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Obama remains only President to record trillion-dollar deficits! (1 Viewer)

You are obviously ignorant of the fact that not a single proposed budget by any President has ever passed Congress. Not one. The only voice a President has is with his veto authority, and that assumes the bill isn't passed with a veto-proof majority. Which they have been in Trump's case. Congress also passed 6 of the 8 budgets under Obama with veto-proof majorities, and 5 of the 8 budgets under Bush43.

The House originates all appropriations, not Presidents. You are embarrassing yourself with your lack of civics education.
You're embarrassing YOURSELF with your insulting and demeaning language particular when it's backed by a junior high school level of economic knowledge. The President's budget serves as a basic for the House and Senate to write budget memoranda which are used as a basis for joint reconciliation meetings. The White House works closely with both houses during this process.
I agree, it was the slowest recovery since WWII. It was also the start of the longest period of sustained economic growth in our nation's history. Run down Obama's GDP numbers? Read what djt claimed (At a Cabinet meeting Wednesday, Trump told reporters he's holding out for the prospect of U.S. gross domestic product more than doubling to a 6 percent annual growth rate), compare it to facts, and tell me again how his GDP is doing now.
So what? Trump is known for exaggeration. An economy creeping along at 2% for 8 years is nothing to brag about. With little growth or enthusiasm there was little chance of bubbles that could lead to downturns.
So what? Trump is known for exaggeration. An economy creeping along at 2% for 8 years is nothing to brag about. With little growth or enthusiasm there was little chance of bubbles that could lead to downturns.

Nonsense...nuff said
That's true; because of timing of certain payments and receipts resulted in a deficit slightly over a trillion. However, as the CBO reported the deficit for the entire fiscal year ended up below one trillion.

$999 Billion may as well be $1 Trillion. Your joyful rampage is totally unwarranted. Look at the closing deficit of Obama. Pathetic performance by the Republicans and Trump - the fiscally irresponsible Party.

So what? Trump is known for exaggeration. An economy creeping along at 2% for 8 years is nothing to brag about. With little growth or enthusiasm there was little chance of bubbles that could lead to downturns.

So Trump inherits a robust economy, skyrockets the deficit, while giving billionaires tax breaks.
So Trump inherits a robust economy, skyrockets the deficit, while giving billionaires tax breaks.
LOL. A "robust economy" - An economy sputtering along a 1.6% GDP grown is robust? Maybe you forgot that no less an economic guru than Obama TOLD us slow growth was the "new normal" and that manufacturing jobs were lost forever.
$999 Billion may as well be $1 Trillion. Your joyful rampage is totally unwarranted. Look at the closing deficit of Obama. Pathetic performance by the Republicans and Trump - the fiscally irresponsible Party.

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Keep trying! Fact STILL IS that even before Trump was elected your propaganda industry was predicting Trump's policies would create a 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit and an economic crash. You missed by over $"500 billion"; my "joyful rampage" is TOTALLY warranted. :cool:

Interestingly, the CBO, a few years ago predicted that deficits would start moving back towards trillion-dollar levels. This was under Obama's economy. Funny no one made a big deal of that.
Suit yourself. Not the only thing you're delusional about.
Says the person who argued taking in less money in taxes means you get more money in taxes.
Says the person who argued taking in less money in taxes means you get more money in taxes.
I didn't ask for more examples of your delusional thinking. But thanks for the chuckle.
Keep trying! Fact STILL IS that even before Trump was elected your propaganda industry was predicting Trump's policies would create a 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit and an economic crash. You missed by over $"500 billion"; my "joyful rampage" is TOTALLY warranted. :cool:

Interestingly, the CBO, a few years ago predicted that deficits would start moving back towards trillion-dollar levels. This was under Obama's economy. Funny no one made a big deal of that.

If a Democratic president skyrocketed the deficit like Trump, you'd be screaming "bloody murder".
Nope, not at all.
You keep replying to me, but not about the topic of the thread. Which goes to show your refusal to respond had nothing to do with attitude, but rather the fact I was exposing the stupidity of your argument.

As I said earlier, I accept your surrender.
Tell that to Japan and their "lost decade." The Great Deficit started in 1929. We didn't recover until after WWII--1945.

You know what helped us recover from the Great Deficit? Massive government stimulus.

And...during the year where Roosevelt dialed back the stimulus (1937 - thanks to pressure from the Republicans in Congress) the Depression started to come BACK a little, till he re-dialed the stimulus back up again.


If Obama had done what Republicans wanted him to do--austerity--we would have double dipped.

As proven by the actions of both Congress AND the Fed in the dipped years 1937-38.

Regardless, your claim that economies always bounce back is nonsense. Moreover, when Obama left we were down to 4.7% unemployment wich is 1% off record lows. We also had the longest streak of job growth in history at the time. Was that destined to happen too?

The reality is Obama is a moderate. He supported saving the banks and supported helping the auto industry. The stimulus worked.

And it continued to work until Trump whipped out his Obama EO Eraser Pen.
But you'll never get stock market watchers to even comprehend that because they don't care about Main Street, they only care about Wall Street.

Funniest part of it all is the fact that Trump decided to do a mini-version of Obama when he bailed out the farmers.
Too bad 90 percent of the bailout money went to the big corporate owned farms, and not the family farms.

They're still stuck in a hole thanks to Trump's trade war with China, who now buys soybeans from Russia instead.
You keep replying to me, but not about the topic of the thread. Which goes to show your refusal to respond had nothing to do with attitude, but rather the fact I was exposing the stupidity of your argument.

As I said earlier, I accept your surrender.
And what part of this post is about the topic of the thread?
And what part of this post is about the topic of the thread?
I never said I was going to stop replying to you. :shrug:

You said you weren't replying anymore, after it became clear how ridiculous your position was. Now you keep replying, just not about the topic of the thread...because, again, it's obvious how stupid your position was.

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