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the lunch thread (1 Viewer)

La Ba Zhou. A bean, rice and vegetable porridge with some meat, served during La Ba festival. La Ba is the last festival of the Chinese Lunar year, prior to the Spring Festival in February that will begin the new year.
I might just have a good ole' Peanut Butter and Blueberry Jam Sandwich today... Oh Goodie!
Turkey, lettuce, cheese and pickle sandwich with Chipotle mayo. French Canadian pea soup.

Yogurt with blueberries and strawberries.
My wife signed us up for a trial run of a delivery food service. So far the meals have been surprisingly good.

Lunch today was roasted cauliflower, candied carrots and turkey with gravy.

My wife signed us up for a trial run of a delivery food service. So far the meals have been surprisingly good.

Lunch today was roasted cauliflower, candied carrots and turkey with gravy.

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If you don't mind me asking what is the cost per meal?
I had a tofu Pad Thai meal.
If you don't mind me asking what is the cost per meal?

The 21 meal plan is like $200, so $11 after tax/meal. I realize that is very expensive, which is why we are just doin the trial.

We are only doing the trial because it's ~$5 a meal.
The 21 meal plan is like $200, so $11 after tax/meal. I realize that is very expensive, which is why we are just doin the trial.
One of the advantages to packaged meals is that there's no food waste so take that into account.
We are only doing the trial because it's ~$5 a meal.
I buy frozen meals - protien bowl steamers etc. Nutritious, calorie managed and delicious. They are about $6.00 at my supermarket and there's enough variety that I don't get bored with them.
Big thumbs down on that meal plan.

The fish meals were clearly spoiled, with a pronounced smell of ammonia when heated.

And even if you go in and edit your meal plan to remove all fish meals, I still have a sneaking suspicion that this meal plan is dangerously low in sodium. After a week on the meal plan I started getting late night leg cramps, and torso cramps during the day which tends to mean a sodium deficiency. I tested that theory yesterday with a bottle of Gatorade and the cramps are gone.

I'll finish up the week because I don't wat to waste money, but any fish meals are goin in the trash, and I'm adding a little salt to every meal.
Big thumbs down on that meal plan.

The fish meals were clearly spoiled, with a pronounced smell of ammonia when heated.

And even if you go in and edit your meal plan to remove all fish meals, I still have a sneaking suspicion that this meal plan is dangerously low in sodium. After a week on the meal plan I started getting late night leg cramps, and torso cramps during the day which tends to mean a sodium deficiency. I tested that theory yesterday with a bottle of Gatorade and the cramps are gone.

I'll finish up the week because I don't wat to waste money, but any fish meals are goin in the trash, and I'm adding a little salt to every meal.
Do the meal plans have nutritional information?
Do the meal plans have nutritional information?

They do. I never though to check the sodium until the cramping started. I was getting about half of the recommended daily intake of sodium.

I'm guessing that they expect you to take daily supplements with potassium to counteract that.
They do. I never though to check the sodium until the cramping started. I was getting about half of the recommended daily intake of sodium.

I'm guessing that they expect you to take daily supplements with potassium to counteract that.
What are the other electrolyte sources?
What are the other electrolyte sources?

I tend to only drink water and black coffee. I find it counter productive to sign up for a meal plan that claims to contain all of the nutrients my body needs that then forces me to supplement their diet with everything they leave out.
I'm drinking homemade ginger tea to attempt to calm my stomach.
Lean Cuisine cheese pizza.
It's actually quite good. They have a spinach and mushroom pizza which is excellent, as well.
Don't doubt it. The science that goes into development of these recipes is impressive. I'd love to be the Official Taste Tester for a pizza company's development kitchen.

My company had two test kitchens - one in Chicago and one in Toronto. Unfortunately it was hospital food 😔
Don't doubt it. The science that goes into development of these recipes is impressive. I'd love to be the Official Taste Tester for a pizza company's development kitchen.

My company had two test kitchens - one in Chicago and one in Toronto. Unfortunately it was hospital food 😔
Lean Cuisine has the advantage of being able to add salt to make up for the low fat. It works well if you're not on a low salt diet. I'll probably have to cut my salt intake eventually. I'm not looking forward to that.

I like several meals from this brand. This is a current favorite. It has beans, gluten free mac, cheese, and a meat substitute. I'm not really a fan of gluten free, but I didn't notice it in this case. It's 410 cals.
Bacon and Swiss sandwich on toast with horseradish sauce
Roast beef and Swiss sandwich on toast with horseradish sauce

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