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It’s ‘very gold’: The presidential coin undergoes a Trumpian makeover (1 Viewer)

Lol i think the coin is awesome. Its bery Trump. It goes to show how ontop of things he is, down to every last detail. I would be proud to receive one.

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Don't get ahead of yourself on the Russian conspiracy/obstruction/Logan Act/money laundering front. You're being very premature. The fat lady hasn't sung yet. Flynn still has the microphone.

Really should have a show- Felony, Flipped or Not? The Transition Team members is a gold mine to choose from.
MC'd by Mueller and Friends, with guest appearances by the Flippers - Flynn and who is next to flip?
Need a theme song though.
Nor do his many sycophants know any bounds. It really is embarrassing anymore to be a US citizen with such a government.
He only picks the best - sycophants that is.
I would exclude Mattis.
Its a beautiful coin.I will be proud to own one.It should say on the coin somewhere"In Trump We Trust"
No, it is about his ego and need to be fawned upon.


Ahh yes the double standard of the left.
How many speeches did we hear about how great Obamacare was and how it was going to help everyone.
Still waiting in my 2,100 dollar reduction still haven't seen it.

I will see a tax reduction sweet.
Nor do his many sycophants know any bounds. It really is embarrassing anymore to be a US citizen with such a government.

Yes the leftist media is making it embarrassing.
TDS in general is making it embarrassing.
Yes the leftist media is making it embarrassing.
TDS in general is making it embarrassing.

All MSM is making it embarrassing.

Should have Mar-a-Lago on one side and a golf cart on the other.

Or how about a pic of the Access Hollywood Bus, the ***** grabbing mobile, making America great again with each grope? Perhaps Trump can do a joint tour with his fellow perv Moore.
Ahh yes the double standard of the left.
How many speeches did we hear about how great Obamacare was and how it was going to help everyone.
Still waiting in my 2,100 dollar reduction still haven't seen it.

I will see a tax reduction sweet.

Hint, the year is????????????????
Who is President????????????????
Hint, the year is????????????????
Who is President????????????????

Trying being consistent in your argument might give more weight.
Try staying with the OP.

I am simply pointing out your faux outrage.
Every president that has been able to has made speeches or have had
Speeches made about major legislation that they have passed.

I guess they were feeding their own egos as well.


  • obama_press_conference_with_seal.jpg
    31.6 KB · Views: 24
Hint, the year is????????????????
Who is President????????????????

I'm going to save this post for the next you invade a thread with "but...but...Truuuuuuump"
At least he didn't create his own seal for The Office of The President Elect.

Before you post this stuff, you oughta make sure that Obama didn't alreasy something stupid. :lamo

Yeah that is really bad. Keep on digging.
I am simply pointing out your faux outrage.
Every president that has been able to has made speeches or have had
Speeches made about major legislation that they have passed.

I guess they were feeding their own egos as well.

WTH does the ACA have to do with this? Nothing.
WTH does the ACA have to do with this? Nothing.

All the grandiose speeches that were made about it absolutely are.
Again your I am simply calling out your TDS faux outrage.

Again all presidents have given and had speeches made about major legislative
Passing. It is nothing unusual or out of the norm, but it was trump so it is bad.

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