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NHL Teams Rangers, Blackhawks, Wild Refuse To Wear Gay Pride Jerseys (1 Viewer)

Should NHL plyrs who refuse to wear Pride jerseys be fined/disciplined?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters


USN Veteran
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2019
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Political Leaning
The NHL Chicago Blackhawks announced yesterday that they’re scrapping plans for players to wear rainbow spangled on Sunday's Pride Night.

Other NHL teams have refused to wear Gay Pride jerseys as well; The NY Rangers and Minnesota Wild have also refused to wear Pride jerseys.

Should NHL players who refuse to wear Gay Pride jerseys be fined or disciplined by the league?

Some argue that while the hockey players are on the ice, they should wear whatever jerseys the franchise owners tell them to. Others argue it is a freedom of speech/freedom of religion issue, and players have a right to refuse to wear the Pride jerseys.
Link wasn't provided so I found one:

The NHL Chicago Blackhawks announced yesterday that they’re scrapping plans for players to wear rainbow spangled on Sunday's Pride Night.

Other NHL teams have refused to wear Gay Pride jerseys as well; The NY Rangers and Minnesota Wild have also refused to wear Pride jerseys.

Should NHL players who refuse to wear Gay Pride jerseys be fined or disciplined by the league?

Some argue that while the hockey players are on the ice, they should wear whatever jerseys the franchise owners tell them to. Others argue it is a freedom of speech/freedom of religion issue, and players have a right to refuse to wear the Pride jerseys.
The story is about players who refuse and have no consequences. In one case the coach expressed admiration for players who refused to wear the 'pride' jersey for religious reasons.
So this is not an issue.
The story is about players who refuse and have no consequences. In one case the coach expressed admiration for players who refused to wear the 'pride' jersey for religious reasons.
So this is not an issue.
From what I am reading the league has no intention of disciplining anyone for refusing to participate. The fear of reprisal for Russian players and/or their families as one reason for doing so is a sad testement to that oppressive regime's reach.
The story is about players who refuse and have no consequences. In one case the coach expressed admiration for players who refused to wear the 'pride' jersey for religious reasons.
So this is not an issue.
In the U.S., Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are protected under the same Amendment.

Some NHL players have cited the First Amendment as a reason for their decision not to wear the Pride jersey.
In the U.S., Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are protected under the same Amendment.

Some NHL players have used the First Amendment as a reason for their decision not to wear the Pride jersey.
Uh, okay.
So what's the thread about?
Uh, okay.
So what's the thread about?
The Fringe right dishonest messaging agenda:
  1. Erode U.S. citizen support for Ukraine
  2. Minimize the violence of J6.
  3. Demonize LGTBQ people.
  4. Demonize immigrants and minorities
  5. Push/claim Biden has dementia.
  6. Promote Trump as an innocent, good man.
  7. Avoid/derail firearms legislation
  8. Promote distrust in our voting system.
They wanna be pissy about it. Whatevs…
In the U.S., Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are protected under the same Amendment.

Some NHL players have cited the First Amendment as a reason for their decision not to wear the Pride jersey.
Doesn't apply to privately owned entities like hockey teams.
From what I am reading the league has no intention of disciplining anyone for refusing to participate. The fear of reprisal for Russian players and/or their families as one reason for doing so is a sad testement to that oppressive regime's reach.
And in Florida the Russian goalie wore the jersey but the Staal brothers refused, for religious reasons. And the coach expressed admiration for them for it.
It's a non-issue.
And in Florida the Russian goalie wore the jersey but the Staal brothers refused, for religious reasons. And the coach expressed admiration for them for it.
It's a non-issue.
It does seem to be seeking outrage to joust against where none exists.
What's their contract say?

Answer that, and you end this debate.
It's not an issue. Are you just trolling for an argument about an imaginary scenario?
No. Is a very simple question:

Should NHL players who refuse to wear Gay Pride jerseys be fined or disciplined by the league?

There is no need for you to accuse people of trolling. The poll is anonymous so people can be honest with their answer.
The Fringe right dishonest messaging agenda:
  1. Erode U.S. citizen support for Ukraine
  2. Minimize the violence of J6.
  3. Demonize LGTBQ people.
  4. Demonize immigrants and minorities
  5. Push/claim Biden has dementia.
  6. Promote Trump as an innocent, good man.
  7. Avoid/derail firearms legislation
  8. Promote distrust in our voting system.
Certainly right wing media's agenda. This list reads like a buffet line for Tucker's programming staff.
No. Is a very simple question:

Should NHL players who refuse to wear Gay Pride jerseys be fined or disciplined by the league?

There is no need for you to accuse people of trolling. The poll is anonymous so people can be honest with their answer.
Should NBA teams be allowed to punish players for refusing to wear 'BLM' on their jerseys?
Should baseball teams be allowed to punish players who refuse to wear Ukrainian flag patches?
Should the PGA be allowed to penalize players who refuse to wear 'MAGA' on their shirts?

edit- in the cases where the team decided to not wear the 'pride' emblem, should they punish individual players who decide they will wear it?
Last edited:
Certainly right wing media's agenda. This list reads like a buffet line for Tucker's programming staff.
Sorry...but not everyone feels the need to go out and support your lifestyle choice. It doesnt mean you arent still free to live as you choose and be 'proud' of yourself.
The NHL Chicago Blackhawks announced yesterday that they’re scrapping plans for players to wear rainbow spangled on Sunday's Pride Night.

Other NHL teams have refused to wear Gay Pride jerseys as well; The NY Rangers and Minnesota Wild have also refused to wear Pride jerseys.

Should NHL players who refuse to wear Gay Pride jerseys be fined or disciplined by the league?

Some argue that while the hockey players are on the ice, they should wear whatever jerseys the franchise owners tell them to. Others argue it is a freedom of speech/freedom of religion issue, and players have a right to refuse to wear the Pride jerseys.

You conveniently left out a big part of the story.

An NHL team with a Russian player has decided against wearing special warmup jerseys to commemorate Pride night, citing an anti-gay Kremlin law that could imperil Russian athletes when they return home.

This was about being pro-player-safety, not anti-gay. Nice try though. :)
It does seem to be seeking outrage to joust against where none exists.
In a couple cases the team decided to not put the pride patch on their warm-up jerseys. I wonder if the right would support the free speech rights of players who defied the team and wore the patch.
if they're Russian and they have a higher chance of falling out of a window (for wearing a gay pride jersey here) then i don't blame them for protecting themselves and their families.
Link wasn't provided so I found one:

DAMN, there is context. The way the OP was written, the context and the story behind the story is missing. Maybe trying to create a misleading narrative? Wouldn't surprise me.

If they do not want to wear those jerseys, then they should not.

They are announcing to the world their view on gay love, and they will presumably accept any consequences gracefully.

It reminds me of those football players who refused to kneel. They also faced consequences.

No doubt some hockey players wore those jerseys and some football players kneeled because they were afraid not to do so. The words "homophobe" and "racist" are powerful in this society.

We should not judge anyone else.

Each human does what s/he feels is in her/his own best interest.
You conveniently left out a big part of the story.

This was about being pro-player-safety, not anti-gay. Nice try though. :)
Nobody said anything about anti-gay.

This is about freedom of religion freedom of speech. This is also about the right of franchise owners to require their players to wear the uniform they provide while the player is on the playing field (or ice, in this case).

The story I saw on TV showed a news conference and some of the players said that wearing the Pride jersey went against their religious principles.

The poll question is valid because there are different views about what should be required of pro athletes while they are on the playing field.

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