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[W:411]Proof of Trump Causing Unnecessary Covid-19 Deaths (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
A Columbia University study has shown that if Social Distancing had started just 1 week earlier than it started, over 36,000 deaths from Covid-19 could have been prevented.

Social distancing 1 week earlier could have saved 36,000 lives in US, study suggests
Researchers say the new models show how even small differences in timing could have prevented the worst exponential growth of coronavirus cases.

New modeling shows that if the U.S. adopted coronavirus social distancing measures one week earlier in March, the country could have saved nearly 36,000 additional lives from COVID-19. Researchers say its a sign of how quickly the virus can spread when no measures are in place.

The estimates are from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. It's based on modeling that looks at how reduced contact between people starting in mid-March slowed transmission, according to The New York Times.

As it is, Trump did not address the virus threat until 9 weeks after the first infection was reported, whereas South Korea and Germany addressed the virus within 1-2 weeks after the first reported infection and therefore have shown less deaths per capita than we show. Just imagine how many lives would have been saved if Trump had done the same thing here as in those countries if just starting 1 week earlier could have saved over 36,000 lives.

As I have stated many times before, Trump is incompetent and will end up causing us all more problems and deaths that some other president. Here is proof of this.
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I find it interesting that the cult's strategy so far has been to claim the position of president is powerless and that there's absolutely nothing Trump could've done. It shows that they can't defend his actions (or rather inactions) on substance and instead have to focus on deflecting. Anyone that criticizes Trump's performance gets accused of "wanting Americans to die", when what we really wanted was competent leadership.
A Columbia University study has shown that if Social Distancing had started just 1 week earlier than it started, over 36,000 deaths from Covid-19 could have been prevented.

As it is, Trump did not address the virus threat until 9 weeks after the first infection was reported, whereas South Korea and Germany addressed the virus within 1-2 weeks after the first reported infection and therefore have shown less deaths per capita than we show. Just imagine how many lives would have been saved if Trump had done the same thing here as in those countries if just starting 1 week earlier could have saved over 36,000 lives.

As I have stated many times before, Trump is incompetent and will end up causing us all more problems and deaths that some other president. Here is proof of this.

Rather large numbers to toss around not yet peer reviewed.
Trump definitely has blood on his hands ...... with much more to come.
A Columbia University study has shown that if Social Distancing had started just 1 week earlier than it started, over 36,000 deaths from Covid-19 could have been prevented.

As it is, Trump did not address the virus threat until 9 weeks after the first infection was reported, whereas South Korea and Germany addressed the virus within 1-2 weeks after the first reported infection and therefore have shown less deaths per capita than we show. Just imagine how many lives would have been saved if Trump had done the same thing here as in those countries if just starting 1 week earlier could have saved over 36,000 lives.

As I have stated many times before, Trump is incompetent and will end up causing us all more problems and deaths that some other president. Here is proof of this.

What was the timeline of infection in those countries?
On February 24th Pelosi, a leader on the left, was encouraging people to visit Chinatown. The left has changed positions on this pandemic more than a hooker cranked up on meth
A Columbia University study has shown that if Social Distancing had started just 1 week earlier than it started, over 36,000 deaths from Covid-19 could have been prevented.

As it is, Trump did not address the virus threat until 9 weeks after the first infection was reported, whereas South Korea and Germany addressed the virus within 1-2 weeks after the first reported infection and therefore have shown less deaths per capita than we show. Just imagine how many lives would have been saved if Trump had done the same thing here as in those countries if just starting 1 week earlier could have saved over 36,000 lives.

As I have stated many times before, Trump is incompetent and will end up causing us all more problems and deaths that some other president. Here is proof of this.

Another anti Trump thread that defies actual verifiable results around the world especially in those liberal utopian countries the left would like this country to be like. What in these results shows that Trump is responsible for more deaths?? Continue to promote that testing bull****.

Are you people ever going to stop with the attacks on Trump based upon total and complete bias and ignorance?

5/20/2020 Cases Deaths

United States 1581903 93806 5.9%

Spain 279524 27888 10.0%

Italy 227364 32330 14.2%

England 248293 35704 14.4%

France 143845 28132 19.6%

Netherlands 44700 5775 12.9%

Canada 80142 6031 7.5%

Germany 178531 8270 4.6%

WORLD 5014943 328462 6.5%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing
Another anti Trump thread that defies actual verifiable results around the world especially in those liberal utopian countries the left would like this country to be like. What in these results shows that Trump is responsible for more deaths?? Continue to promote that testing bull****.

Are you people ever going to stop with the attacks on Trump based upon total and complete bias and ignorance?

5/20/2020 Cases Deaths

United States 1581903 93806 5.9%

Spain 279524 27888 10.0%

Italy 227364 32330 14.2%

England 248293 35704 14.4%

France 143845 28132 19.6%

Netherlands 44700 5775 12.9%

Canada 80142 6031 7.5%

Germany 178531 8270 4.6%

WORLD 5014943 328462 6.5%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing

You have yet to prove what those statistics actually conclude in terms of your "verifiable results around the world especially in those liberal utopian countries the left would like this country to be like.". Drawing unsupported conclusions is poor form, and does little for your credibility. Germany has a mixed private/universal healthcare system, and South Korea has a universal healthcare system and both have a lower mortality rate than the US. What conclusions do you draw from those "results"?
You have yet to prove what those statistics actually conclude in terms of your "verifiable results around the world especially in those liberal utopian countries the left would like this country to be like.". Drawing unsupported conclusions is poor form, and does little for your credibility. Germany has a mixed private/universal healthcare system, and South Korea has a universal healthcare system and both have a lower mortality rate than the US. What conclusions do you draw from those "results"?

The results are what they are and go up daily as they do in the United States. You explain the results to me then since you don't agree. The data supports my claims as Europe doesn't offer the utopia the left thinks is there and the utopia that liberalism provides to anyone other than a gov't bureaucrat
What was the timeline of infection in those countries?

Most every country started getting infections at mid January. South Korea and Germany started testing within 1-2 weeks. We started testing mid March, 9 weeks after the first infection is Washington.

I heard this morning that the U.S. is ranked about 130th in the world regarding deaths per capita. I could not find a chart that shows that. Nonetheless, below is a chart with the worst 10 countries in the world with deaths per capita to the virus. The U.S. is #7

The results are what they are and go up daily as they do in the United States. You explain the results to me then since you don't agree. The data supports my claims as Europe doesn't offer the utopia the left thinks is there and the utopia that liberalism provides to anyone other than a gov't bureaucrat

The results represent the mortality rate, and not the underlying reasons behind them. I don't know what is specifically causing them, which is why I don't attribute them to any underlying causes until there are more studies conducted correlating data to identify those causes. The data does not support what you're claiming unless you're grasping at straws.
The results represent the mortality rate, and not the underlying reasons behind them. I don't know what is specifically causing them, which is why I don't attribute them to any underlying causes until there are more studies conducted correlating data to support those causes. The data does not support what you're claiming unless you're grasping at straws.

Results matter, you continue to promote the liberal ideology so why aren't you posting liberal results?
Most every country started getting infections at mid January. South Korea and Germany started testing within 1-2 weeks. We started testing mid March, 9 weeks after the first infection is Washington.

I heard this morning that the U.S. is ranked about 130th in the world regarding deaths per capita. I could not find a chart that shows that. Nonetheless, below is a chart with the worst 10 countries in the world with deaths per capita to the virus. The U.S. is #7

View attachment 67281219

So why is it that European countries lead the list and that reality is ignored? You and others have promoted Europe for years now and when the results don't support your claims you divert from or ignore them. Those Results also don't have China on the list, wonder why?
Another anti Trump thread that defies actual verifiable results around the world especially in those liberal utopian countries the left would like this country to be like. What in these results shows that Trump is responsible for more deaths?? Continue to promote that testing bull****.

Are you people ever going to stop with the attacks on Trump based upon total and complete bias and ignorance?

5/20/2020 Cases Deaths

United States 1581903 93806 5.9%

Spain 279524 27888 10.0%

Italy 227364 32330 14.2%

England 248293 35704 14.4%

France 143845 28132 19.6%

Netherlands 44700 5775 12.9%

Canada 80142 6031 7.5%

Germany 178531 8270 4.6%

WORLD 5014943 328462 6.5%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing

You are attacking the messenger. This was a study done by Columbia University and if you have a problem with their findings, take it up with them.

Bottom line is that Trump was 100% responsible for the delay in addressing the issue. When Germany and South Korea are studied, they started social distancing within 2 weeks of the first corona virus infection. We started social distancing 9 weeks after out first reported infection. That is the responsibility of the president and it not something you can throw bias accusations at. It is simply fact. The fact that you refuse to accept it, is your problem. You do not want to make Trump responsible for anything but facts and numbers don't lie. As such, you refusal to accept facts, is totally on you.

It is not surprising though, given your track record of defending Trump no matter what. You are the man of a thousand-excuses-for-Trump. He is not guilty or responsible for anything. Everyone else is to blame. Reality begone.
So why is it that European countries lead the list and that reality is ignored? You and others have promoted Europe for years now and when the results don't support your claims you divert from or ignore them. Those Results also don't have China on the list, wonder why?

Europe tends to be urban dense. Note that the hot spots in the US are urban. Gee, a virus has more opportunity to spread in crowds. Surprise.

As for China, that is a different culture where people can be told to say home and they will till told it's ok to leave. Hey, let's go to the beach.
So why is it that European countries lead the list and that reality is ignored? You and others have promoted Europe for years now and when the results don't support your claims you divert from or ignore them. Those Results also don't have China on the list, wonder why?

You cannot get away from this simple fact:


We were supposed to be the best and we are not. Trump is the reason.
You are attacking the messenger. This was a study done by Columbia University and if you have a problem with their findings, take it up with them.

Bottom line is that Trump was 100% responsible for the delay in addressing the issue. When Germany and South Korea are studied, they started social distancing within 2 weeks of the first corona virus infection. We started social distancing 9 weeks after out first reported infection. That is the responsibility of the president and it not something you can throw bias accusations at. It is simply fact. The fact that you refuse to accept it, is your problem. You do not want to make Trump responsible for anything but facts and numbers don't lie. As such, you refusal to accept facts, is totally on you.

It is not surprising though, given your track record of defending Trump no matter what. You are the man of a thousand-excuses-for-Trump. He is not guilty or responsible for anything. Everyone else is to blame. Reality begone.

I have some numbers for conservatives.

You can count them one by one,
It could be your son.
Count them two by two, it could be me or you.
Count them three by three, do you want to see?
Count them four by four...
You are attacking the messenger. This was a study done by Columbia University and if you have a problem with their findings, take it up with them.

Bottom line is that Trump was 100% responsible for the delay in addressing the issue. When Germany and South Korea are studied, they started social distancing within 2 weeks of the first corona virus infection. We started social distancing 9 weeks after out first reported infection. That is the responsibility of the president and it not something you can throw bias accusations at. It is simply fact. The fact that you refuse to accept it, is your problem. You do not want to make Trump responsible for anything but facts and numbers don't lie. As such, you refusal to accept facts, is totally on you.

It is not surprising though, given your track record of defending Trump no matter what. You are the man of a thousand-excuses-for-Trump. He is not guilty or responsible for anything. Everyone else is to blame. Reality begone.

I have no problem with the findings, my problem is with the left touting Europe as the role model for the world and what they would like the U.S. to become. I don't defend Trump, I defend his record as results matter. I don't see you posting any liberal results, why is that?

100% responsible for a delay? What delay?? You believe the left would have bought anything he said during the Impeachment hearings and trial? What action did you think he should have taken and why the diversion from the results posted?
Europe tends to be urban dense. Note that the hot spots in the US are urban. Gee, a virus has more opportunity to spread in crowds. Surprise.

As for China, that is a different culture where people can be told to say home and they will till told it's ok to leave. Hey, let's go to the beach.

China has been shown to be untrustworthy in reporting anything so there actions shouldn't be ignored. Further the European Results are being ignored as the left continues to attack Trump diverting from their own record
You cannot get away from this simple fact:

View attachment 67281221

We were supposed to be the best and we are not. Trump is the reason.

Preparation for the pandemic should have begun at the end of the last one, what happened then. Again, I am waiting for your answer to state and local responsibilities? Seems we are blowing most of Europe away with our results that you want to ignore
I have some numbers for conservatives.

You can count them one by one,
It could be your son.
Count them two by two, it could be me or you.
Count them three by three, do you want to see?
Count them four by four...

Continue to notice how the left never posts liberal results only attack on Conservatives and diversion from the liberal results, why is that?

5/20/2020 Cases Deaths

United States 1581903 93806 5.9%

Spain 279524 27888 10.0%

Italy 227364 32330 14.2%

England 248293 35704 14.4%

France 143845 28132 19.6%

Netherlands 44700 5775 12.9%

Canada 80142 6031 7.5%

Germany 178531 8270 4.6%

WORLD 5014943 328462 6.5%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing
I have no problem with the findings, my problem is with the left touting Europe as the role model for the world and what they would like the U.S. to become. I don't defend Trump, I defend his record as results matter. I don't see you posting any liberal results, why is that?

100% responsible for a delay? What delay?? You believe the left would have bought anything he said during the Impeachment hearings and trial? What action did you think he should have taken and why the diversion from the results posted?

Evidently, you have not been reading any OP's that have been put here before showing Trump pooh-poohing the virus for 2 months. I suggest you take a look at the countless videos of his statements (not biased opinions).

Impeachment distraction is pure BS. That ended in mid January before the first case of the virus occurred.

I am sure you can invent something else to excuse Trump from his responsibility of the presidency. C'mon, you could say that Schiff was driving him crazy, or that Shumer was to blame since he should have said something. Perhaps Pelosi should have kept quiet and Trump would have been able to put his attention on the pandemic. Perhaps if the media had not said anything, Trump would have done his job. I am sure there is some excuse for his actions you can come up with. You are a resourceful man, especially with excuses for the Lord.
of course Trump ****ed up. what idiot doesn't know that by now?
Continue to notice how the left never posts liberal results only attack on Conservatives and diversion from the liberal results, why is that?

5/20/2020 Cases Deaths

United States 1581903 93806 5.9%

Spain 279524 27888 10.0%

Italy 227364 32330 14.2%

England 248293 35704 14.4%

France 143845 28132 19.6%

Netherlands 44700 5775 12.9%

Canada 80142 6031 7.5%

Germany 178531 8270 4.6%

WORLD 5014943 328462 6.5%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing

Again, you left out South Korea:

11,122 cases 264 deaths.

I wonder why that is...

J/K, I know why!

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