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Hillary Lost Because Of (1 Viewer)

Hillary Lost The Election Because Of:

  • The Comey Letter

    Votes: 10 8.7%
  • The Russian Hacking

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 101 87.8%

  • Total voters
I know, I grew up around people like that.

It's astounding to look back on now that I'm grown. It's really sad. If it's not race, it's religion.

This election pretty much proved what we all knew though -- the evangelical right is full of ****. Especially white evangelicals.

So you are saying that since the United States is about 80% religious... that 80% of the population is full of something that smells...got ya.
So you are saying that since the United States is about 80% religious... that 80% of the population is full of something that smells...got ya.

No that's not what he said. He's talking about those who vote on the basis of religion as their primary motivator.
We're talking about an entire town, not just a few people here and there. Your side talks about a few people here and there being influenced by Comey or the Russian hackers. How is that any different? The fact is that Hillary got more votes for president than anyone in history, except for Obama and yet you claim she lost due to low voter turnout. Did it ever occur to you that both candidates were looked upon so badly that maybe there was low voter turnout on BOTH sides? You just assume that if Hillary had better turn out that if the Republicans had had a different candidate than Trump that the Republican voter turnout would have been the same.

Trump received roughly the same support that previous GOP candidates like Romney received. GOP voters came out and voted for their candidate, where as Hillary lacked in comparison to Obama in 2012, despite more people voting.
Aren't most large cities in the mid-west and east coast run by democrats? Look at the condition of those cities, the crime, poverty.....just who doesn't give a crap? Seems to me it is democrats who assumed those in the ghettos will continue to vote for them while they continue to crap on them. Please explain how that works again.

How do Democrats crap on them?
I wonder if Hillary is thinking after watching Trump's first ten days:

'I couldn't beat this whack job?!?'


'See...I told you he was 'ill-suited' to this job'.

My guess is she is saying the latter and thinking the former deep inside her conscious.
I wonder if Hillary is thinking after watching Trump's first ten days:

'I couldn't beat this whack job?!?'


'See...I told you he was 'ill-suited' to this job'.

My guess is she is saying the latter and thinking the former deep inside her conscious.

Her campaign was actually pulling for Trump. The just knew she couldn't lose to him. They were more worried about Ben Carson.
Tell that to Mexico and Australia.

Hey, glad you mentioned that. I just happen to have an article about that. Both leaks were the same source for both of those idiotic fake news articles.

Look what Mexico and the US said about that fake news:
Fake News: Mexico says Associated Press misreported Trump-Nieto phone call - Washington Times
Mexico said Wednesday that the Associated Press’ account of a call Friday between President Trump and his Mexican counterpart is inaccurate.
“The assertions that you make about said conversation do not correspond to the reality of it,” the Mexican government said in a statement on the wire service’s reporting.
“The tone was constructive,” according to a statement from Mexico’s foreign relations department, “and it was agreed by the presidents to continue working and that the teams will continue to meet frequently to construct an agreement that is positive for Mexico and for the United States.”
The White House joined in, saying that “reports that the President threatened to invade Mexico are false. Even the Mexican government is disputing these reports.”

The AP articles were written to appeal to the simple minded. People that want to believe idiotic nonsense like this:
But reporting on the call has nevertheless fueled online headlines and social media commentary that portray Mr. Trump’s comments as a threat to invade Mexico.

Here is the fake news article from AP. It rates right down there with WND and InfoWars crap.
Here is the source of the information for both articles. I notice there isn't a named source. That source is being called a liar by two governments right now.
So you are saying that since the United States is about 80% religious... that 80% of the population is full of something that smells...got ya.

80% of America's population is composed of white evangelical, religious right hacks? I don't know what America you live in, but that sounds terrifying.

Turn down right wing radio.

My favorite propaganda from racist right wingers is that all white liberals are just using minorities and don't care about them. Of course these hacks never actually have any ideas of their own to help minorities or anyone really. It's one of the go-to moves of a right wing, white racist or a hard right minority that's trying to impress his white, conservative friends. Of course this is all while they screw over poor and working class white folks.
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She lost because fewer people voted against Trump than voted against Hillary.

No fan of Hillary, but she got 3 million more votes than Trump did, so... Nope, you're stating a falsehood here. That's true in the needed states, this happened, but this isn't true of the general election.
I have posted this before.

The Russians/Fake news did not cause Hillary to lose the election!

The one person that influenced the election was the candidate herself- Hillary.

Did the Russians/Fake News set up the Clinton foundation?

Did the Russians/Fake News set up a unauthorized server?

Did the Russians/Fake News place highly classified material on a unclassified server?

Did the Russians/Fake News pick a candidate for the democratic party that was under a active criminal FBI investigation?

Did the Russians/Fake News tell Hillary not to have a decent economic message for the rust belt?

Did the Russians/Fake News tell Hillary to slime half of the country? Basket of deplorable's!

Did the Russians/FakeNews force the Clinton campaign to rig the primary against Sanders?

Did the Russians?FakeNews tell the campaign to act like they won the election before they actually did? (arrogant, condescending, we are better than you)

So the left is so traumatized they will say anything or do anything to try to make sense of the loss.

The Russian/Fake News excuse is just the latest. So once this plays out another excuse will pop up!

I think you are on to something here. If the Russians DID have a sleeper agent in the US election with the goal of sewing discord in the American populace then they couldn't have picked a more effective one than Hillary Clinton!

We're through the looking glass here, people...
So you are saying that since the United States is about 80% religious... that 80% of the population is full of something that smells...got ya.

Thank god it's not 80% evangelical Christian. They'd have instituted a theocracy by now.
No that's not what he said. He's talking about those who vote on the basis of religion as their primary motivator.

Eh...are you either reading his mind or are you his puppet master?
Trump received roughly the same support that previous GOP candidates like Romney received. GOP voters came out and voted for their candidate, where as Hillary lacked in comparison to Obama in 2012, despite more people voting.

Didn't the 3rd party candidates get the difference in the votes? It doesn't matter what the winner or loser got in votes anyway.

Maybe that can be the new complain by Hillary/democrats why they lost the election..if the voters hadn't voted for either Stein and Johnson and had vote for her she would have got the nod.
The popular vote. Which if this was a true democracy would also be the presidency.

We're not a true democracy, thank God! We are a republic. Look it up.
80% of America's population is composed of white evangelical, religious right hacks? I don't know what America you live in, but that sounds terrifying.

Typical liberal lie...never said anything like that...geesh.

My favorite propaganda from racist right wingers is that all white liberals are just using minorities and don't care about them. Of course these hacks never actually have any ideas of their own to help minorities or anyone really. It's one of the go-to moves of a right wing, white racist or a hard right minority that's trying to impress his white, conservative friends. Of course this is all while they screw over poor and working class white folks.

When you have nothing... just call the opposition a racist or an uncle Tom....and every thing will fall in place.

Eh, for you information those poor white folks and some poor black folk, to boot, is what carried Trump to the presidency, both getting tired of being left behind by fake promises by democrats.
Thank god it's not 80% evangelical Christian. They'd have instituted a theocracy by now.

Oh please get off your high horse....read the Constitution and the separation of Church and State clause.

But thank the power to be it isn't a progressive union that Democrats want or we would be in the same shape as Socialist Venezuela.
Or assuming they will continue to vote for democrats even when the democrat only care about power and empty promises.

That's what I really don't understand. Look at the big Democratic liberal cities all over the country. They are a mess. Slums, violence, homeless, income inequality, many of them running deficits, you name it. If liberalism worked so well then these liberal controlled cities should be bastions of Utopia. But, they aren't. And yet the voters still keep on filling in the D circle in the voting booth, mostly because they are afraid that Republicans will take all that away from them. Like Trump said to these blue cities, "What have you got to lose"?
It's possible to hold more than one reason in your brain ms patriot. Hill lost because she was dumb on the server, the brilliant keeping on about emails (still no evidence of harm to the country), and the brilliant timing of the FBI disclosure. And the perennial hill hating by non college white boys and girls

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