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The Glenn Beck Boycott Gaining Traction - FOX News Losing Money (2 Viewers)

Thread topic--Re: The Glenn Beck Boycott Gaining Traction - FOX News Losing Money

But that wasn't the immediate topic in the message you replied to. Never mind, spew whatever you want.
Benefits are in the eye of the beholder. I see no benefits in this bill as it does nothing to improve the quality of healthcare.


Read the article I posted. You do know how to read, right?

These are just the benefits that will kick in immediately:

Senior citizens who fall into the “donut hole” in the Medicare prescription drug program would receive a $250 rebate, if the Senate passes the package of fixes this week.

People who get sick will no longer be vulnerable to losing their coverage, insurers will be barred from refusing to cover children with pre-existing conditions, and young adults up to age 26 will be able to stay on their parents’ insurance plan. Uninsured adults with a pre-existing condition will be able to secure coverage through a new program that expires once the exchanges begin in 2014.

And some small businesses will receive tax credits to help provide coverage for workers.

In 2011, lower-profile changes will kick in, including higher Medicare reimbursement rates for primary care physicians and free wellness exams for Medicare beneficiaries. The tax on the pharmaceutical industry will also start in 2011 — earlier than for other industries — but it will come as the bill aims to close the Medicare prescription drug doughnut hole.
Timing right for Democrats' midterm election hopes - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Read the article I posted. You do know how to read, right?

These are just the benefits that will kick in immediately:

Timing right for Democrats' midterm election hopes - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

I love the liberal spin and distortion. As posted there is a doctor shortage so tell me how when you add millions more that improves the quality of healthcare when no one can get into seeing their doctor? Tell us all how this bill solves the healthcare crisis in this country? You can't but can only post propaganda

I know how to think, anyone can write what they want. Your problem is you are incapable of thinking and only buy articles that support your point of view.

Have you even read the bill? So before talking to anyone about not being able to read the fact is the bill in its current form doesn't cover pre-existing conditions for children? The bill also when fully implemented leaves 23 million uninsured. So stop buying the rhetoric, it makes you look foolish.

What this does is reward failure. If you fail to compete in society you need the govt. to bail you out. Tell me how keeping someone up to the age of 26 on your medical insurance promotes personal responsibility?

Nothing in this bill or this Administration promotes personal responsibility and in fact discourages personal responsibility. It never was the intent to promote the govt. as the caretaker of all, but your support of this President says it all. Sorry you have been unable to compete in society.
I love the liberal spin and distortion. As posted there is a doctor shortage so tell me how when you add millions more that improves the quality of healthcare when no one can get into seeing their doctor? Tell us all how this bill solves the healthcare crisis in this country? You can't but can only post propaganda

I know how to think, anyone can write what they want. Your problem is you are incapable of thinking and only buy articles that support your point of view.

Have you even read the bill? So before talking to anyone about not being able to read the fact is the bill in its current form doesn't cover pre-existing conditions for children? The bill also when fully implemented leaves 23 million uninsured. So stop buying the rhetoric, it makes you look foolish.

What this does is reward failure. If you fail to compete in society you need the govt. to bail you out. Tell me how keeping someone up to the age of 26 on your medical insurance promotes personal responsibility?

Nothing in this bill or this Administration promotes personal responsibility and in fact discourages personal responsibility. It never was the intent to promote the govt. as the caretaker of all, but your support of this President says it all. Sorry you have been unable to compete in society.

You're off-topic again.

You love to use words, but you don't say much of anything new. You're awful good at using them to change the subject and deflect though.
Benefits are in the eye of the beholder. I see no benefits in this bill as it does nothing to improve the quality of healthcare. Apparently the public agrees with me.

From Rasmussen

55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

But many like you think there are death panels and paying for people who can afford insurance. Once the smoke clears, and people realize crap that has been thrown for what it is, those numbers may well improve.
But many like you think there are death panels and paying for people who can afford insurance. Once the smoke clears, and people realize crap that has been thrown for what it is, those numbers may well improve.

Many like me? How can 55% of the people be wrong and you and the minority right? Get off the wordsmithing and get off the idea that the Federal Govt. will ever be effecient in doing anything in the social arena.

Boo, I am really sorry for people like you who apparently are incapable of taking care of yourself thus needing the taxpayer to fund a program for you that does nothing to improve the quality of healthcare.

Failures are always looking for a redistribution of wealth and ignore the end game for liberals. This is about getting control and you and others willingly give up that control because of your own failures.

Nothing in this bill improves the quality of healthcare. It doesn't eliminate pre existing conditions for children, it does nothing to increase jobs in this country, it does nothing to lower costs, and it still leaves millions uninsured. This massive govt. takeover is a liberal leadership dream. You and others just like you deserve this bill, the majority in this country do not.
Many like me? How can 55% of the people be wrong and you and the minority right? Get off the wordsmithing and get off the idea that the Federal Govt. will ever be effecient in doing anything in the social arena.

Boo, I am really sorry for people like you who apparently are incapable of taking care of yourself thus needing the taxpayer to fund a program for you that does nothing to improve the quality of healthcare.

Failures are always looking for a redistribution of wealth and ignore the end game for liberals. This is about getting control and you and others willingly give up that control because of your own failures.

Nothing in this bill improves the quality of healthcare. It doesn't eliminate pre existing conditions for children, it does nothing to increase jobs in this country, it does nothing to lower costs, and it still leaves millions uninsured. This massive govt. takeover is a liberal leadership dream. You and others just like you deserve this bill, the majority in this country do not.

Once a majority though the the sun revolved around the earth, the world was flat, that you could determine a witch by drowning them. A major has just as much chance of being wrong as any individual.

We've gone over the Bill, and you do change the topic when shown in correct. I suggest you read the bill, check the helpful efforts news media has offered to help you understand. Not Beck mind you, as he is disingenuous.
Once a majority though the the sun revolved around the earth, the world was flat, that you could determine a witch by drowning them. A major has just as much chance of being wrong as any individual.

We've gone over the Bill, and you do change the topic when shown in correct. I suggest you read the bill, check the helpful efforts news media has offered to help you understand. Not Beck mind you, as he is disingenuous.

The difference is history is on the side of the majority and as pointed out the number of doctors has declined and the current situation is critical. How does it get better adding more people to the roles.

Sorry, but the Bill is a POS and you supporting it says a lot about you. Liberal elites have no problem taking from others especially when the bill doesn't affect them. I can hardly wait until the next group of liberals in the future make the same argument you are making today. Just throw more money at the problem yet never solve it.

Liberals are arrogant and have short memories. it is groundhog day all over again. Your failure to recognize what is in the bill says it all. Nothing in this bill improves the quality of healthcare and you know it.

As for Glenn Beck, if you have a problem with Beck raise them with Fox News and take on the substance, not the individual. Why is it that the liberal rich have no problem taking something from someone else but not them?
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The difference is history is on the side of the majority and as pointed out the number of doctors has declined and the current situation is critical. How does it get better adding more people to the roles.

Sorry, but the Bill is a POS and you supporting it says a lot about you. Liberal elites have no problem taking from others especially when the bill doesn't affect them. I can hardly wait until the next group of liberals in the future make the same argument you are making today. Just throw more money at the problem yet never solve it.

Liberals are arrogant and have short memories. it is groundhog day all over again. Your failure to recognize what is in the bill says it all. Nothing in this bill improves the quality of healthcare and you know it.

As for Glenn Beck, if you have a problem with Beck raise them with Fox News and take on the substance, not the individual. Why is it that the liberal rich have no problem taking something from someone else but not them?

No, the situation isn't critical. It's a problem either way, but one that can be addressed. And incentives have been added to encourage doctors, particularly general practice doctors. Just heard one speak last night.

Dr. Jason Marker's family practice in rural Indiana is already overwhelmed. The office cares for 2,600 patients, at a rate of 100 a week.

"I think it is fair to say I'm bursting at the seams," Marker said.

To attract more doctors to primary care - one of the lowest-paid areas of medicine - the health care bill that's passed Congress provides financial incentives. This is a boon for Marker, who earns $120,000 a year.


Marker's fee for a routine office visit is $80. Medicaid reimburses him about $33. With the new law, he would get $47. He could earn more for coordinating care among a team of doctors, including specialists.

"As a family doctor, I'm looking at a net gain," Marker said.

Primary Care Doctors Ask: Is it Worth It? - CBS Evening News - CBS News
No, the situation isn't critical. It's a problem either way, but one that can be addressed. And incentives have been added to encourage doctors, particularly general practice doctors. Just heard one speak last night.

Tell me why you support this bill and how it affects you? Do you understand incentive? How does lowering fees increase incentive to go into the profession when there is nothing that lowers costs? Until you address costs you cannot offer enough incentive to go into the profession.
Tell me why you support this bill and how it affects you? Do you understand incentive? How does lowering fees increase incentive to go into the profession when there is nothing that lowers costs? Until you address costs you cannot offer enough incentive to go into the profession.

1st, it is a start. Without a start, nothing will get done. That's a fact.

2nd, more people will have insurance, which reduces the use of the ER as a doctor's office. This should in time reduce costs.

3rd, pre existing conditions will not longer be an excuse not cover people needing coverage. Top this, there either had to be a public option or a mandate that everyone be insured, or both. So, this had to be and I support it.

4th, costs have nothing to do with incentive to enter the profession. Compensation does. Doctors, like all of us, want decent pay with less demands. This bill does offer some incentives, though more could be added later.

Those are four reasons I support this bill.
now, there's an observation that can only be described as PROFOUND


meanwhile, abc just TWO WEEKS ago had to CUT up to FIFTY PERCENT of its staff and every news office coast to coast except for dc's

ABC News to cut half its domestic correspondents, close bricks-and-mortar bureaus [Updated] | Company Town | Los Angeles Times

isn't that sad?

so much tradition, so much huntley, so much brinkley...

so much stephy


over at cbs, pretty much the same thing

D-Day at CBS News | The New York Observer

the TIFFANY network (LOL!), wm paley

the ny times, the boston globe, the sf chron, the la times, the miami herald...

pretty much all of em

the handwriting's clear---NOT LONG FOR THIS WORLD

why, let's all make it a HEADLINE: THAT'S THE WAY IT IS!

so, who are the winners?


there sure aren't many

mr drudge?

mr rush?

mr and mrs fnc?

anyone else?

...well certainly NOT the American people, particularly those that seek real news. The dumbing down of the electorate continues on.
Boo Radley;1058644357]1st, it is a start. Without a start, nothing will get done. That's a fact.

First of all a start to do what, eliminate private business and create a govt. run program? It is an expensive start that does nothing but create greater govt. control and involvement in a personal responsibility issue.

2nd, more people will have insurance, which reduces the use of the ER as a doctor's office. This should in time reduce costs.

As I proved insured people are using the ER's because they cannot get into seeing a doctor. Yours is a false argument. How does increasing the number of insured create more doctors? It won't, just greater demand and more ER usage

3rd, pre existing conditions will not longer be an excuse not cover people needing coverage. Top this, there either had to be a public option or a mandate that everyone be insured, or both. So, this had to be and I support it.

The current bill doesn't cover children with pre-existing conditions. You don't need this POS to make that change and all this will do is drive up the cost of premiums thus getting us closer to what liberals really want single payer and govt. run healthcare. That eliminates the private sector.
4th, costs have nothing to do with incentive to enter the profession. Compensation does. Doctors, like all of us, want decent pay with less demands. This bill does offer some incentives, though more could be added later.

What you are proving to me is that you buy what you are told by the liberals and even when proven wrong you still buy what you are told. There is nothing in this bill that improves healthcare or lowers costs, on the contrary, you cannot increase the number of insured and reduce costs. That is totally illogical. Nor do you cut one entitlement program and create another one thus lowering costs. stop buying the rhetoric, it doesn't work.

I don't believe healthcare is a govt. responsibility, but instead a personal responsibility. Is there anything in your world that is a personal responsibility?
Wrong again.

How many times do I have to prove you wrong? Once a cult follower apparently always a cult follower regardless of the facts!

Gap in health care law's protection for children
Obama administration scrambles to fix gap in health care law's protection for children

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hours after President Barack Obama signed historic health care legislation, a potential problem emerged. Administration officials are now scrambling to fix a gap in highly touted benefits for children.

Obama made better coverage for children a centerpiece of his health care remake, but it turns out the letter of the law provided a less-than-complete guarantee that kids with health problems would not be shut out of coverage.
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1st, it is a start. Without a start, nothing will get done. That's a fact.

2nd, more people will have insurance, which reduces the use of the ER as a doctor's office. This should in time reduce costs.

3rd, pre existing conditions will not longer be an excuse not cover people needing coverage. Top this, there either had to be a public option or a mandate that everyone be insured, or both. So, this had to be and I support it.

4th, costs have nothing to do with incentive to enter the profession. Compensation does. Doctors, like all of us, want decent pay with less demands. This bill does offer some incentives, though more could be added later.

Those are four reasons I support this bill.

Looks to me like a typical liberal solution to a social problem, implement a feel good social program that is going to cost jobs so what we will have is everyone with healthcare but fewer people holding jobs. Brilliant liberal logic and another liberal "success" story.

Companies say health care costs hard to swallow
By JOSH FUNK (AP) – 19 hours ago

The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees because of a change in how the government subsidizes those benefits.
How many times do I have to prove you wrong? Once a cult follower apparently always a cult follower regardless of the facts!

Gap in health care law's protection for children
Obama administration scrambles to fix gap in health care law's protection for children

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hours after President Barack Obama signed historic health care legislation, a potential problem emerged. Administration officials are now scrambling to fix a gap in highly touted benefits for children.

Obama made better coverage for children a centerpiece of his health care remake, but it turns out the letter of the law provided a less-than-complete guarantee that kids with health problems would not be shut out of coverage.

Uh, the problem here is only through 2014. Then there is full protection. And as you like to say, most of the bill doesn't kick in until 2014 anyway. :2wave:
Uh, the problem here is only through 2014. Then there is full protection. And as you like to say, most of the bill doesn't kick in until 2014 anyway. :2wave:

Uh, that isn't what "your" President claimed nor is that what most people understand. It is being touted as eliminating preexisting conditions immediately and we know that is a lie. There are so many lies in this bill and yet people like you continue to support it.

What is it about liberals that create such arrogance where they can never admit when wrong? What are the consequences of you being wrong on this issue?

Yes, Misterman, you are wrong on this issue and have been wrong many times yet you continue to spout the same message over and over again. Your cries of prove it have been met and still to this day you cannot admit when wrong or if there are any consequences for being wrong in this case.
Looks to me like a typical liberal solution to a social problem, implement a feel good social program that is going to cost jobs so what we will have is everyone with healthcare but fewer people holding jobs. Brilliant liberal logic and another liberal "success" story.

Companies say health care costs hard to swallow
By JOSH FUNK (AP) – 19 hours ago

The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees because of a change in how the government subsidizes those benefits.

If it looks that way to you, you're not thinking it through and are just checking talking points. You asked and I answered you. You might try addressing the points.
Uh, that isn't what "your" President claimed nor is that what most people understand. It is being touted as eliminating preexisting conditions immediately and we know that is a lie.

It's not a lie, it's a mistake in a 2,000 page bill.

Not surprising you can't figure that out.

You're the most desperate poster I've ever seen, and I've seen a few.
If it looks that way to you, you're not thinking it through and are just checking talking points. You asked and I answered you. You might try addressing the points.

There is no question that one of us isn't thinking and I know which one it is, YOU. I don't know what you do for a living but I worked hard for over 35 years in private industry. I know how private industry works and I know that private industry supports millions and millions of retirees as well as shareholders through dividends.

You on the other hand ignore the costs of doing business because you never ran one. You ignore the largest, most bloated business in the country, the U.S. Govt. and believe what they tell you even though history proves you wrong. The U.S. govt. is good at doing only two things, protecting us from foreign enemies and spending your taxdollars yet it is this govt. that you want to give them more power. You are simply very naive and obviously buy what you are told ignoring what is actually in the bills and how companies are going to pay for this bill at the expense of employment. Too bad you never ran a business or have any clue how business works.

I asked you why I should pay for your healthcare or why any business should fund some other employees' healthcare and I got silence. As someone who appears to be a liberal your philosophy is it is only money. Where does that money come from? Any idea what inflation is going to do to the interest on the debt Obama is creating and how that debt is paid for?
It's not a lie, it's a mistake in a 2,000 page bill.

Not surprising you can't figure that out.

You're the most desperate poster I've ever seen, and I've seen a few.

A mistake? That is what you call a bill that Obama claims was well vetted and extra care was used in creating it? it is a multi trillion dollar experient that you don;t seem to have a problem with as living inside the beltway, hell, it is only money that someone else is going to pay. That doesn't indicate someone very smart telling me that I am desperate.

How typical of people like you, arrogant and condescending. You simply cannot admit that you are wrong and that you don't know what you are talking about. The difference between me and other posters is that I take you on and I prove you wrong. Others have decided to ignore you. Probably not a bad idea.
There is no question that one of us isn't thinking and I know which one it is, YOU. I don't know what you do for a living but I worked hard for over 35 years in private industry. I know how private industry works and I know that private industry supports millions and millions of retirees as well as shareholders through dividends.

You on the other hand ignore the costs of doing business because you never ran one. You ignore the largest, most bloated business in the country, the U.S. Govt. and believe what they tell you even though history proves you wrong. The U.S. govt. is good at doing only two things, protecting us from foreign enemies and spending your taxdollars yet it is this govt. that you want to give them more power. You are simply very naive and obviously buy what you are told ignoring what is actually in the bills and how companies are going to pay for this bill at the expense of employment. Too bad you never ran a business or have any clue how business works.

I asked you why I should pay for your healthcare or why any business should fund some other employees' healthcare and I got silence. As someone who appears to be a liberal your philosophy is it is only money. Where does that money come from? Any idea what inflation is going to do to the interest on the debt Obama is creating and how that debt is paid for?

Socialism looks great on paper, until you run out of other people's money...
Socialism looks great on paper, until you run out of other people's money...

Not sure where these naive supporters of this Administration got their education but that money that funds socialism is giong to come from all Americans. Obama has added or will add almost 4.3 trillion dollars to the debt in his first three years and now wants to add trillions more. The printing presses are going to drive up inflation and thus interest rates which this economy doesn't need right now. I am convinced that is his goal, to do just that so the cries are so great for larger govt. and greater dependence on liberalism.
It's not a lie, it's a mistake in a 2,000 page bill.

Not surprising you can't figure that out.

You're the most desperate poster I've ever seen, and I've seen a few.

When "your" President claims that it eliminates pre-existing conditions day one that is a lie, not a mistake. He ought to know better.

Still waiting for how a bill that creates 16000+ IRS agents but not one additional doctor improves healthcare? Is that a mistake too?

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