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The Zimmerman case disintegrates (1 Viewer)

Now that the election's over, Zimmerman can no longer be used as America's first "White Hispanic" tool to drive ignorant Democrats to the polls.....

This was always entirely predictable.............
Nor does it make it true.
Now that the election's over, Zimmerman can no longer be used as America's first "White Hispanic" tool to drive ignorant Democrats to the polls.....

This was always entirely predictable.............

Why don't you do a fact check?

These are white Hispanics.. Hispanic is a language group NOT a color.
I see you can't answer a question:lol:
I see you do not understand the concept of answering a question with a question.
It is a time honored and valued tradition, especially when it fits as it does here.
When you answer the question you will have the answer to the one you asked.
I see you do not understand the concept of answering a question with a question.
It is a time honored and valued tradition, especially when it fits as it does here.
When you answer the question you will have the answer to the one you asked.

It is dodging the (my) question, simple:lol:
It is dodging the (my) question, simple:lol:
No it is not.
When you answer the question you also provide the answer to the question you asked.
I believe it is to plan for his escape. He has a cave set up where he will hibernate for a year and lose all that fat:lol:

He was so arrogant and happy in his celebrity.. with donations rolling in... bouncing up the stairs at the SPD the day after he shot Trayvon.. Look at his repulsively "cute" Hannity appearance.. and his "the real George Zimmerman thanks the masses" video. He's animated, pursing his lips, smiling, lisping...

Now look at him.. Its like the bottom of a long manic episode.
It would bother me if I killed a kid under any circumstances. Maybe George has a conscience?
It would bother me if I killed a kid under any circumstances. Maybe George has a conscience?

I know.. It would kill me too.

Maybe George does have a conscience.. but it sure took a long time to kick in.

OMara better get him to a psychiatrist.
Yes it is:lol:
No it is not.
Not one thing you can point out from that video is of any significance,
So it is meaningless and not a "Great" video about inconsistencies.

But it is a Great video showing what Traybot's think are inconsistencies, when in reality they are not. iLOL :doh

How does someone gain over 100 pounds in six months? I'd say George is in peril.
It is quite easy when you have to stay in and not go anywhere because of Traybots that want to make your life miserable.
No it is not.
Not one thing you can point out from that video is of any significance,
So it is meaningless and not a "Great" video about inconsistencies.

But it is a Great video showing what Traybot's think are inconsistencies, when in reality they are not. iLOL :doh

It is quite easy when you have to stay in and not go anywhere because of Traybots that want to make your life miserable.

George is able to go out from 6 AM until 6 PM and he is in a very safe place.. at a resort in Seminole County.
George is able to go out from 6 AM until 6 PM and he is in a very safe place.. at a resort in Seminole County.
Being allowed to and being able to do so without some Traybnot nut trying to interfere with you, is two different things.
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Being allowed to and being able to do so without some Traybnot nut trying to interfere with you, is two different things.

Traybot nut: Excuse me, where can I find the nearest gas station?

Zimmerman: *Click* *Click* *BOOM*

Zimmerman: Offischur, he was beatsing my head inshto teh grounds.
Being allowed to and being able to do so without some Traybnot nut trying to interfere with you, is two different things.

The resort is very safe... George is not in danger.. except from his caloric intake.

George is sick.. OMara needs to get him to the doctor.
The resort is very safe... George is not in danger.. except from his caloric intake.

George is sick.. OMara needs to get him to the doctor.
Stop with your usual absurdity.
You do not know that sharon. Period.
Provide a quote sharon.

I can't find it.. It was question and answer on the porch of the law firm yesterday. He also said George's weight would have to be explained to a jury.

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