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The New Democratic Hoax: MURDER HORNETS! (1 Viewer)


Zoom Warrior
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DP Veteran
Oct 30, 2016
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Seattle Area
Political Leaning
Yes, folks, they're here fresh from Asia and they're angry! They decapitate bees with their bare hands and their stings reportedly feel like having red-hot thumbtacks driven into your skin. As if we're not in enough trouble already!

Murder Hornet.jpg
Murder Hornets created in Alt Right labs have been unleashed in Washington State to destroy liberal havens!!!!
Tweety is on the case.
Great, I am sure somewhere in the discussion nukes will come up.

Why can't we nuke the hornets? What's the point in just letting all those nukes sit there doing nothing?
Can we UV them or make them drink bleach?
Yes, folks, they're here fresh from Asia and they're angry! They decapitate bees with their bare hands and their stings reportedly feel like having red-hot thumbtacks driven into your skin. As if we're not in enough trouble already!

View attachment 67279696

More panic porn!
I'm waiting for someone to agree that it is a democrat hoax. You know it's coming.

I know! That's why I phrased my thread title as I did.
Yes, folks, they're here fresh from Asia and they're angry! They decapitate bees with their bare hands and their stings reportedly feel like having red-hot thumbtacks driven into your skin. As if we're not in enough trouble already!

View attachment 67279696

:shock: OMG! I can't unsee that! Pass the eye bleach...
This is going to get us killed on our horses. Every yr someone ends up riding thru or near a wasp's nest of some kind, they sting the horses and cause mass chaos and injuries. This is all we need! :eek:

Oh, and the bees...the poor bees, someone save the bees!!!!

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
Yes, folks, they're here fresh from Asia and they're angry! They decapitate bees with their bare hands and their stings reportedly feel like having red-hot thumbtacks driven into your skin. As if we're not in enough trouble already!

View attachment 67279696

Murder hornets are about as fake as the coronavirus. Sometimes scientists need to realize that they aren't the real experts.
Murder hornets are about as fake as the coronavirus. Sometimes scientists need to realize that they aren't the real experts.

Proponents of confirmation science are fake, period.
Murder hornets are about as fake as the coronavirus. Sometimes scientists need to realize that they aren't the real experts.

That's right, dammit! The Earth is only 6,000 years old, evolution is a hoax and Jesus rode a dinosaur!
Proponents of confirmation science are fake, period.

Agreed. That is why I don't believe in atoms, the theory of gravity, the coronavirus, OJ did it, or murder hornets.
Agreed. That is why I don't believe in atoms, the theory of gravity, the coronavirus, OJ did it, or murder hornets.

I am sure you do not believe in confirmation science, and do believe in atoms, theory of gravity, etc.
I am sure you do not believe in confirmation science, and do believe in atoms, theory of gravity, etc.

Atoms and the theory of gravity are based on the lie of confirmation science. An apple hitting Newton's head doesn't confirm anything!
Atoms and the theory of gravity are based on the lie of confirmation science. An apple hitting Newton's head doesn't confirm anything!

:) You are funning.
Look at the bright side, those should keep people inside.
I am sure you do not believe in confirmation science, and do believe in atoms, theory of gravity, etc.

Wait, wasn't it you who famously said, "atoms are God's little Legos"? I'm pretty sure that's what I read in one of your threads. It was either your thread titled, "Proof that the universe is only 6500 years old". Or maybe it was your other thread, titled "Jesus killed the dinosaurs, because they were sinners". It was one of those two..... Lol

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