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Who is worse, Hitler or Assad? (2 Viewers)

Who is worse, Hitler or Assad?

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The communist party was built around people who wanted to rule the world, but that doesn't change their ideology. Just like it doesn't change the ideology of the nazis.

Not actually true, the feelings of the communists where for all the workers of the planet to unite. Sure they wanted political power, possibly all over the world but not like how the Nazi party wanted to gain power in other countries.

The misnomer that was the communist party in Russia and China did want global power, but that can hardly be called communism, both countries were ruled by a small minority who had used marxist views to gain power and used dictatorial tactics to remain in power. But they are not communists, they are leeches who siphoned money from the public to fill their own pockets, nothing was done for the good of the people in those countries.
Jeez, hyperbole much?

Rather fascist because I think it is a ridiculous comparison? Again, total exaggeration based on nothing.

This is not an ethical process for me but a logical process when one compares Adolf Hitler, the butcher of 60 million to Assad, a 2 bit dictator who commits war crimes is a logical fallacy and not an ethical one, sure there are ethical implications but that is not why I objected to the comparison.

And you showed me the bare minimum that you need to come to any conclusion on comparability and so forth? ? :lamo

Great you disagree with me but you did not show my anything, you made this simple issue of me disagreeing with Spicer into something that is way out of proportion IMHO. And also I do not "damn Spicer", I disagree with him.

You don't "damn Spicer"? Then you are one of the few that only disagree. I had read a deeper feeling into your language. So you must be happy that he exucused himself for the ruffled feathers.

In the other hand, I must disagree with you. I do not think that evil or say massive crime against humanity is additive in the normal way. Sure, Mao or Stalin are said to have killed more than Hitler the Cambodian killed a larger portion of the population than those three. The same is btw true of some German communities in the Middle Ages. But I would not say all these were more revolting or evil than Assad. He fits neatly into that selection.

I also do not think I would agree that causing war is the same catagory as torturing thousands to death. The war dead are naturally more numerous. But the planned and mass killing of ones own subjects has a different quality. At least the sociological and political implications are totally different and significant judging the danger they imply. For that reason I probably would not have chosen the 60 millions of Hitler's dead as a comparison and opted for the 6 millions plus of a segregated humans he defined as killable and killed. Assad is after all not engaged in a foreign campaign.
Come back and tell us all about it about 40 years from now after massive demographic change reduces the GOP to a minor,regional,party.

No one can stop time and/or change.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP

As far as I can see, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a strategy that will reduces the probability of avoiding world war for the next 40 years.
You don't "damn Spicer"? Then you are one of the few that only disagree. I had read a deeper feeling into your language. So you must be happy that he exucused himself for the ruffled feathers.

In the other hand, I must disagree with you. I do not think that evil or say massive crime against humanity is additive in the normal way. Sure, Mao or Stalin are said to have killed more than Hitler the Cambodian killed a larger portion of the population than those three. The same is btw true of some German communities in the Middle Ages. But I would not say all these were more revolting or evil than Assad. He fits neatly into that selection.

I also do not think I would agree that causing war is the same catagory as torturing thousands to death. The war dead are naturally more numerous. But the planned and mass killing of ones own subjects has a different quality. At least the sociological and political implications are totally different and significant judging the danger they imply. For that reason I probably would not have chosen the 60 millions of Hitler's dead as a comparison and opted for the 6 millions plus of a segregated humans he defined as killable and killed. Assad is after all not engaged in a foreign campaign.

Nope, I did not damn Spicer, I even wrote that I respected him for apologizing and for me that means that he is totally forgiven for this holocaust issue.

And yes, Mao and Stalin were equally evil as Hitler. As was Pol Pot, as was Idi Amin and a few other inhumane monsters/war criminals.

But we only had 2 people to compare, Hitler or Assad, from the Spicer comments. And Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot are all more evil than Assad is IMO.

And it was not just the 6 million Jews, it also was the 11 million or so Russians/gays/handicapped/gypsies/communists/socialists who were also executed or died at concentration/work camps.
Not actually true, the feelings of the communists where for all the workers of the planet to unite. Sure they wanted political power, possibly all over the world but not like how the Nazi party wanted to gain power in other countries.

The misnomer that was the communist party in Russia and China did want global power, but that can hardly be called communism, both countries were ruled by a small minority who had used marxist views to gain power and used dictatorial tactics to remain in power. But they are not communists, they are leeches who siphoned money from the public to fill their own pockets, nothing was done for the good of the people in those countries.

They're commies and they wanted to make the world communist. Just like the fascists wanted to make the world fascist.
They're commies and they wanted to make the world communist. Just like the fascists wanted to make the world fascist.

By the workers uniting and rebelling so that they would gain power over the capitalists. And it was not the communists but the dictatorial powers who claimed they were communists who wanted world power.
So the gas that was pumped into the extermination camp was what?

Nail Polish Remover?

From the people who brought us "Pepper Spray, just food stuff."

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By the workers uniting and rebelling so that they would gain power over the capitalists. And it was not the communists but the dictatorial powers who claimed they were communists who wanted world power.

They were still communists.
It is a long time since I read something this ridiculous about the views of progressives/liberals/socialists in a very long time.

We do not want to pursue the ideology of Stalin or Mao. Both were dictators, something no progressive/liberal or socialists wants to see as their ideology.

If anything socialists may want to pursue the ideology of Marx about a more equal world but most liberals or progressives don't even want that.

There are two types of Progressive Liberals:

1. Socialists attempting to lie about what they are.

2. Useful Idiots who join up because they think it’s cool or they like a social issue (abortion, gay rights). But they don’t realize they are giving support to the most destructive political/economic ideology the world has ever seen.

A close examination of the governing platforms of both Socialism and Communism shows the absolute only difference between the two is Socialist try to claim they can function without a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The problem with that is Socialism is so antithetical to human nature that people have to be forced to do it. This can only happen with an all powerful centralized government controlling everything AKA a Totalitarian Dictatorship.
You said cars are weapons.

Look, if you don't want to get called out for saying something stupid; don't say something stupid.

Someone should have told Spicer that, lol.
Come back and tell us all about it about 40 years from now after massive demographic change reduces the GOP to a minor,regional,party.

No one can stop time and/or change.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP

Liberal Democrats have been saying this for the last 7 years and the opposite is happening. During that time the only election good news for Democrats during that time was Obama's reelection. They lost every type of election in any area that was not a hard core Democrat majority.

Liberal Democrats have lost the war of ideas so now they are trying to stuff the ballot box with 3rd world votes. The problem for them is minorities who assemulate dont stay leftist voting welfare recipients.

Liberal Democrats are losing the minority vote. Even the minorities themselves are starting to yawn when "Racism!" is screamed over everything. Its only going to get worse as the failures of Obama are compared to the successes of Trump.
Wrong,the Nazi party was built around people who wanted to rule the world.If you'll read a little history you'll learn that the Nazi's lost the war to the USSR and its allies.


the Nazi party was built around people who wanted to rule the world.If you'll read a little history you'll learn that the Nazi's lost the war to the Allies.

thats better:)
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Come back and tell us all about it about 40 years from now after massive demographic change reduces the GOP to a minor,regional,party.

No one can stop time and/or change.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP

No it won't. We're stuck in the Republocrat machine, all that ever happens is that the sides teeter-totter in and out of power, but they never change. We'll always have the Republicans and we'll always have the Democrats so long as people believe that we have no choice but to vote for the Republocrats. The status quo shall persist, the aristocracy will rise, and the Corporate-State will become entrenched. That's all. Trump is but a link in this cycle. As was Obama.
Okay, so you didn't forget. You're just playing it like gas chambers were called that because you could pump your gas before you got gassed.... and not because of the chemical... weapons... being used... in them.

Two interesting people voted assad to mock the poll ?:lol:
I did no such thing, you're just trying to weasel out of something you said.

That's exactly what you did, because I never defended Hitler. Show me where I did, or admit you lied your ass off.
Oh the Hitler comment was pretty damned stupid. lol

What's stupid is the fauxrage over it. The fauxragers are too stupid to understand that Zyklon B wasn't a weaponized agent. They're the same people who claim that when Assad used chlorine on people that he wasn't using chemical weapons.
What's stupid is the fauxrage over it. The fauxragers are too stupid to understand that Zyklon B wasn't a weaponized agent. They're the same people who claim that when Assad used chlorine on people that he wasn't using chemical weapons.

Lol, what does "weaponize" mean, apdst? :)
no brainer lol Hitler
Lol, what does "weaponize" mean, apdst? :)

It means that the agent can be used as a weapon in battle. Sarin is just sarin, until it's weaponized.

Sarin, in it's raw form can't be used as a chemical weapon.

It is usually manufactured and weaponized as a racemic mixture—an equal mixture of both enantiomeric forms, as this is a simpler process and provides an adequate weapon.


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