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"Countries With Stricter Gun Laws Have Less Murders" (1 Viewer)

School shootings are extremely rare. They average about 12 deaths per year. If you really cared about gun violence you would focus on the inner city Democrats who have shootouts in the streets every single day. Thousands and thousands of deaths, but instead you bring up school shootings. Please explain how stricter background checks are going to apply to inner city Democrats.

Sigh... any school shooting is one too many. You are being a good GOPer by downplaying Sandy Hook and others... congrats. As for violence in inner cities.. has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans other than both parties are doing nothing about the poverty and inequality of American society that causes the violence and crime. At least with the Dems they try to help, where as the GOP only want to feed the private prison system with people of colour.

You don't need a drivers license to own a car, and drivers licenses in general show that licensing schemes do nothing for public safety. I see idiot drivers on the road every single time I go out.

Yes you do.. no drivers license, no insurance and hence no car... You get caught driving with out a license and insurance and god forgive kill someone.. oh boy.
Nope, the comparison is not fair. The European West has a far less murder rate than cowboy America.
Each one of those countries have far smaller populations than the U.S., do not share the same history, and are mostly ethnically homogeneous, which means their citizens get along with each other better due to less tribalism, among other factors. Their citizens also do not enjoy all the same freedoms we do. Funny how so many more people still emigrate to the U.S. rather than Germany, Norway, France, etc......but the U.S. is such a DANGEROUS country! It's like the wild west out here! Not.
Each one of those countries have far smaller populations than the U.S., do not share the same history, and are mostly ethnically homogeneous, which means their citizens get along with each other better due to less tribalism, among other factors. Their citizens also do not enjoy all the same freedoms we do. Funny how so many more people still emigrate to the U.S. rather than Germany, Norway, France, etc......but the U.S. is such a DANGEROUS country! It's like the wild west out here! Not.

Those are assertions without any evidence. Your tribalism argument ignores the difficulties in France and Sweden or Eastern Europe, for that matter.

Maidenrules29 has show she does not understand the argument or the rules that govern it.
South Africa has hosted the Olympics and the World cup. Not exactly a third world or undeveloped country.....

So has Mexico

And I'd call Mexico an underdeveloped country...and in what year did South Africa host the Olympics because I don't think they ever have.

Is Brazil a fair comparison to the U.S. or is it not a "western" country either? How about Mexico? VERY strict gun control yet murder is out of control.....

IMO, neither Mexico nor Brazil are Western or developed countries and awkwardly straddle the third world.
Why should I compare the USA to another western country? The gun banning crowd is always comparing the USA to countries such as the UK, Australia, and Japan and they're not western countries.

To get a reasonable comparison.

It's what you might call a "peer" country.

Similar culture etc
They wouldn't get their guns from Walmart or Joe's Gun Shop, they would get them from illegal sources.

Which is where they get them now.

Passing or enforcing laws on legal gun possessors accomplishes nothing.
I'll let you in on a secret, all laws are people control laws.

No they're not. Laws against murder or robbery do not control people, they exist to punish criminals. How are you "controlled" by a law against murder?

Because of similar culture etc.

The US doesn't have a monolithic culture. A small town in Kansas is going to have a vastly different culture than that of a city like Detroit, where Democrats are having regular shootouts in broad daylight.
No they're not. Laws against murder or robbery do not control people....

I think they do, they stop people from killing or stealing with the threat of punishment if they do and are caught
Granted there are some people who are not deterred by these punishments

Are you not aware of examples of when law enforcement was not present, what citizens have done ?

The US doesn't have a monolithic culture. A small town in Kansas is going to have a vastly different culture than that of a city like Detroit, where Democrats are having regular shootouts in broad daylight.

No, they have a similar culture.

The rule of law, crime and punishment etc....
Are you not aware of examples of when law enforcement was not present, what citizens have done?

Yes, they enforced rights privately. We have real historical examples of what they did:

Robot Check


Robot Check

Government isn't the only source of law, nor is it a very good source of law.

No, they have a similar culture. The rule of law, crime and punishment etc....

Then you mean similar legal institutions, not culture.
Yes, they enforced rights privately. We have real historical examples of what they did:

Government isn't the only source of law, nor is it a very good source of law.

Yes government is the only source of law.

And when law enforcement is absent, crime - including murder and robbery sky rocket
Why do you think that is ?

Then you mean similar legal institutions, not culture.

Similar legal institutions is part of the culture

And shared attitudes to the law



Common values.
How? I've owned, possessed, shot, analyzed firearms legally for 70 years. Not one has ever acted illegally.

It's a good thing gun laws apply to people not guns. We dont put guns in jail
No one is taking gun rights away.. most people just want simple background checks and regulations that dont put the guns in the hands of wack jobs that will go out and shoot up an elementary school.

It is amazing that you need a drivers license to own and drive a car, but guns.. naw no checks needed there! You need to be 21 to drink in the US, but buy a gun.. naw no problem young 12 year old. American priorities are absolutely ****ed up.
You don't really understand much if anything about gun laws in the USA and you're embarrassing yourself with such a post. In the USA we do have background checks when you buy a gun and one of the things that is checked is whether or not you're a wack job. The background check covers whether or not you're a convicted felon, if you have a history of mental illness, if you use illegal substances, and other such stuff as to whether or not you're a dangerous person.

In the USA you don't need a drivers license to own a car, you only need the license if you drive your car on public roads. You certainly cannot buy a gun at twelve, I don't know where you got that crazy idea but you have to be 18 to buy long guns and 21 to buy handguns although I think the handgun age should be 18 but that is a topic for another discussion. Anyway, your post shows just how ignorant you are on the gun laws of the USA.
aociswundumho is either silly in the head or malignantly motivated. (1) Driver licensing does work. (2)Right wing violence is greater than left wing violence.
Right wing violence is greater than left wing violence? Yeah right (sarcasm) just look at all the rioting that went on in the wake of Trump's victory over Hillary in 2016, rioting done by the left wing. Compare that to all the rioting done by the right wing when Obama won in 2008 and 2012. What rioting? Oh that's right, it didn't happen. The right wing didn't riot when Obama won.

The Dems are going to sweep this fall and make American a permanent majority state under the Dens.
Not a snowball's chance in Hell.
This post is very misleading because it attempts to make people to believe that pretty much all of the gun violence happens to democrats in big cities. That is 100% false.

Do you want me to start listing all the women who are gunned down by their husbands and boyfriends every day. I can do that because they come from all over the country.
So then the problem is murderous husbands and boyfriends, not guns.
No one is taking gun rights away.. most people just want simple background checks and regulations that dont put the guns in the hands of wack jobs that will go out and shoot up an elementary school.

It is amazing that you need a drivers license to own and drive a car, but guns.. naw no checks needed there! You need to be 21 to drink in the US, but buy a gun.. naw no problem young 12 year old. American priorities are absolutely ****ed up.

discredited stupid analogy

you can buy a car before you can vote

you can drive a car on private property without any license

you can buy a car that is faster than anything the police have

there is no background check to buy a car from a licensed dealer

there is no prohibition of buying cars across state lines

your analogy is silly

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