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Trump and minions hiding Bolton revelations from GOP senators (1 Viewer)

The NSC says no one at the White House has access to the manuscript.


Typical weasel crap from the WH. "“Ambassador Bolton’s manuscript was submitted to the NSC for pre-publication review and has been under initial review by the NSC. No White House personnel outside NSC have reviewed the manuscript.”

So look at the list at #12 and see who in the WH is inside NSC. VP, Chief of staff, WH counsel, AG.... That includes among others Cipollone, aka one of Trump's chief defenders in the Senate.
Yeah, Bolton is crap too. All of them are. Trump surrounds himself with & breeds crap. Pure & simple.

There was a report that Bolton had an agreement drafted re conditions on getting a book review through proper channels at the WH, after he left, when he started @ the WH.
Bolton is an accomplice in my view. He was Nat. Security Director. He knew about 'the drug deal' and warned that it was all 'going to blow up on them'. So, why didn't he do the patriotic thing, the thing he took an oath to do and protect this democracy by coming forward with what he knew instead of merely trying to cash in on it with his book?

It seems clear he's trying to have it both ways, but that doesn't mean his information is bad. He told Trump directly he was making a mistake in Ukraine, and now he's going to deliver up the consequences in person. Trump made the wrong enemy this time, since Bolton is motivated by principle (wrongheaded principle, but still) with little interest in fame or money (or he'd already have it.)

I suppose this almost makes up for the Cold War never going hot, from Bolton's POV. He gets a legacy that skirts much of his decades of wasted aggression.

I imagine his version of heaven is an endless line of communists for him to bayonet, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan doing God's work.
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Most of them are part of the NSC, so it's easy for them to claim that. And guess who's Chairman of the NSC? Right.... Donald Trump.

So, the NSC is lying? :lamo
Thinking about it, it's just about the most supreme mobster gang that holds the power of the most dominate country in the world. Other countries look at the U.S. and are afraid. We're not the country they've emulated in the past. Now, we're just another banana republic basically, ruled by a handful of greedy men.
Agreed. But if we get rid of them in 2020, it can be seen as an experiment gone wrong. We've lost a great deal, but we can regain a fair amount of it back. But if we let Trump continue into another term, then we are inextricably linked to him. He is our identity.
It seems clear he's trying to have it both ways, but that doesn't mean his information is bad. He told Trump directly he was making a mistake in Ukraine, and now he's going to deliver up the consequences in person. Trump made the wrong enemy this time, since Bolton is motivated by principle (wrongheaded principle, but still) with little interest in fame or money (or he'd already have it.)

I suppose this almost makes up for the Cold War never going hot, from Bolton's POV. He gets a legacy that skirts much of his decades of wasted aggression.

I imagine his version of heaven is an endless lie of communists for him to bayonet, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan doing God's work.
Yep. Bolton is a despicable guy. Such a shame to have to rely on him holding the keys to the kingdom. But reality is what it is.
So, the NSC is lying?

No, the point is the NSC can be telling the truth, and a slew of WH insiders have seen the draft. You know who Cipollone is, right? He's one of Trump's defenders in the Senate. ON THE NSC. As are Mulvaney, Pence, and Barr, and Trump of course. All part of, inside, the NSC.
Stepping back a pace or more from the action, the probability remains that the Republican Senators will conclude, with perhaps one or two exceptions, that they personally are better served by President Donald Trump, rather than Vice President Michael Pence, being the Republican candidate for the 2020 election. What has been presented in evidence during the trial will become, like the evidence presented against then President William Clinton, documentation of wrong-doing not rising to the level of an impeachable offense.

The 2020 voters, then, will have to wrestle with some questions. One example:

Based upon all we know about him, will President Trump commit further acts which will rise eventually to an act considered by a Senate jury as impeachable? [Ed.: For those who find the answer to be 'yes', their vote will be one of political prophylaxis.]
So, the NSC is lying? :lamo

I'm not saying that every member of the NSC is involved in the coverup, the point that I'm trying to convey to you was addressing your comment:

The NSC says no one at the White House has access to the manuscript.

You said the NSC claims that no one at the WH has access to the manuscript and I'm pointing out to you how many of the players involved serve on the NSC.
No, the point is the NSC can be telling the truth, and a slew of WH insiders have seen the draft. You know who Cipollone is, right? He's one of Trump's defenders in the Senate. ON THE NSC. As are Mulvaney, Pence, and Barr, and Trump of course. All part of, inside, the NSC.
Exactly. The President and much of his cabinet, lawyer, & aides, are the NSC! :doh
Bolton is an accomplice in my view. He was Nat. Security Director. He knew about 'the drug deal' and warned that it was all 'going to blow up on them'. So, why didn't he do the patriotic thing, the thing he took an oath to do and protect this democracy by coming forward with what he knew instead of merely trying to cash in on it with his book?

We should ask James Comey. Maybe Bolton is answering to the very same higher loyalty Comey claims.
We should ask James Comey. Maybe Bolton is answering to the very same higher loyalty Comey claims.

Well that's a whole other thing that was in the Mueller report. The fact that Trump fired Comey to shut down the counterintelligence investigation on himself. He asked Don McGahn to do it and he refused. .... all part of the Mueller investigation. Another incidence of abuse of power by Trump.
Well that's a whole other thing that was in the Mueller report. The fact that Trump fired Comey to shut down the counterintelligence investigation on himself. He asked Don McGahn to do it and he refused. .... all part of the Mueller investigation. Another incidence of abuse of power by Trump.

Heh. That wasn't the point, but if railing about Trump makes you happy, have at it no matter what.
Heh. That wasn't the point, but if railing about Trump makes you happy, have at it no matter what.

No, it doesn't make me happy that I feel it's my obligation as a patriot to rail against Trump. But no worries, I'll never stop.
No, it doesn't make me happy that I feel it's my obligation as a patriot to rail against Trump. But no worries, I'll never stop.

Yes. We all can wrap ourselves in the flag. Some do it when it's convenient. True patriots do it when it isn't.
President of the United States of America Donald Trump may have a problem with Mr. Bolton's book. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Bolton's account may be a lie. But who is going to believe President Trump when he says it is?
Yes. We all can wrap ourselves in the flag. Some do it when it's convenient. True patriots do it when it isn't.

President of the United States of America Donald Trump may have a problem with Mr. Bolton's book. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Bolton's account may be a lie. But who is going to believe President Trump when he says it is?

Fiona Hill, former official at the U.S. National Security Council, testified that John Bolton was aware of what was going down and wanted no part of it. She said her boss, John Bolton, instructed her to tell lawyers she was not part of the "drug deal" Gordon Sonland and Mick Mulvaney were "cooking up."
Obama/Biden threatened to hold up funds to Ukraine until a specific action was taken. That's the textbook definition of a quid pro quo. Where were all these whining Democrats then?
Obama/Biden threatened to hold up funds to Ukraine until a specific action was taken. That's the textbook definition of a quid pro quo. Where were all these whining Democrats then?

Please elaborate with details, so we can all understand your analogy. Looks more like a vague factless deflection or projection.
Trump's cover up and witholding evidence from the American people and Democrats up to now has succeeded.
But when you treat you defenders with the same contempt and hide evidence from them, well Trump may have cooked his own goose.

Since the Bolton news broke, the White House has heard from Republican senators frustrated that they were kept in the dark when at least someone in the White House had the Bolton manuscript since the end of December, according to a source familiar with the conversations.

Let Bolton testify. He cannot say anything which will change the fact that Trump lawyers proved on the floor of the Senate today that democrats lied more than 400 times in their opening remarks by dishonestly defending the Biden's by lying about their crooked involvement with a crooked Ukrainian oligarch.
Please elaborate with details, so we can all understand your analogy. Looks more like a vague factless deflection or projection.

Biden gave you all the details, publicly. Go find the video of him running his trap.
Let Bolton testify. He cannot say anything which will change the fact that Trump lawyers proved on the floor of the Senate today that democrats lied more than 400 times in their opening remarks by dishonestly defending the Biden's by lying about their crooked involvement with a crooked Ukrainian oligarch.

Trump lawyers proved????????

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