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Father of Michigan school shooter found guilty of manslaughter weeks after mother’s conviction (1 Viewer)

I would say a weapon designed to kill from a distance is inherently unhealthy.

Firearms are intended to hurt others.

Why should firearms receive special protection in regard to liability/
1. That's silly. " inherently unhealthy??
2. So? So is martial arts training.
3. They don't. Other industries like vaccine makers get special liability protections as well.
The purpose of a firearm is to effect death and injury.

According to your thinking, firearms do not harm people... just animals!!

No. Look up inherently dangerous.

1. So what.
So is martial arts training.
2. THEY don't do either. They are not alive..nor operate on their own.
3. You should. Firearms are not inherently dangerous.
4. Self defense is a basic right.
The purpose of a firearm is to effect death and injury.
That is incorrect. The purpose of a self defense firearm is to prevent death or injury.

The purpose of a hunting gun does not include any use against people.

The purpose of a target shooting gun does not include use against any living creature.

According to your thinking, firearms do not harm people... just animals!!
That is incorrect. However, that is the purpose of a hunting gun.

No. Look up inherently dangerous.
Bathtubs are inherently dangerous. Just ask the relatives of people who have drowned in a bathtub.

Stairways are inherently dangerous. Just ask the relatives of people who have died from a fall down a flight of stairs.

Because thousands of years ago our ancestors were wise enough to make keeping and bearing arms a core right of all free people.
I would say a weapon designed to kill from a distance is inherently unhealthy.
You’d be wrong.

I’ve handled firearms for decades, never causing any injury to myself or anyone else.

The vast majority of firearms owners also have not harmed themselves or others.

The same can’t be said for the vast majority of long term tobacco or opioid users.
Firearms are intended to hurt others.
Wrong again.

Firearms are intended for hunting, sport shooting, self defense/defense of others.
Why should firearms receive special protection in regard to liability/
The “special protections” you claim, aren’t. Firearms manufacturers share the same legal responsibilities (and then some) and liabilities as other products.

As Bernie Sanders said about PLCAA, "If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible? Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer."
You’d be wrong.

I’ve handled firearms for decades, never causing any injury to myself or anyone else.

The vast majority of firearms owners also have not harmed themselves or others.

The same can’t be said for the vast majority of long term tobacco or opioid users.

Wrong again.

Firearms are intended for hunting, sport shooting, self defense/defense of others.

The “special protections” you claim, aren’t. Firearms manufacturers share the same legal responsibilities (and then some) and liabilities as other products.

As Bernie Sanders said about PLCAA, "If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible? Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer."
How do you think a firearm functions?
Explain how you influence the path of a bullet after it leaves the barrel.
That is incorrect. The purpose of a self defense firearm is to prevent death or injury.

The purpose of a hunting gun does not include any use against people.

The purpose of a target shooting gun does not include use against any living creature.

That is incorrect. However, that is the purpose of a hunting gun.

Bathtubs are inherently dangerous. Just ask the relatives of people who have drowned in a bathtub.

Stairways are inherently dangerous. Just ask the relatives of people who have died from a fall down a flight of stairs.

Because thousands of years ago our ancestors were wise enough to make keeping and bearing arms a core right of all free people.
There in nothing inherent in a right to self-defense that includes possession of a firearm.
Linking self-defense rights to use of a firearm is a purely fabricated concept invented by RW gun nuts.
How do you think a firearm functions?
Explain how you influence the path of a bullet after it leaves the barrel.
You think this ^ nonsense deflection/obfuscation helps your argument?


I’ve stayed away from common and silly, but valid arguments about automakers being held legally liable for injuries and deaths caused by the intentional misuse of their properly functioning product, and hoped that you would reciprocate by not posing equally disingenuous and nonsensical arguments.

Guess I expected too much.
You think this ^ nonsense deflection/obfuscation helps your argument?


I’ve stayed away from common and silly, but valid arguments about automakers being held legally liable for injuries and deaths caused by the intentional misuse of their properly functioning product, and hoped that you would reciprocate by not posing equally disingenuous and nonsensical arguments.

Guess I expected too much.
There is fundamentally no way to control the resultant behavior of a projectile fired from a gun.
Consequently, the discharge of that firearm means that the act was inherently dangerous.
If a given action "A" results in injury or death because that action injures or jeopardizes others the individual responsible for action "A" should be held liable.
That liability should extend to the manufacturer because no amount of caution can prevent a firearm from being dangerous.
There is fundamentally no way to control the resultant behavior of a projectile fired from a gun.
Consequently, the discharge of that firearm means that the act was inherently dangerous.
If a given action "A" results in injury or death because that action injures or jeopardizes others the individual responsible for action "A" should be held liable.
That liability should extend to the manufacturer because no amount of caution can prevent a firearm from being dangerous.
Your dumbest, most disingenuous argument yet in support of suing manufacturers for the deliberate illegal use of their properly functioning product.

There is nothing inherent in a right to self-defense that includes possession of a firearm.
Okay, but the right of the people to keep and bear arms does include an inherent right to possess firearms.

Linking self-defense rights to use of a firearm is a purely fabricated concept invented by RW gun nuts.
This namecalling is a poor substitute for a good argument.

And no. Recorded legal history wasn't fabricated.

There is fundamentally no way to control the resultant behavior of a projectile fired from a gun.
Consequently, the discharge of that firearm means that the act was inherently dangerous.
Bathtubs and stairways are inherently dangerous too.

If a given action "A" results in injury or death because that action injures or jeopardizes others the individual responsible for action "A" should be held liable.
That liability should extend to the manufacturer because no amount of caution can prevent a firearm from being dangerous.
Request denied. The answer is no. We will not be doing that.
There is fundamentally no way to control the resultant behavior of a projectile fired from a gun.
Consequently, the discharge of that firearm means that the act was inherently dangerous.
If a given action "A" results in injury or death because that action injures or jeopardizes others the individual responsible for action "A" should be held liable.
That liability should extend to the manufacturer because no amount of caution can prevent a firearm from being dangerous.
No..because that projectile does not leave that firearm. without effort by someone.
And a projectile has to be placed into the firearm.
If a FIREARM is empty lying on a kitchen table...what's inherently dangerous about it?
Okay, but the right of the people to keep and bear arms does include an inherent right to possess firearms.
Purely arbitrary interpretation and imposition of personal bias in Heller.
This namecalling is a poor substitute for a good argument
And no. Recorded legal history wasn't fabricated.

Bathtubs and stairways are inherently dangerous too.
Not really. You do not seem to understand the concept.
Ah yes, gang members have their parents buying guns for them, and when they do and those gang members commit crimes, the parente never see a case.

Purely arbitrary interpretation and imposition of personal bias in Heller.
That is incorrect. It was an objective statement of historical fact from centuries before the United States even existed.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has included firearms for as long as there have been firearms.

Not really. You do not seem to understand the concept.
The people who have been killed by bathtubs and stairways would beg to differ.
That is incorrect. It was an objective statement of historical fact from centuries before the United States even existed.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has included firearms for as long as there have been firearms.
Do you understand the SCOTUS interprets Constitutional law and, as such, the ruling are OPINIONS?
The people who have been killed by bathtubs and stairways would beg to differ.
Apparently you have not bothered to learn about inherently dangerous devices.
Do you understand the SCOTUS interprets Constitutional law and, as such, the ruling are OPINIONS?
Supreme Court rulings have nothing whatsoever to do with the concrete statements of historical fact that I posted.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms does include an inherent right to possess firearms.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has included firearms for as long as there have been firearms.

Apparently you have not bothered to learn about inherently dangerous devices.
I am well aware of the fact that people die from both bathtubs and stairways.
Supreme Court rulings have nothing whatsoever to do with the concrete statements of historical fact that I posted.
Your interpretations and claims are not "fact", except in your own mind, although you could add support to your claims by historical substantiation (references).
The right of the people to keep and bear arms does include an inherent right to possess firearms.
What is an "inherent right"?
The right of the people to keep and bear arms has included firearms for as long as there have been firearms.
Are you suggesting that a "right" exists without reference to any action by humans?
If so, did humans have this right to firearms before firearms were created?
Do blind people have a right to firearms? If so, how does that make any sense?

I am well aware of the fact that people die from both bathtubs and stairways.
Dying is not the determinant of "inherently dangerous". Look up the definition.
Your interpretations and claims are not "fact", except in your own mind,
That is incorrect. My claims are fact.

I have not provided any interpretations here. But had I done so, they would be factual as well.

although you could add support to your claims by historical substantiation (references).
There is no need. No cite has been reasonably requested of me. In fact, no cite at all has been requested of me.

What is an "inherent right"?
Existing in someone or something as a natural and inseparable quality, characteristic, or right; intrinsic; innate; basic.

Are you suggesting that a "right" exists without reference to any action by humans?
There are natural rights that all humans possess regardless of law. However, other rights are codified by law.

That people are allowed to use firearms in target-shooting sports and in defense of their home was codified into law pretty much as soon as firearms were invented.

If so, did humans have this right to firearms before firearms were created?
How does someone use a weapon that has never even existed?

Do blind people have a right to firearms?
Of course they have that right. They are people too.

If so, how does that make any sense?
All you need to do is not prevent them from owning guns.

Dying is not the determinant of "inherently dangerous". Look up the definition.
All the people who died from bathtubs and stairways would beg to differ.
How does someone use a weapon that has never even existed?
You assert a firearm right as though it is unrelated to law or jurisdiction as a "natural right" inherent in being a human, yet how could that be a right before
firearms were devised. BTW, elaborate on the future rights that humans currently do not know they have.
Of course they have that right. They are people too.
So you do not think that having vision is not necessary to operate a firearm safely???
All you need to do is not prevent them from owning guns.
Now you are willing to suspend a natural right for certain individuals.
You assert a firearm right as though it is unrelated to law or jurisdiction as a "natural right" inherent in being a human,
No I don't. The right of the people to keep and bear arms was codified into law. I never claimed that it is a natural right.

yet how could that be a right before firearms were devised. BTW, elaborate on the future rights that humans currently do not know they have.
You are the only one here who is talking about future weapons. It will fall to you to provide the answers to these questions.

So you do not think that having vision is not necessary to operate a firearm safely???
I didn't say that. But since you raise the issue, it may well be possible for a blind person to fire a gun based on sounds made by whatever is attacking him.

Now you are willing to suspend a natural right for certain individuals.
No I'm not.
No I don't. The right of the people to keep and bear arms was codified into law. I never claimed that it is a natural right.
I think you claimed that it has been a right since before there were laws to regulate firearms.
You are the only one here who is talking about future weapons. It will fall to you to provide the answers to these questions.
You asserted that possessing firearms was a right since they were invented.
I didn't say that. But since you raise the issue, it may well be possible for a blind person to fire a gun based on sounds made by whatever is attacking him.
Explain the limits that should be placed on possession of firearms under your concept of the firearm right.
Ah yes, gang members have their parents buying guns for them, and when they do and those gang members commit crimes, the parente never see a case.

I'm not sure if this was supposed to be sarcastic or not about the parents buying gang members guns, but it definitely amusing to imagine a member of a gang going up to their parents to ask them to buy them a gun.

Under the same/similar circumstances we saw in this case, they'd have to have been begging their parents to get them mental health help and then been content with a gun instead after being laughed at, told to suck it up from said parents.
I'm not sure if this was supposed to be sarcastic or not about the parents buying gang members guns, but it definitely amusing to imagine a member of a gang going up to their parents to ask them to buy them a gun.

Under the same/similar circumstances we saw in this case, they'd have to have been begging their parents to get them mental health help and then been content with a gun instead after being laughed at, told to suck it up from said parents.

It was meant to be in jest. The people who think the parents of gang members are running around buying them guns are sheltered racists. They want to say blacks instead of gangmembers but as the saying goes, you dont have to have a ***** to be one.
I think you claimed that it has been a right since before there were laws to regulate firearms.
Correct. The right to keep and bear ARMS is not specific to guns. It was created long before guns were invented.

Before guns it was English longbows.

Before the English longbow it was melee weapons.

"(2) Whichever free laymen who have chattels or rent of 16 marks should have a hauberk and helmet and shield and lancea;"
"whichever free layman has chattels or rent of 10 marks must have a habergeon [aubergel], an iron cap and a lancea."
"(3) Likewise all burgesses and the whole body of free men must have a gambeson [wambais], an iron cap and a lancea."

You asserted that possessing firearms was a right since they were invented.
The earliest codification that I am aware of, of a right to use GUNS in sporting competitions and to defend one's home, was in 1541.

That is pretty close to the invention of effective firearms, especially in England.

Explain the limits that should be placed on possession of firearms under your concept of the firearm right.
Until the gun control movement:
a) stops violating our civil liberties, AND
b) stops trying to violate our civil liberties, AND
c) pays full compensation for all their past violations of our civil liberties,
I oppose any and all gun regulations.

If my above conditions are ever met, I could then support the "97 Percent" proposals with the exception of red flag laws, which violate due process rights. I favor yellow flag laws instead of red flag laws.
Correct. The right to keep and bear ARMS is not specific to guns. It was created long before guns were invented.

Before guns it was English longbows.

Before the English longbow it was melee weapons.

"(2) Whichever free laymen who have chattels or rent of 16 marks should have a hauberk and helmet and shield and lancea;"
"whichever free layman has chattels or rent of 10 marks must have a habergeon [aubergel], an iron cap and a lancea."
"(3) Likewise all burgesses and the whole body of free men must have a gambeson [wambais], an iron cap and a lancea."

The earliest codification that I am aware of, of a right to use GUNS in sporting competitions and to defend one's home, was in 1541.

That is pretty close to the invention of effective firearms, especially in England.

Until the gun control movement:
a) stops violating our civil liberties, AND
b) stops trying to violate our civil liberties, AND
c) pays full compensation for all their past violations of our civil liberties,
I oppose any and all gun regulations.

If my above conditions are ever met, I could then support the "97 Percent" proposals with the exception of red flag laws, which violate due process rights. I favor yellow flag laws instead of red flag laws.
Firearms were invented in China in the 11th Century.
Your argument seems to be that a right (unexpressed in law) must exist for everyone who wants to use a weapon for personal purposes.
Presumably that also includes automatic weapons, grenade launchers, flame throwers, and shoulder-mounted missile launchers.

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