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Hillary Lost Because Of (1 Viewer)

Hillary Lost The Election Because Of:

  • The Comey Letter

    Votes: 10 8.7%
  • The Russian Hacking

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 101 87.8%

  • Total voters
right, but Democrat voters abandoned her in key battle ground states, which is how Trump was able to win them by razor thin margins.

That's because those democratic voters voted for Trump. You know those democratic voters who are racists and bigots and deplorables.
That's because those democratic voters voted for Trump. You know those democratic voters who are racists and bigots and deplorables.

No, that's because those Democratic voters didn't vote.
That's because those democratic voters voted for Trump. You know those democratic voters who are racists and bigots and deplorables.

Most of them voted third party or didn't vote at all.
right, but Democrat voters abandoned her in key battle ground states, which is how Trump was able to win them by razor thin margins.

Actually if you look at the minority voters in those battle ground states, Hillary lost the election and Trump picked up enough minority votes to win...plain and simple.
No, that's because those Democratic voters didn't vote.

Most of them voted third party or didn't vote at all.

The democratic minority didn't cast a vote or didn't vote for her in the battle ground states. The democratic party has abandoned the minorities in this country and enough realized that and voted for Republicans to see if it would make a difference. Time will tell.
The democratic minority didn't cast a vote or didn't vote for her in the battle ground states. The democratic party has abandoned the minorities in this country and enough realized that and voted for Republicans to see if it would make a difference. Time will tell.

I don't think you can say that the Democrats have ever cared about minorities as more than a voting bloc. They don't really want minorities to feel safe or self-sufficient, they want to keep racism alive, or at least the specter of it, so that minorities keep voting for Democratic candidates. They've spent decades telling minorities that they're too stupid to make it on their own so they have to keep voting Democrat and the Democrats will keep tossing them table scraps so they can remain dependent on the left.

Hopefully, people are starting to realize just what a scam the whole thing is.
Jesus, this thread is still going? I swear, the biggest favor we could have done for Trump supporters wasn't to let them live through a Trump presidency, but to plug them into the Matrix where they could have relived November 9th on an infinite loop.
Jesus, this thread is still going? I swear, the biggest favor we could have done for Trump supporters wasn't to let them live through a Trump presidency, but to plug them into the Matrix where they could have relived November 9th on an infinite loop.
Bump, cause this thread is so good.
Hilllary lost because.....other.

The democrats completely underestimated Trump. They didn't think he stood a chance against Hillary. The Republicans were just incompetent to let him take their nomination. Lots of Democratic party voters didn't come out to vote because either a)they were pissed about the Bernie Sanders situation. b)they believe Hillary had it in the bag and they didn't even need to vote because no one was going to vote for Trump. Right? i mean he's a clown.
I think to this day Hillary wakes up in the morning and thinks..WHAT THE **** HAPPENED...
Right after the election the left blamed her loss on the Comey letter, then it was the Russian hacking, and now it seems to have shifted back to the Comey letter again. I wish they would make up their minds or accept the results of the election and the peaceful transition of power. Three choices in this poll only. No all or some of the above or other.

Hillary had her share of problems. For anyone on the right to suggest the Russian hacks and the Comey letter weren't a major influence on the election is laughable or at best disengenuous. Without those two Hillary may well have won.
Jesus, this thread is still going? I swear, the biggest favor we could have done for Trump supporters wasn't to let them live through a Trump presidency, but to plug them into the Matrix where they could have relived November 9th on an infinite loop.

No doubt while touching themselves repeatedly.
I don't think you can say that the Democrats have ever cared about minorities as more than a voting bloc. They don't really want minorities to feel safe or self-sufficient, they want to keep racism alive, or at least the specter of it, so that minorities keep voting for Democratic candidates. They've spent decades telling minorities that they're too stupid to make it on their own so they have to keep voting Democrat and the Democrats will keep tossing them table scraps so they can remain dependent on the left.

Hopefully, people are starting to realize just what a scam the whole thing is.

Turn down right wing radio.
Hillary had her share of problems. For anyone on the right to suggest the Russian hacks and the Comey letter weren't a major influence on the election is laughable or at best disengenuous. Without those two Hillary may well have won.

I beg to differ...Hillary lost only because of one problem...Hillary.
Hillary had her share of problems. For anyone on the right to suggest the Russian hacks and the Comey letter weren't a major influence on the election is laughable or at best disengenuous. Without those two Hillary may well have won.

Those things had about as much influence as all of that fraudulent voting. Sure, they all effect vote totals to some microscopic degree but none of it changed the election results.
Alt facts? Didn't you look at the results of the poll? 90% of the members who voted, voted that Hillary lost because of Hillary.

Hillary won the liberal votes in the big cities of the east and west coasts and much of the women's vote, but she lost badly in the heartland of America where the state votes really counted in the Electoral College. Americans love guns and hate immigration. Hillary's views on these issues were pure poison to many voters. If Hillary had simply kept her mouth shut on these issues, she probably would have won the election. Hillary should have known better than to touch these poisonous issues, but I think her super-liberal campaign staff pushed them on her.
Hillary won the liberal votes in the big cities of the east and west coasts and much of the women's vote, but she lost badly in the heartland of America where the state votes really counted in the Electoral College. Americans love guns and hate immigration. Hillary's views on these issues were pure poison to many voters. If Hillary had simply kept her mouth shut on these issues, she probably would have won the election. Hillary should have known better than to touch these poisonous issues, but I think her super-liberal campaign staff pushed them on her.

Totally true. I remember way back in the beginning when the election was already going to be about the Supreme Court nominee and then she decided to make gun control a big issue in her campaign to. At that time I remember thinking that if I were Hillary I wouldn't have added gun control on top of the filling of the Court nominee. I wondered if it were over for her then. There wasn't anything she could to about the court nominee but she could have kept her mouth shut on the gun control issue and maybe won. I think her biggest downfall though was jobs. Trump went to blue states who were losing jobs and said he would bring them back while all Hillary could say was that they shouldn't vote for Trump. With Trump it was a gamble if he could deliver or not but Hillary obviously wasn't going to do anything about it and maybe even let the situation get worse.
Turn down right wing radio.

Maybe you should look at your own party, you're clearly blinded by ideology and not paying attention.

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