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Trump's Job Losses Will Exceed The Great Recession’s (1 Viewer)

If we had shut down in January, the long term job losses might have been less.

I'm fortunate that I can work remotely; but I'm working 80 to 120 hours per week
rather than 40 to 60 hours per week
If we had shut down in January, the long term job losses might have been less.

I'm fortunate that I can work remotely; but I'm working 80 to 120 hours per week
rather than 40 to 60 hours per week

15 hours a day 7 days a week,really???
If we had shut down in January, the long term job losses might have been less.

I'm fortunate that I can work remotely; but I'm working 80 to 120 hours per week
rather than 40 to 60 hours per week

Yep. The recession is fully on trump for calling the thing a hoax.
What would you have said if trump refused to shut down? I am new here and have been,accused of "attacking" peoples opinions but what other response should there be to posts as silly as the one above? Its moronic

Happy to give you your first like, welcome, you are going to find that the left here has no logic, common sense, and will never offer solutions, they place blame, politics of personal destruction. Good luck with your effort to get them to respond to simple requests like yours
You mean the job losses caused by Gov's shutting down their economies and forcing people to stay home and not work.
you mean those job losses?

not sure how trump is responsible for that.
but this is why the left depends on low information voters.

Imagine if he had ramped up testing during that month where the numbers were magically gonna go down to 0.

Trump lied, Americans died. The man and his supporters are the perfect combination of pure evil and pure stupidity.
Happy to give you your first like, welcome, you are going to find that the left here has no logic, common sense, and will never offer solutions, they place blame, politics of personal destruction. Good luck with your effort to get them to respond to simple requests like yours

Thanks but I can already tell it will be an uphill battle
Imagine if he had ramped up testing during that month where the numbers were magically gonna go down to 0.

Trump lied, Americans died. The man and his supporters are the perfect combination of pure evil and pure stupidity.

No China and WHO lied and millions of people around the world died.
Facts do not care about your feelings.

Yet while trump was closing down and restriction travel you were howling how racist it was.
sorry your what if scenerio's are meaningless when you are howling about everything trump did.

WHile liberals were wanting people to show up in public places and wanting people to go out in public.
you can't rationalize your hypocrisy.

so really it was leftist killing people in this country while trump was trying to lock things down.
Donald 'Depression" Trump is President - not any of those demons who haunt your personal nightmares. And over the next week Trump is looking at over 100,000 people dead from the virus that he dragged his feet on in February and early March. And Trump is looking at 40 million out of work.

And it hall happened deep into his watch. There is nobody else to blame.

Glad to see you are now on record as totally opposing the stay at home and shut down orders.
And suddenly nearly all progressive Democrats claim they were 100% wrong to support the shut down and stay at home orders - wanting the country immediately 100% reopened.
The president will be held responsible in comparison to best practices. To the extent New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Germany had infection, death, job loss and economic contraction, we can attribute that to the virus. To the extent that any of that was worse in the US, we can attribute to the White House. The White House will be accountable to the extent the poor results are attributable to the mismanagement of the response to the crisis. And, there most certainly was mismanagement. Those comparisons will be made and turned into 30 and 60 second spots, that will be damning.

But in the end, to quote James Carville, "its the economy, stupid". If we are still reeling in November, and we will be, those effected by all of this (out of a job or missing a loved one) will not be voting for Trump.

Another progressive cheering Democratic governors putting infected people into nursing homes and all governors ordering all low traffic retail stores closed to force as many people to get infected by congregating in big box stores, while also pursuing as many Amazon employees infected as possible.

The frustration to many progressive Democrats is they didn't just want 10s of millions of unemployed Americans, they wanted millions to die. For most their REAL complaint about how many are unemployed is that they shouldn't be unemployed. They should be dead by covid 19 (or by any other way).

They probably are angry at Pelosi for only blocking ANY White House response to covid-19 for over a week in her clearly deliberate plan to get covid-19 spread and far and wide in the USA as possible. Pelosi should be referred to as serial killer Pelosi, just like Democratic Cuomo is a serial killer of thousands of defenseless elderly people.
Glad to see you are now on record as totally opposing the stay at home and shut down orders.

Your reply makes so sense as a retort to my post.
No China and WHO lied and millions of people around the world died.
Facts do not care about your feelings.

Trump said China was doing a great job. Was he lying then or now? Did he ever deliver on his 27M test promise?

Wake up. Open your eyes. You needn't embarrass yourself for a man that doesn't care about you.
Trump said China was doing a great job. Was he lying then or now? Did he ever deliver on his 27M test promise?

Wake up. Open your eyes. You needn't embarrass yourself for a man that doesn't care about you.

Here embarrass yourself by supporting today's Democratic Party and ignoring the economic results pre pandemic

New Democrat Campaign "Ad" - YouTube
Blah blah blah, Trump takes no responsibility for running the country, blah blah blah.

I've found more wisdom in fortune cookies than I've seen in your posts.

Running the country? Never took a U.S. civics course did you?
Running the country? Never took a U.S. civics course did you?

Running the country doesn't mean "controls everything".

Seriously, is your only move to misunderstand everything, even the most simple concepts?
What ideology? I am about the most unidealogical person know of. The only thing I follow is what works for the great American people within the limits of the Constitution.

So what ideology is that smart guy?

It's the Orange Man Bad ideology.

It knows no reason, logic nor limits.
I take it you don't know how our government works and citing opinion pieces, doesn't help you prove otherwise.
The president doesn't have to just jump in a push everyone around, telling them what to do. It's not like any of them wanted to do anything for him anyway.

So the government followed it's function. Nothing wrong was done here, save for the governors who decided to just ignore all the warnings.

So it's not OK for the governors to ignore the warnings, but it's OK for Trump to ignore them? It's because of Trump and his handling of the government response that some of the governors didn't get it right.
I take it you don't know how our government works and citing opinion pieces, doesn't help you prove otherwise.
The president doesn't have to just jump in a push everyone around, telling them what to do. It's not like any of them wanted to do anything for him anyway.

So the government followed it's function. Nothing wrong was done here, save for the governors who decided to just ignore all the warnings.

Trump claimed his power is absolute. He can shut down and reopen the government whenever he wants.
So it's not OK for the governors to ignore the warnings, but it's OK for Trump to ignore them? It's because of Trump and his handling of the government response that some of the governors didn't get it right.

No, I'll readily say that Trump could've done thing differently. But he in no way ****ed this up, like what the left is trying to claim.

I've haven't seen anything that shows Trump directly ignored warnings. Yet I have seen these governors do so and I wouldn't be surprised that they did so out of spite.

I hope the bodies of all their dead can at least bring them some measure of comfort, for whatever it's worth.

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