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Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat (1 Viewer)

Lol. It isn’t a big deal. He did exactly what news agencies like CNN do all the time

“Hands up don’t shoot!”

So you're OK when the media lies? That's the conclusion we must draw.

And if the media lies, it's OK to send a message to your child that lies are OK, and when caught red handed with conclusive proof of your lies, telling everyone including your son that it was just a mistake is the right way to be a man of integrity?
I disagree. Given his behavior is not anything worse than CNN itself has engaged in in the past, he should show contrition right up to the same level CNN does.

But that's a stupid standard. Essentially you're arguing for society to strive for the lowest common denominator. He "should" do what the allegedly lying liars at the lying liar network CNN allegedly does....
Oh I think he's lying. I was simply making a point. the person I was quoting claimed he admitted to lying. he did not.

That's true - he was caught red handed fabricating an email, then lied about it being being unintentional. So he doesn't even have the integrity to own up to mistakes that can be proved definitively. What a sorry example for his son, who deserves better.
So you're OK when the media lies? That's the conclusion we must draw.

Yes. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. That is what liars do. Do you realize this is what the “media” HAS done since the dawn of newspapers and press? It hasn’t changed man. They have NEVER been beacons of honesty. They exist for ratings. They exist to sell news. Why is that so shocking to you?

And if the media lies, it's OK to send a message to your child that lies are OK, and when caught red handed with conclusive proof of your lies, telling everyone including your son that it was just a mistake is the right way to be a man of integrity?

Way to work up the melodrama. Spare me. I’m not shedding tears for cnn on this.
It's up to the professional media to stop it,

They DID stop it. CNN refuted everything from the first moment, and all you've got is moral relativism as your excuse.
Why not just own the fact that, for you, it's okay if Glen Haab does it, it's okay if Mike Cernovich does it, it's okay if the entire Trump administration does it, and it's okay if the Russians do it.

Just own your double standard. It's okay, we already know that you love standards so much that you have two of them.
Wrong. The Haabs lied. Nobody else. You can't water that down by trying to spread it around.

The Haabs lied, but with the assistance of Mike "Pizzagate" Cernovich.
The entire story grew legs because of Cernovich.
I keep telling people, if they want to see a civil war, then try to confiscate guns. The left really needs to pick its battles, and ask if it's really worth it.

Here we go again, talking up civil war as if you're a real soldier.
First off, no one's trying to confiscate guns from law abiding people, second...you're banging the drums of war, thinking it will scare people.
It's not going to scare anyone, and telegraphing only accomplishes one thing, it helps the other side prepare.
Keep humping that chicken.

In the end, after people on your side keep selling woof tickets long enough, it WILL be worth it.
there was the claim, you didn't see a word doc, you saw an image of a claimed word doc.

And other news orgs not CNN confirmed was a Word doc, edited by the lying dad. You asked for metadata, but that can be faked because you won't see the actual metadata, but an image that can be altered of what someone claimed was the metadata. Etc..

By the standard you were using, there is really nothing anywhere you can believe if it's not on video, which can be digitally altered to put words in people's mouths they never said. So, nothing. Maybe if you watched it live, but we all know eye witnesses 'see' things that didn't happen all the time. So in this world, there can be no proof, really, if you don't want to believe it.
That's false. There is plenty on the left that want to confiscate guns.

First off, there isn't plenty, secondly, the economic math is impossible, and the grownups know that, so in the end it still boils down to the fact that you're engaging in a massive circle jerk with the world's shiniest dog whistle.

Here we go again, talking up civil war as if you're a real soldier.
First off, no one's trying to confiscate guns from law abiding people, second...you're banging the drums of war, thinking it will scare people.
It's not going to scare anyone, and telegraphing only accomplishes one thing, it helps the other side prepare.
Keep humping that chicken.

In the end, after people on your side keep selling woof tickets long enough, it WILL be worth it.

These NRA Gun Nuts claim to be law abiding, but when they don't get their way they threaten "civil war"
When will you be going after CNN for their lies. They've lied for years, I don't remember you being around to criticize. If you don't believe they've lied, then you're just trolling Trump.

Giant pile of straw, deflection, moral relativism, whataboutism.

Yes. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. That is what liars do. Do you realize this is what the “media” HAS done since the dawn of newspapers and press? It hasn’t changed man. They have NEVER been beacons of honesty. They exist for ratings. They exist to sell news. Why is that so shocking to you?

OK, so you're not really OK with CNN lying to you, you're just not shocked it happens. Got it.

Bottom line is the argument you're using and others with CNN is the same one we all tried when we were kids and it didn't work then - "But MOM! He/she/They did it TOO!!" Every dang thread is now polluted with that stupid argument. Gets old.

Way to work up the melodrama. Spare me. I’m not shedding tears for cnn on this.

I wasn't aware shedding tears, or not, for CNN was the issue.
OK, so you're not really OK with CNN lying to you, you're just not shocked it happens. Got it.

Bottom line is the argument you're using and others with CNN is the same one we all tried when we were kids and it didn't work then - "But MOM! He/she/They did it TOO!!" Every dang thread is now polluted with that stupid argument. Gets old.

My response was more like the mothers. “Dont ge a tattle tale.”

Seriously. Though. This isn’t news. This is tit for tat responses that I’ve come to expect from the news and people who go on the news. I would say, for most people, turning OFF the news and ignoring it would be much healthier.

I wasn't aware shedding tears, or not, for CNN was the issue.

It kind of is. The whole point of the thread is that I’m supposed to be outraged someone lied. To the news. That lies.

I’m not. I don’t watch the news. They lie. See where I’m going here?
Sure there was, if you lie to me constantly, I have every right to view what you say and do with suspicion it too is a lie.

mmm, you must really be mad at Fox news. oh rev, even I have to laugh at that. anyhoo.

And no, there was some odd evidence that had no proof, which led me to lean towards he was lying,

Of course someone deleting something from an email is not proof of anything to you. Rev, the trick to having a perfectly good reason to edit an email to support a lie is to actually have a reason. But you got what all conservatives (and conservative like posters) need: delusional doubt. You haven't been given a reason but you cling to the possibility that it exists. That is what obedience looks like.

seems to me its just another example of a typical conservative lying to push his obedient agenda. But rev, there might be something that can even get through to you. Its a long shot I know but here goes. when confronted with the unedited email, the typical lying conservative said " wah wah CNN is trying to slander me".

Carlson said FNC had contacted CNN last week to verify Haab’s assertion and comment. CNN, Carlson said, sent FNC emails that did not match what the Haabs had given FNC. Contacted to discuss the inconsistency, the Haabs had told FNC “they were being slandered by CNN,” Carlson said.

Fox News Corrects Reports On Shooting Survivor Claiming CNN Scripted Town Hall | Deadline

Yea, in typical conservative world "here's the actual facts" is slander.
My response was more like the mothers. “Dont ge a tattle tale.”

Seriously. Though. This isn’t news. This is tit for tat responses that I’ve come to expect from the news and people who go on the news. I would say, for most people, turning OFF the news and ignoring it would be much healthier.

It kind of is. The whole point of the thread is that I’m supposed to be outraged someone lied. To the news. That lies.

I’m not. I don’t watch the news. They lie. See where I’m going here?

Sure you do.
Just own the fact that you've bought into the entire Trump fascist dog whistle:


Fastest way to destroy a democracy is by destroying the Fourth Estate.
Fastest way to ensure fascism, and/or fascist theocracy stays in power is to destroy the Fourth Estate.

How eager you are to be a fascist.
My response was more like the mothers. “Dont ge a tattle tale.”

Point is my dad and mom, and I bet yours too, couldn't have cared less if other kids _______ . I got in trouble for what I did, and bringing others into it just made my situation worse. It's tiring to have to battle that stupid excuse on every f'ing thread on DP these days.

And of course, whataboutism is that kid being a tattle tale.... Surprised you don't see that.

Seriously. Though. This isn’t news. This is tit for tat responses that I’ve come to expect from the news and people who go on the news. I would say, for most people, turning OFF the news and ignoring it would be much healthier.

I agree with that - on the average week I watch 0 minutes of news. Sometimes we turn it on at 5am to get local news, weather and local sports while we're getting ready to work out. But you're in this thread, so you don't get to say, "This topic I'm posting on 50 times today isn't worth worrying about....."

It kind of is. The whole point of the thread is that I’m supposed to be outraged someone lied. To the news. That lies.

I’m not. I don’t watch the news. They lie. See where I’m going here?

I got it. Everyone lies so when anyone lies you don't care because everyone does it, except presumably when you do care. It's a good philosophy you can conjure up whenever you have to dismiss anyone's lies that might make your political stances uncomfortable, or not, on an as needed kind of thing.

As the church lady says, "How convenient."
No, in the beginning there were two actors, one was an unknown, the other CNN had a history of lying. That's fact, not personal feelings. so I didn't take sides but pointed out why at least one side should be taken with suspicion. Haab is a bump in the road. CNN will continue long after you forget who haab is.

Apparently, Glenn Haab hated CNN enough to lie about them on national tv.

I feel sorry for his son and the horrible example he set for him.
These NRA Gun Nuts claim to be law abiding, but when they don't get their way they threaten "civil war"

Really? When did that happen?
Gosh NRA types never threaten violence...Sure.....That is all theses paranoid lunatics babble about...Got get my guns to fight the Gubber-Mint....

So really you have nothing. But do look at Venezuela some time, and see if that's the kind of country you want. I find your notions a bit ironic given your avatar.

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