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Who is worse, Hitler or Assad? (1 Viewer)

Who is worse, Hitler or Assad?

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1. nonsense

2. more nonsense

Socialists are more large government than communists and both are much more big government that progressive liberals.

Communism is something that can never work, not because it would not be a "nice idea" if not for one thing, human beings and all their flaws and petty envy of others. Absolutely cannot work.

Socialism is virtually equally impossible to work because it takes away too many freedoms from people (and just wants to have too much government interference in private people's lives).

Now sure, a good part of progressive liberals are either communists at heart but socialists as a more realistic policy and others are outright socialists.

But most of the progressive liberals are neither socialist or communist.

The entire ideology of Leftist Marxism relies on propaganda and lies. Changing their name every so often is one of those tactics of lies.

Decades ago the term Liberal actually described what a Libertarian is today. Then Leftist Socialist started calling themselves that until they totally took it over. Today Liberal describes a quasi Socialist. A few years ago most people began to understand what the term Liberal actually now describe, so Liberals started insisting they were/are actually Progressives.

Today Leftist are trying to hijack the term Libertarian the same way. But there is no such thing as a Left leaning Libertarian.

A Libertarian is a Conservative without the Social issues. The fundamental requirement to be a Conservative or Libertarian is a desire for Limited power Government and a Free Market economy. They usually disagree on secondary social issues like abortion or gay rights.

When Progressive Liberals come to power, every one of their policies or remedies for problems gives more power to the Government (name an Obama policy that did not do this). The inevitable outcome of this is a Totalitarian Dictatorship.
Don't feed the trolls, man. Just don't.

"Dont feed the Trolls" says the Cowardly Leftist who can't win the debate.

For Leftist like you appear to be, a Troll is someone they consistently lose arguments to.

Hate speech is an opinion for which they disagree.

Conspiracy theories are facts about incidents that destroy their ideology.

Accusations of Racist, Sexist, Homophobia are techniques for shutting up a debate opponent whom they are losing to, even when the subject of debate is not about those issues.
"Dont feed the Trolls" says the Cowardly Leftist who can't win the debate.

For Leftist like you appear to be, a Troll is someone they consistently lose arguments to.

Hate speech is an opinion for which they disagree.

Conspiracy theories are facts about incidents that destroy their ideology.

Accusations of Racist, Sexist, Homophobia are techniques for shutting up a debate opponent whom they are losing to, even when the subject of debate is not about those issues.

You have proven to be a troll. Move along and let serious people debate.

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