Why didn't the Trump Administration direct that quote at Russia?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Explain to me how the Syrian people get to decide anything when the Russian military is propping up Assad. Why didn't the Trump Administration direct that quote at Russia?

I don't need to do anything of the sort, as it had nothing to do with my post. :shrug:
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

So now the choice is Putin or ISIS? I choose neither.

Pretty much. What does a post-Assad Syria look like to you? Do you think there will be a spontaneous breakout of democracy and equality or do you think it will look like Libya or worse?

Are you prepared to help and support another decade+ occupation with people still dying and then watching it start to unravel as soon as we pull out?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Pretty much. What does a post-Assad Syria look like to you? Do you think there will be a spontaneous breakout of democracy and equality or do you think it will look like Libya or worse?

Are you prepared to help and support another decade+ occupation with people still dying and then watching it start to unravel as soon as we pull out?

Perhaps it is time to draw a line and look at what a post-Putin Syria would look like. Assad would be gone already without Putin's support. What is clear is that we can NEVER support a leader that gases his own people. Even Trump has said as much today. Let's see if Trump can do better than Obama.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

That was written before the gas attack and the lack of any coherent response except blaming it all on Obama. At least Obama got rid of the regimes Sarin gas stockpiles so now they are using industrial chlorine gas instead. Will Trump respond to this result of HIS weakness or is he even weaker than Obama? When it comes to standing up to Assad (and Putin) I suspect he is weaker.

It made sense when Rex T. stated the future of Syria should be decided by the Syrian people. I think both Obama
& Trump were & are correct leaving this cesspool to others. My pet peeve is the much used statement that
'Assad is an evil dictator who is killing his own people." What? These people revolted in a similar way to the south
did when Lincoln became president. Assad tried to do the same thing Lincoln did fight the insurgence & preserve the
country. What did all who hate Assad thinl he should have done?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

I don't need to do anything of the sort, as it had nothing to do with my post. :shrug:

So you agree with Trump (as of today) that "a lot of lines" have been crossed and he has changed his mind about Assad?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

It made sense when Rex T. stated the future of Syria should be decided by the Syrian people. I think both Obama
& Trump were & are correct leaving this cesspool to others. My pet peeve is the much used statement that
'Assad is an evil dictator who is killing his own people." What? These people revolted in a similar way to the south
did when Lincoln became president. Assad tried to do the same thing Lincoln did fight the insurgence & preserve the
country. What did all who hate Assad thinl he should have done?

LOL It's more like our own revolution in 1776, the Syrian people wanted a voice and they got poison gas instead. That is a war crime and the world will can not tolerate this.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Perhaps it is time to draw a line and look at what a post-Putin Syria would look like. Assad would be gone already without Putin's support. What is clear is that we can NEVER support a leader that gases his own people. Even Trump has said as much today. Let's see if Trump can do better than Obama.

Nice dodge of the question. So I'm back to assuming you support ISIS and wondering why you like them so much?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

So you agree with Trump (as of today) that "a lot of lines" have been crossed and he has changed his mind about Assad?


I don't need to do anything of the sort, as it had nothing to do with my post. :shrug:
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

LOL It's more like our own revolution in 1776, the Syrian people wanted a voice and they got poison gas instead. That is a war crime and the world will can not tolerate this.

And your evidence of who is at fault...where?
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

LOL It's more like our own revolution in 1776, the Syrian people wanted a voice and they got poison gas instead. That is a war crime and the world will can not tolerate this.

What a dopey re-assessment! The Syrian people wanted a voice, though they lived successfully side by side for
decades under Assad. Assad during his reaign before & after the rebellion was the protector of the Drues, Christians,
& Kurds minorities. Most of the minorities if not all favor Assad over the Islamic Fundamentalists he's fighting successfully.

War is hell & Assad didn't start it, it was started by freaks who saw the successful overturn of rule in many of the Middle
Eastern so-called despots. A few Sunni millionaires in their ivory towers in pARIS & lONDON decided Syria would be the
last pin knocked down by the Arab Spring. It turned out Assad had far more support than anyone thought he had!
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

This is not a tin foil hat issue, like Benghazi or emails or Obama being Muslim. This is the subject of a criminal investigation...of the entire Trump team. The AG went so far as to lie under oath about his meetings with the Russian Ambassador. The general Trump put in charge of our SECURITY lied about communications with Russians AND about being on the payroll of the Russians AND about being on the payroll of Turkey. Others have lied about their connections, as well.

Trump Jr. said at a meeting a few years ago that a major portion of the Trump org. money comes from Russians. Trump sold a very expensive luxury house to a Russian. Trump held the Miss USA pageant in Russia. The Sec of State, Tillerson, apptd by Trump, won an award "Friend of Russia" from Putin.

Trump was taped as incidental taping while Russians were being wiretapped, according to Nunes. Trump gets a ton of money from Russia. Trump has criticized American intelligence agencies, the free press, our judiciary, an individual Senator, a group of Representatives of his own party, our closest ally Great Britain (accused them of wiretapping him), our ally Australia (who has fought in every war with us since forever), our ally Mexico, many American individuals....yet, Trump has had nothing but praise for Russia and Putin (who, Trump says, is a great leader) and equated our military missions and imperfection with Russia and Putin's brutality and assassinations of its citizens and others.

Additionally, Russia hacked American people and systems and sites to help Trump get elected. Trump said on campaign trail, "Russia, if you're listening, we need (more of those emails)," and there was an email dumping by Wikileaks just a few days later.

It's all there. And it's being investigated. Russia is a big threat to our democracy. That's very serious. And there's nothing tin foil hat about it. It's real. (Russia installed a puppet Prez in the Ukraine, and one in Croatia.) Our intel informs us that this what Russia does: it disrupts democracies around the world.

Watch the news. Every few days, there's yet another weird and suspicious Russian connection with a Trump associate revealed. The latest was Betsy DeVos's brother, who went for a meeting with Russians "as a special envoy of Trump."

No, this is no tin foil hat Benghazi. This is real.

Hillary and her cronies were the subject of investigations and several of them pleaded the fifth or got immunity deals.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Right and Hillary the "war monger" is backing him up. You sound like another Russian troll. Putin is the aggressor here not us. He needs to back down or be put down. Oh and you just got "outed"....

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | The Huffington Post

Calling me a "russian troll" doesn't make it true. It just shows you are paranoid.

BTW: Better watch that guy on the street corner...he might be a russian spy. They're all over the place, ya know ;)
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

What a dopey re-assessment! The Syrian people wanted a voice, though they lived successfully side by side for
decades under Assad. Assad during his reaign before & after the rebellion was the protector of the Drues, Christians,
& Kurds minorities. Most of the minorities if not all favor Assad over the Islamic Fundamentalists he's fighting successfully.

War is hell & Assad didn't start it, it was started by freaks who saw the successful overturn of rule in many of the Middle
Eastern so-called despots. A few Sunni millionaires in their ivory towers in pARIS & lONDON decided Syria would be the
last pin knocked down by the Arab Spring. It turned out Assad had far more support than anyone thought he had!

I assume you mean "popular" with Putin who sees Syria as an outpost of the new USSR. That does not mean he is popular with Syrians. The Syrian uprising was a predictable side effect of the overthrow of Saddam and yes WE started that war which destabilized the entire M.E. So now you wish to throw up your hands and leave the innocents to the slaughter.
Re: Trump announces the US won't go after Assad and he gasses his own people to thank

Calling me a "russian troll" doesn't make it true. It just shows you are paranoid.

BTW: Better watch that guy on the street corner...he might be a russian spy. They're all over the place, ya know ;)

You might as well get paid since you are spouting Putin's fake news and propaganda. I suppose you might just be another clueless pawn.

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