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Partisan Hate Is Becoming a National Crisis (1 Viewer)

Excuse me? The entire Third Way branch of the Dems consisted of Democrats embracing GOP ideas.
It's entertaining to see you pretend that never existed.

You failed.
WOW - the ENTIRE Third Way!! What's that comprise? A couple of dozen backbenchers? :lamo
They made a DIRECT QUOTE, would you prefer I pull up the VIDEO so you can see and hear him say it instead? So much for your whiny attack on HuffPost. Other outlets covered the exact same story, by the way.
Mourdock's comment dovetails with the prevailing mindset of the GOP today, the GOP ever since Newt Gingrich and Denny Hastert, in fact.

Because for you, it should be like looking in a mirror.

A few posts back I ASKED, what would you expect Obama to do when LOCKED OUT by record filibusters and obstructionism.
You want to play dumb on McConnell, I see...

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”

Before the health care fight, before the economic stimulus package, before President Obama even took office, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, had a strategy for his party: use his extensive knowledge of Senate procedure to slow things down, take advantage of the difficulties Democrats would have in governing and deny Democrats any Republican support on big legislation.
Republicans embraced it. Democrats denounced it as rank obstructionism. Either way, it has led the two parties, as much as any other factor, to where they are right now.

"They met on the night that he was sworn-in, and took a blood oath to each other that they would be obstacles to [Obama's] administration," Clyburn maintained. "They set out to do so in a way that demonstrates the ultimate in disloyalty to the country."
Assistant Democratic Leader Clyburn, added, "Every attempt by President Obama has made to 'light a candle' to help show the way for progress, for opportunity, for bringing us out of the darkness of the great recession that we just experienced, he had seen those candles, those flames blown out time and time again by these Republicans," Clyburn charged. "And then they have stood on the sidelines cursing the darkness."

So yes, Obama had a pen and a phone, and that is pretty much ALL he HAD because there was NO BIPARTISANSHIP, and you damn well know it.

But go ahead and play dumb.

As I said, I don't give a crap who Richard Mourdock is. Only you and Huffington Post give a crap who he is. I never even heard of him. He doesn't represent the right. And, as I said, every party wants the opposing president to be a one term president. Is this really Earth shattering news? Will you go on record now as saying that you favor bipartisanship and want Trump to be a two term president? Will any Democratic politician go on record as saying they want Trump to be a two term president? The McConnell argument is ridiculous. Of course he wanted Obama to be a one term president just as every one of you want Trump to be a one term president. That's not not being bipartisan. Your ridiculousness knows no bounds.
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Not "anytime", he says some dumb **** seriously as well - as have most Presidents. But some of us DO have a better developed understanding of English, including the use of hyperbole, cynicism, and sarcasm.

Some of us aren’t so easily fooled or forgiving.

But, just because I hate Trump didn’t mean everything he has done has been bad. He was right about Amazon and he was right about the Trans Pacific Partnership. I don’t think he was wrong about what he said our problems are in this country either. The problem is his solutions aren’t solutions.

Normal people are concerned by Trump's carefree freedom to do what he thinks is right in spite of the Constitution.

Leftists who imagine the Constitution gives murderers the right to kill unborn babies for convenience do not know anything about just and right interpretations of the Constitution. Of course leftist democrats accuse Trump of violating the Constitution. That is because they hate Trump and say all kinds of stupid evil things about him which are not true.
Should probably add in spite of leftist Republican opposition as well.

While I don't agree with Moore on much, I do think that he did get at least this part right.

Is it really surprising that the establishment elite Republicans oppose Trump as well?

Trump didn't cause all this hate, he revealed other's their hate for the common man, the hate of the political elite for the non-political elite.

There is war in heaven between good and evil. The war rages on earth as well. We see evil men and women in both political parties, so it should not surprise us when Congress reaches stalemates between the right and wrong on so many issues.
There is war in heaven between good and evil. The war rages on earth as well. We see evil men and women in both political parties, so it should not surprise us when Congress reaches stalemates between the right and wrong on so many issues.

Well, when an entire industry is created by a fat slob from St. Louis that made millions making up bull**** every day that was lapped up by morons what else can you expect? You want to blame someone? Rush Limbaugh. He created an entire industry of hate.
Too late; partisan hate started right after Trump's election ,

Well that's certainly not true. There was a huge amount of partisan hate when a black man was elected POTUS.

That hate is literally one of the main factors that got Trump, leader of the most visible facet of that hate, the Birther Movement, elected POTUS.
Well that's certainly not true. There was a huge amount of partisan hate when a black man was elected POTUS.
That hate is literally one of the main factors that got Trump, leader of the most visible facet of that hate, the Birther Movement, elected POTUS.

Oh really?!? And how did that partisan hate manifest itself?

Congress members boycotted his inauguration?
People in the streets where wailing?
Protest marches on a monthly basis?
Members of Obama's administration were kicked out of restaurants?
Republican congress members called for public harassment of Obama's administration?
Obama-supporting speakers were kicked out of colleges/universities?
Protests and riots ensued when Obama supporters showed up in college campuses?
Politician running for representative called Obama a MF?
Obama supporters were openly attacked and injured?

... and so on and so forth.

Yeah, sure, that was a huge amount of partisan hate when a black man got elected Potus. /s
Leftists who imagine the Constitution gives murderers the right to kill unborn babies for convenience do not know anything about just and right interpretations of the Constitution. Of course leftist democrats accuse Trump of violating the Constitution. That is because they hate Trump and say all kinds of stupid evil things about him which are not true.

There are no unborn babies. You really need to learn this truth. What 'stupid evil things' do the left say about Trump that is not true. We know it is true he begged Marla Maples to abort his very own daughter Tiffany. Do you consider this fact about Trump to be evil ?
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What did he do? Oh yeah, I forgot. Trump may have broken this law. He could have broken that law. He possibly broke this law. It looks like Trump broke that law. He might have broken this other law. It's the left's TDS wishful fantasy thinking for purely partisan politics.

Who are you talking to with this juvenile rambling?

Trump has done plenty of controversial things other than win the election with substantial and proven help of his beloved Russia. Denying that is stupid. Are you?
As soon as Trump comes clean and confesses to his crimes. We won't give up on the rule of law....ever. Because without is we have no country.


Idiot leftists have already admitted that even if/when the Mueller report shows that the entire Russian collusion thing was, is and always has been bull**** they will never accept that finding and will simply start new investigations. Your comments are pathetic and meaningless. You are committed to your blind hatred and the facts wont sway any of that. Hell...we have several ongoing discussions right now about the lies leftists spew about race and racism...and even though it is CLEAR and OBVIOUS the leftist rhetoric is a lie, they continue to spew it regardless of the facts.

You are 100%. Bought. Sold. Paid for. All in.

And the worst part is....I'm pretty sure you KN)W it and cling to it anyway. And THATS just ****ing sad.
Oh really?!? And how did that partisan hate manifest itself?

Congress members boycotted his inauguration?
People in the streets where wailing?
Protest marches on a monthly basis?
Members of Obama's administration were kicked out of restaurants?
Republican congress members called for public harassment of Obama's administration?
Obama-supporting speakers were kicked out of colleges/universities?
Protests and riots ensued when Obama supporters showed up in college campuses?
Politician running for representative called Obama a MF?
Obama supporters were openly attacked and injured?

... and so on and so forth.

Yeah, sure, that was a huge amount of partisan hate when a black man got elected Potus. /s

Versus an entire media apparatus that was invented solely to sew lies and hatred. That is what Fox News was designed to do.
Who are you talking to with this juvenile rambling?

Trump has done plenty of controversial things other than win the election with substantial and proven help of his beloved Russia. Denying that is stupid. Are you?

Every president does controversial things and every president is attacked by the opposing party. What else is new?

Idiot leftists have already admitted that even if/when the Mueller report shows that the entire Russian collusion thing was, is and always has been bull**** they will never accept that finding and will simply start new investigations. Your comments are pathetic and meaningless. You are committed to your blind hatred and the facts wont sway any of that. Hell...we have several ongoing discussions right now about the lies leftists spew about race and racism...and even though it is CLEAR and OBVIOUS the leftist rhetoric is a lie, they continue to spew it regardless of the facts.

You are 100%. Bought. Sold. Paid for. All in.

And the worst part is....I'm pretty sure you KN)W it and cling to it anyway. And THATS just ****ing sad.

LOL Taking Putin's line did not work for Trump and it certainly does not work for you. Unlike you or Trump I accept the findings of our intelligence agencies and know that Putin is the liar....Comrade.
LOL Taking Putin's line did not work for Trump and it certainly does not work for you. Unlike you or Trump I accept the findings of our intelligence agencies and know that Putin is a huge liar.

You have been ****ed by the rat party....twice...using the same boogeyman. The question is not did it happen...it did. The question is are you smart enough to know it, and if so...did you take it and like or are you are least a little bit salty about the fact that they know they can **** you so easily and you will take it?

You have been ****ed by the rat party....twice...using the same boogeyman. The question is not did it happen...it did. The question is are you smart enough to know it, and if so...did you take it and like or are you are least a little bit salty about the fact that they know they can **** you so easily and you will take it?

Do you get your news exclusively from Faux News and RT?
Every president does controversial things and every president is attacked by the opposing party. What else is new?

So nothing matters? That's your lack of ethics showing.
Do you get your news exclusively from Faux News and RT?


The videos are from CNN, CSPAN, CSPAN, CNN again, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and The Young Turks.

Do you ever get tired of making yourself look stupid?

So nothing matters? That's your lack of ethics showing.

What has Trump done that is so egregious? Of course the left don't like conservative policies, just like the conservatives don't like liberal policies. Oh yeah, I forgot. Trump might have done this. Trump could have done that. It's possible Trump did this. Maybe Trump did that.

The videos are from CNN, CSPAN, CSPAN, CNN again, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and The Young Turks.

Do you ever get tired of making yourself look stupid?


I get tired of a President who make the U.S look stupid. Trump is mentally ill as well as being Putin's puppet. His weekend tweet storm was insane.

When you think of it that way, what we witnessed on Sunday is somewhere between concerning and absolutely terrifying. The most powerful man in the country -- and maybe the world -- spent his day touting unproven conspiracy theories about stolen elections, suggesting collusion between Democrats and comedians, attacking a military hero and Republican senator, and trying to program his favorite cable network's broadcasts. And he did all of this while failing to send even a single tweet about the tragic mass shooting in New Zealand.
George Conway, the husband of White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway, tweeted an image to the diagnosis for "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" and said bluntly of Trump: "His condition is getting worse." Brian Klass, a political scientist at UCL, was slightly more expansive: "We have a seriously dangerous normalcy bias, where we move on because we desperately want to pretend it's okay. Trump's Twitter meltdown today—which shows a deranged and unhinged person—will just be forgotten by Monday afternoon. But the deranged man will still control the nukes."

Donald Trump's craziest day ever on Twitter - CNNPolitics
Bull****. You would be ****ting yourself right now over president Cruz. Or President Rubio. Or ANYONE not named Hillary.

Wrong. GW Bush was a terrible President who I would gladly accept as a replacement for the mentally ill Manchurian Candidate that Putin helped elect to destroy this country.
What has Trump done that is so egregious?

That you claim not to know of any behavior of Donal Trump's, that should be checked by his "base", is enough for me, to evidence the absurdity of your position.
Wrong. GW Bush was a terrible President who I would gladly accept as a replacement for the mentally ill Manchurian Candidate that Putin helped elect to destroy this country.
If this were 2000 you would be as unhinged over Bush as you are over Trump. You and others are completely...totally...mindlessly filled with hatred and have been for three years. Its all that drives you. Its not that you didnt hate Bush...you did. Its that you were quite as far gone as you are now. Today...you eat **** for the rat party and smile. They ****ed you over with Bernie and Hillary and you took it. You watched Obama give Medvedev a hand job and make promises to Putin and you smile about it. You lapped up Obama and the rat parties comments about Romney actually finding Russia an enemy and used that for fuel in the polls. And when the rats corruption got exposed via their email dump, they sold you a line of bull**** about Russia to avoid answering fr their corruption and you swallowed it and begged for seconds. Even now, you dont consider the economy, the markets, unemployment, growth, national security, decreased risk..any metrics that should matter with regard to the country and success of a nation. No...you are still warped by your hatred. It is simply all you have. You are and have been in one long perpetual...


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