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Hastert asks court to spare him prison; cites shame, health (1 Viewer)

With all due respect, there are some Conservatives who don't practice what they preach. By the same token, there are some Liberal sleazebags out there too. Human nature being what it is, it was bound to happen.

Of course there are! But how many liberal hypocrites are there compared to the conservatives?
I guess my post went over your head. I am not talking about compounding at all. I am talking about sentencing guidelines that a judge can use when deciding what the sentence is going to be. There will be no compounding of the sentence. The judge will look at the circumstances, and then give Hastert the maximum sentence for THE ONE CRIME HE WAS CONVICTED OF. But feel free to make up some more ****. LOL.

He'll get off easy. A lower standard for people with money and power in this country.
Give Dennis Hastert a break? Um, he was a fine upstanding moral citizen. All he ever did was to sexually abuse 4 young boys, and got caught paying hush money to shut one of them up, all while attempting to pass a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage.

And now he whines about being shamed and in poor health, and that this should be punishment enough? But what about the shattered lives of the 4 young boys he molested? Don't they mean anything to him?

Let the asshole pedophile rot, and let his cell mate be Bubba the Butt Bandit. See how HE likes it.

Article is here.

What is it with those "values" conservatives?

Hypocrisy....screw him, I hope rots.
I have a rule, when someone doesn't know what they are talking about, I will make two attempts to help them jnderstand. This is my second, so if you still don't get it, I'll have to leave you in your ignorance:

"Compounding" does not refer to anything having to do with the sentence. Compounding is the act of paying money to keep someone from reporting a crime to the police. You were the one who brought up the crime of compounding, although you didn't know that it was called that.

I never said it did. Read my post again....This time very slowly so you understand.

We also seem to be using 2 different definitions of compounding.... I am using one that pertains to sentencing for a crime.....

And, of course, you cannot compound two prison sentences unless you are convicted of both crimes. However, past behavior may be taken into account during the sentencing phase of a crime, and the sentence handed down within the sentencing guidelines for that particular crime. Thus, in Hastert's case, the maximum sentence, rather than probation, would be the appropriate one.

Now that you know which definition I am using, you can now stop trying to muddy the waters.
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We have a statute of limitations because it is not in the public interest to prosecute individuals for crimes committed long ago if they have led law-abiding lives in the meantime.

So a person can be in possession of a condom....and in your opinion THAT should be a capital offense, but on this....cut them slack because some time has lapsed???
Give Dennis Hastert a break? Um, he was a fine upstanding moral citizen. All he ever did was to sexually abuse 4 young boys, and got caught paying hush money to shut one of them up, all while attempting to pass a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage.

And now he whines about being shamed and in poor health, and that this should be punishment enough? But what about the shattered lives of the 4 young boys he molested? Don't they mean anything to him?

Let the asshole pedophile rot, and let his cell mate be Bubba the Butt Bandit. See how HE likes it.

Article is here.

I feel sympathetic towards Denny Hastert because he was a dedicated civil servant and represented this country with grace and valor. I know it must have been tough to live with a mistake he made several years ago. Just leave him alone. He's 74-years old. Let him be. Obama, if he had any compassion, would pardon Denny for his past sins. Call me a sap but I have forgiveness for Denny.
I feel sympathetic towards Denny Hastert because he was a dedicated civil servant and represented this country with grace and valor. I know it must have been tough to live with a mistake he made several years ago. Just leave him alone. He's 74-years old. Let him be. Obama, if he had any compassion, would pardon Denny for his past sins. Call me a sap but I have forgiveness for Denny.

You've got to be kidding, forgive a child molesting pedophile?
So a person can be in possession of a condom....and in your opinion THAT should be a capital offense, but on this....cut them slack because some time has lapsed???

The same would hold in that case too. A person who illegally used contraception several decades ago shouldn't be punished.
The same would hold in that case too. A person who illegally used contraception several decades ago shouldn't be punished.

Wait, you think contraception should be outlawed?
I feel sympathetic towards Denny Hastert because he was a dedicated civil servant and represented this country with grace and valor. I know it must have been tough to live with a mistake he made several years ago. Just leave him alone. He's 74-years old. Let him be. Obama, if he had any compassion, would pardon Denny for his past sins. Call me a sap but I have forgiveness for Denny.

I bet if the child molester wasn't a Republican, you'd be calling for the death penalty.
Um no. Not sure how you came to that conclusion but it figures. Let me help as you seem to need it. You claimed I was comparing 1 individuals actions to a larger subset. I said if it was only 1 life would be grand, meaning if it was only Hastert the pedophile then you would be correct. However the hypocrisy extends much farther for the holier than though cons. Like senator wide stance or Henry Hyde and his infidelity or Bob Barr and the disgrace of a domestic situation he was involved in. Repukes claim to have higher moral standards but it really is bull****. They are not better than anyone else and hypocrites for claiming otherwise. I hope this helps. In addition as I mentioned Hastert was a very powerful and influential repuke. A fine representative of a con if I ever saw one.

You're still wrong, as wrong as you were when you started. The Leftwing has labeled the Right as holier than though, we never gave ourselves that label. But since you're in the party of tolerance, where is your tolerance? Yeah, that's what I thought.
You've got to be kidding, forgive a child molesting pedophile?

It happened a long time ago. I am certainly not condoning his behavior however I bet he is remorseful and as an old man it seems pointless to throw him in prison.
It happened a long time ago. I am certainly not condoning his behavior however I bet he is remorseful and as an old man it seems pointless to throw him in prison.

He molested little boys. What if it was your child? Do you think that the ones he violated today are saying " I bet he is remorseful and as an old man it seems pointless to throw him in prison"?
He molested little boys. What if it was your child? Do you think that the ones he violated today are saying " I bet he is remorseful and as an old man it seems pointless to throw him in prison"?

You mean the boys that blackmailed Denny and made a ton of profit several years after the incident?
What an amazingly stupid article.

It would be a pointless article regardless of which side was actually responsible for more crimes, but this article doesn't even pretend to do any actual research. They literally based their statistic on their own personal recollection. :roll:

Well, if you had 3 trans people in the bathroom, or the 3 republicans in the bathroom, who would you feel safer around?

Truth hurts
You mean the boys that blackmailed Denny and made a ton of profit several years after the incident?

Payback is a bitch. I have zero sympathy for pedo's. Would you feel that way if it was your kid? Un****ingreal, defending a child molester just because he wears the same political stripes as you.
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I bet if the child molester wasn't a Republican, you'd be calling for the death penalty.

And if he was a Democrat, plenty of liberals would be insisting on the difference between Ephebophilia and Pedophilia :shrug: We are always more forgiving to those with whom we identify in some form or fashion.
Well, if you had 3 trans people in the bathroom, or the 3 republicans in the bathroom, who would you feel safer around?

Truth hurts

That depends entirely on who the Trans people are and who the Republicans are.

Truth hurts.
Give Dennis Hastert a break? Um, he was a fine upstanding moral citizen. All he ever did was to sexually abuse 4 young boys, and got caught paying hush money to shut one of them up, all while attempting to pass a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage.

And now he whines about being shamed and in poor health, and that this should be punishment enough? But what about the shattered lives of the 4 young boys he molested? Don't they mean anything to him?

Let the asshole pedophile rot, and let his cell mate be Bubba the Butt Bandit. See how HE likes it.

Article is here.
Don't do the crime if you cannot do the time, simple as that.
And if he was a Democrat, plenty of liberals would be insisting on the difference between Ephebophilia and Pedophilia :shrug: We are always more forgiving to those with whom we identify in some form or fashion.

I'm not. If the death sentence were infallible, I would be calling for the death penalty for child molesters, and I don't give a damn about their political lean. The only reason I don't is because the death penalty is not infallible, and sometimes the innocent are executed along with the guilty. How can anyone want to forgive an animal who shatters the lives of children like that?

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