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Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 4, 2013
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Map flap: Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama - ABC News

After drawing criticism for inaccurately warning over the weekend that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian -- even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case -- President Donald Trump on Wednesday held up a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it in black making it seem as if he had been right all along.

The guy redrew the weather map with a sharpie to prove he was right about Dorian was going to hit Alabama. I never saw anyone so insecure in my life, who just can’t admit he was wrong.

Worse, what he did was a crime.
[h=1]18 U.S. Code § 2074.False weather reports[/h]Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United StatesSignal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.
Wouldn’t it funny if this got him impeached?
Map flap: Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama - ABC News

After drawing criticism for inaccurately warning over the weekend that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian -- even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case -- President Donald Trump on Wednesday held up a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it in black making it seem as if he had been right all along.

The guy redrew the weather map with a sharpie to prove he was right about Dorian was going to hit Alabama. I never saw anyone so insecure in my life, who just can’t admit he was wrong.

Worse, what he did was a crime.

Wouldn’t it funny if this got him impeached?

5th thread on same subject?!? Man, people are running out of comments ... unless they're liberals ... they like to repeat themselves ... :lol:
best peruse before posting
Map flap: Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama - ABC News

After drawing criticism for inaccurately warning over the weekend that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian -- even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case -- President Donald Trump on Wednesday held up a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it in black making it seem as if he had been right all along.

The guy redrew the weather map with a sharpie to prove he was right about Dorian was going to hit Alabama. I never saw anyone so insecure in my life, who just can’t admit he was wrong.

Worse, what he did was a crime.

Wouldn’t it funny if this got him impeached?

"It's not a lie, Trump just presents his data hyperbolically" - Trump supporters
5th thread on same subject?!? Man, people are running out of comments ... unless they're liberals ... they like to repeat themselves ... :lol:
I saw no other thread in breaking news.
Map flap: Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama - ABC News

After drawing criticism for inaccurately warning over the weekend that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian -- even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case -- President Donald Trump on Wednesday held up a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it in black making it seem as if he had been right all along.

The guy redrew the weather map with a sharpie to prove he was right about Dorian was going to hit Alabama. I never saw anyone so insecure in my life, who just can’t admit he was wrong.

Worse, what he did was a crime.

Wouldn’t it funny if this got him impeached?

Sharpie sales will increase in Trump country
Replacement for his crayons
5th thread on same subject?!? Man, people are running out of comments ... unless they're liberals ... they like to repeat themselves ... :lol:
It's the Trump Scandal de jour.

In a few days there'll be another in a long line of them, with who knows how many laws broken along the way.

But no one seems willing to call him on it, so he'll establish a precedent that will allow future presidents to do many things they shouldn't, just like him.
Map flap: Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama - ABC News

After drawing criticism for inaccurately warning over the weekend that Alabama could get hit by Hurricane Dorian -- even after government meteorologists disputed that was the case -- President Donald Trump on Wednesday held up a map that appeared to have a line drawn on it in black making it seem as if he had been right all along.

The guy redrew the weather map with a sharpie to prove he was right about Dorian was going to hit Alabama. I never saw anyone so insecure in my life, who just can’t admit he was wrong.

Worse, what he did was a crime.

Wouldn’t it funny if this got him impeached?

Where is the crime? Has Trump been arrested yet?

Or are you just hopelessly hoping for the above :bs to stick to the wall again?

Shameful, that you actually believe the above is "breaking news"....
Trump's obvious falsification is pathetic. Hurricane Dorian was never forecast to go west toward the Gulf; it has always, by every American and European meteorological model, been forecast to go North-Northeast.

How completely delusional does one have to be to believe that anyone not wearing diapers would fall for such juvenile antics? What an idiot.
Where is the crime? Has Trump been arrested yet?

Or are you just hopelessly hoping for the above :bs to stick to the wall again?

Shameful, that you actually believe the above is "breaking news"....
I cited the law in post #1.

I guess you are right. Trump violating the law is no longer breaking news because he does it so frequently.
Where is the crime? Has Trump been arrested yet?

Or are you just hopelessly hoping for the above :bs to stick to the wall again?

Shameful, that you actually believe the above is "breaking news"....

Do you know what the title of 18 U.S Code Part I(where § 2074 can be found) is?

Trump's obvious falsification is pathetic. Hurricane Dorian was never forecast to go west toward the Gulf; it has always, by every American and European meteorological model, been forecast to go North-Northeast.

How completely delusional does one have to be to believe that anyone not wearing diapers would fall for such juvenile antics? What an idiot.

It's not pathetic, it is sick. Seriously.

1) The ridiculous circle is clearly not part of the original NOAA release.

2) When he made his statement about Alabama the forecast had LONG since changed. His statement about Alabama was 3 days later! This is a guy who canceled a trip to Poland to monitor this storm. Hello, I, as a nobody, casually following the storm new Alabama was no where close to where the storm would make an impact. Trump "claimed" he was receiving HOURLY updates all weekend!

3) Why is he still talking about it? No mature adult would still consumed with something so trite.

It is surreal to think we have a president that is this "disturbed" and that 4 out of 10 Americans either don't understand this obvious truth or worse, just don't care because they hate the same people TRump hates.
I cited the law in post #1.

I guess you are right. Trump violating the law is no longer breaking news because he does it so frequently.

You cited nothing that is relevant.

You've made a mountain out of a molehill.
Oh, good! There's only two or three other threads mindlessly slicing and dicing this nothingburger. :roll:
Do you know what the title of 18 U.S Code Part I(where § 2074 can be found) is?


The world according to you...

I guarantee you that the faux outrage expressed to this story won't even last a week until the echo chamber is onto to the next Trump is a criminal fairy tale.
The world according to you...

I guarantee you that the faux outrage expressed to this story won't even last a week until the echo chamber is onto to the next Trump is a criminal fairy tale.

What world according to me? **** you! It's plain as day on the ****ing website I linked you to.

Edit: here's a screenshot you you don't get lost on the way.


Edit2: On second thought that's probably not good enough for you. Here, I updated the pic to make it easier.

Last edited:
What world according to me? **** you! It's plain as day on the ****ing website I linked you to.

So. You're trying to reason with a Trumper using facts?

You should know better.
You cited nothing that is relevant. You've made a mountain out of a molehill.
The president falsely doctoring a weather map so that it now shows a hurricane going where the Weather Service said it wasn't going to go is nothing? If it wasn't for Trump being a habitual liar and nobody believing what he said, people in Alabama would be trying to evacuate for no reason -- leaving their homes and closing their businesses.Sorry, that's something and it's nuts.
Where is the crime? Has Trump been arrested yet?

Or are you just hopelessly hoping for the above :bs to stick to the wall again?

Shameful, that you actually believe the above is "breaking news"....

Of course it's not "breaking news." Trump lies several times a day. File it under "why are we not surprised?"
What world according to me? **** you! It's plain as day on the ****ing website I linked you to.

Edit: here's a screenshot you you don't get lost on the way.

View attachment 67263092

Edit2: On second thought that's probably not good enough for you. Here, I updated the pic to make it easier.

View attachment 67263094

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!

The world according to you...

I guarantee you that the faux outrage expressed to this story won't even last a week until the echo chamber is onto to the next Trump is a criminal fairy tale.

It will if Trump keeps digging in his heels and tweeting that he was right. All he had to do after the weather services corrected him was step forward and say he misread or misheard. Granted that would still be pretty lame considering he cancelled his trip and stayed here for the exact reason of "needing to monitor the hurricane" every hour. But no, he digs in and says he's right. Then today he pulls up the old tracking map and has a freaking black sharpie edging into Alabama so he can claim he was right yet again. :lamo

If he was right then why on earth couldn't he hold up a tracking map from NOAA that included Alabama? Or doesn't he have that kind of connections? What he did was irresponsible. To continue trying to persuade people with a sharpie on an old map is plain asinine.
Of course it's not "breaking news." Trump lies several times a day. File it under "why are we not surprised?"
This isn't a Trump lie; it's a deranged left mass hysteria.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!


So let me ask you this. You turn on the news and find out there is fire burning 20 miles North of you. At the time the news reports have the fire going East. Later just to be cautious you turn on the radio and hear the broadcaster say he's just gotten an update on the fire and it's moving Southwest at a rapid rate and your area needs to evacuate. You glance out the window and see other people putting things in their cars, so you start packing too. Now are you going to just laugh and wave past what that broadcaster said when you get on the road and the next report on the radio is the fire is still moving East and there is no evacuation order for your area? You'll laugh all the way home right?
This isn't a Trump lie; it's a deranged left mass hysteria.

It's just another example of why he's losing voters. Or don't you think the words of a president matter? Let him ramble on about his dad being from Germany, or telling boy scouts about adult parties he's attended. This is people's damn lives. If he can't make an accurate statement on something like this then he needs to let the experts do it and stop playing wannabe weatherman.

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