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Prostitution (1 Viewer)

They have made prostitution somewhat legal in Holland. But the "managers" still take nearly all the proceeds; they are now legal. The girls get very little and are easily cast aside when no longer useful. And there is still that pyschological bond that keeps them tied to their manager. The girls may be sold to another manager, but they just can't quit.

Prostitution--even in a legal framework--is psychological slavery.

Legalizing prostitution makes pimping and forcing women into prostitution also legal, while making prosecution for pimping and forcing women into prosecution essentially impossible. This is all about degrading both women and sex to nothingness based upon 100% false slogans.
Every year this same topic is recycles and those wanting women to go into the profession of selling sex use the same absurd slogans they just then repeat over an over.

I didnt see anyone write that they want to see women go into this industry.

Just people respecting women as adults with a right to choose a way to make a living and deciding what is best for themselves. And willing to accept the good and the bad, the success and the consequences. We dont need anyone protecting us from legal business enterprises...but we'll still recognize that predators and criminals should be caught and punished...just like now, just like always.
Show me where I said I "favor eliminating all federal, state and local laws?"

When people don't say what you want them to say for the purpose of your silly arguments, there is no right for you to fabricate what they say.

I was just pointing out that the logic you use is 100% hypocritical. It isn't about freedom or about the right to take risks of how your body is dangerously used. You are fine with all those regulations - other than those that make women prostitutes. It is about wanting women to be prostitutes, not about freedom whatsoever.
Legalizing prostitution makes pimping and forcing women into prostitution also legal, while making prosecution for pimping and forcing women into prosecution essentially impossible. This is all about degrading both women and sex to nothingness based upon 100% false slogans.

How does it make force of any kind legal?
I didnt see anyone write that they want to see women go into this industry.

Just people respecting women as adults with a right to choose a way to make a living and deciding what is best for themselves. And willing to accept the good and the bad, the success and the consequences. We dont need anyone protecting us from legal business enterprises...but we'll still recognize that predators and criminals should be caught and punished...just like now, just like always.

Then acknowledge you favor eliminating all sex discrimination laws and all job safety laws. Recognize all people are "adults" and don't need government deciding what is best for them or protecting them.

Pimping and economically or otherwise force women into prostitution because legal with legalized prostitution. It is about eliminating protecting the most vulnerable females from one of the most danger professions - if not the most dangerous - for women on earth. It is not dangerous because it is illegal. It is dangerous because it is prostitution.
I was just pointing out that the logic you use is 100% hypocritical. It isn't about freedom or about the right to take risks of how your body is dangerously used. You are fine with all those regulations - other than those that make women prostitutes. It is about wanting women to be prostitutes, not about freedom whatsoever.

Again, words don't mean what you want them to mean. Those who rail against prostitutes are often the most likely customers.

Hebraic law - (simplified for you) when your woman is unclean (pregnant, menses) a Jewish man may employ the services of a gentile prostitute. And no, I am not digging up a source for you. Do it yourself.
How does it make force of any kind legal?

"I will only hire you if you have sex with me." Legal if prostitution is legal. "Have sex with me or I will fire you." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"Your job duties now include having sex with clients such as we say or you are fired." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"You have become to old and fat to perform you new job duty area of having sex with clients because clients don't want to have sex with you." Legal if prostitution is legal - a person incapable of performing job duties can be fired - and there is no unemployment coverage if an employee is fired for cause.

Again, in your logic of sex is no different than any other job duty so I gather all the above is ok with you. To me, it is criminal and should remain criminal. But, then, you did post that in your opinion sex is no different from any other job duty, so I gather you are fine with those?
Again, words don't mean what you want them to mean. Those who rail against prostitutes are often the most likely customers.

Hebraic law - (simplified for you) when your woman is unclean (pregnant, menses) a Jewish man may employ the services of a gentile prostitute. And no, I am not digging up a source for you. Do it yourself.

Your message is 100% evasive and irrelevant to anything and I don't give a damn about Hebraic law, nor do I care your religious justifications for hiring prostitutes.
Here is the difference: Your employer, generally, is not preying on you. What separates prostitution from other professions is that it is the refuge of wicked men who believe that women (and some young gay/bisexual men) are, ultimately, the objects of their pleasure. That is what separates it from other professions.

Tell that to the chick that gets thrown out on the street because she can't pay her rent or the one that has to drop out of college because she can't pay her tuition bill. Those are the most common reasons for her to temporarily engage in prostitution.
"I will only hire you if you have sex with me." Legal if prostitution is legal. "Have sex with me or I will fire you." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"Your job duties now include having sex with clients such as we say or you are fired." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"You have become to old and fat to perform you new job duty area of having sex with clients because clients don't want to have sex with you." Legal if prostitution is legal - a person incapable of performing job duties can be fired - and there is no unemployment coverage if an employee is fired for cause.

Again, in your logic of sex is no different than any other job duty so I gather all the above is ok with you. To me, it is criminal and should remain criminal. But, then, you did post that in your opinion sex is no different from any other job duty, so I gather you are fine with those?

That's a load of bullcrap. However, your examples are exactly why many places that permit prostitution prohibit being an agent for prostitution. Even then, in poorer places in Latin America, they have "dances" where besides being a pickup place it's also where money discreetly changes hands. If you go there and look wealthy, women will approach you and eventually invite you to spend the night at their place without money being mentioned. Then comes the question requesting your "generosity" and offering another night. The man pays what he feels is fair. No explicit amount of money is mentioned. If she jumps up and down, cries and thanks you over and over again, you will know it's enough. USD 40 or 50 is often enough to have that effect.
That's a load of bullcrap. However, your examples are exactly why many places that permit prostitution prohibit being an agent for prostitution. Even then, in poorer places in Latin America, they have "dances" where besides being a pickup place it's also where money discreetly changes hands. If you go there and look wealthy, women will approach you and eventually invite you to spend the night at their place without money being mentioned. Then comes the question requesting your "generosity" and offering another night. The man pays what he feels is fair. No explicit amount of money is mentioned. If she jumps up and down, cries and thanks you over and over again, you will know it's enough. USD 40 or 50 is often enough to have that effect.

Why would it be illegal to have an employment agent for prostitution if prostitution is just another job? The reason it is that is 100% false that prostitution is just another job?

There is NEVER ANY consistency in what those of advocate for legalizing prostitution claim is their reasoning, rather a collection of exact contradictions - just say anything with the most pathetic opinion of women possible in my opinion, then trying to rationalize it.
Tell that to the chick that gets thrown out on the street because she can't pay her rent or the one that has to drop out of college because she can't pay her tuition bill. Those are the most common reasons for her to temporarily engage in prostitution.

No it is not. The most common reason in the USA is being a drug addict.
Oh, I understand that there is great demand for prostitution. That is why I believe prostitution laws should be aimed at the people who demand the sex, rather than the people who supply it. In the same way, by analogy, that I believe we should continue to prosecute and punish people who buy child pornography and purchase sex from children, rather than prosecuting and imprisoning the children who are made to perform sex acts.

And do you believe that those self-possessed independent sexually-liberated sex workers make up the majority of prostitutes in this country, lurchadams? You say you know a lady who works as a part-time escort and seems to be doing fine. Do you know of many sex workers who entered into the field when there were other viable economic options available to them, and who were not suffering from some form of emotional or psychological instability?

Well, I am of the opinion that such an environment is one in which consent.

Well, let me be clear: I am for decriminalization of prostitution in order to keep women out of prison, but I am not for the legalization of prostitution. The reason being is that I do not believe society should touch any portion of the income of those women. As far as I am concerned it is blood money, created by the demand of men who believe they are entitled to sex. I would never want prostitution specifically taxed any more than I would want child pornography legalized, regulated and taxed, even if the tax dollars would supposedly be used to benefit the victims of the child sex industry.

Well I am glad we can reach a partial consensus. But where you and I differ is this: Prostitutes should certainly be kept safe. But the clients of prostitutes should not be kept safe. Men should never be made feel safely entitled to sex and renting women's bodies for their entertainment and pleasure. Women are not commodities for our pleasure. As I said to Peter King, if we all teach our sons that they are obligated to protect the vulnerable and they must cultivate their best qualities in order to earn the affections of women, rather than telling them it is okay to objectify and commodify the affections women, society will truly have progressed by leaps and bounds.

Yep, people objected to women voting for years. That changed.

Possessing or consuming alcohol used to be illegal. That's changed <---- wouldn't bother me if that one came back, I'm not a huge drinker.

There used to be laws prohibiting black and white kids going to school together. That changed.

There used to be laws prohibiting gay marriage and abortion - that went away.

There used to be laws against possessing and smoking weed, that's rapidly changing, nationwide.

I understand the above social changes are difficult for people. It's what society wants. Whether you punish the "johns" or the sex workers, people are going to be paying for sex until the world ends, which I understand you might think is going to happen pretty soon :)
No it is not. The most common reason in the USA is being a drug addict.

What man in his right mind would pay for a drug addict?
Yep, people objected to women voting for years. That changed.

Possessing or consuming alcohol used to be illegal. That's changed <---- wouldn't bother me if that one came back, I'm not a huge drinker.

There used to be laws prohibiting black and white kids going to school together. That changed.

There used to be laws prohibiting gay marriage and abortion - that went away.

There used to be laws against possessing and smoking weed, that's rapidly changing, nationwide.

I understand the above social changes are difficult for people. It's what society wants. Whether you punish the "johns" or the sex workers, people are going to be paying for sex until the world ends, which I understand you might think is going to happen pretty soon :)

Should Donald JOHN Trump be punished? Just wondered.
What man but a total loser has to pay for sex?

When paid sex isn't the only sex and a man would like someone a third of his age for a change.
Yep, people objected to women voting for years. That changed.

Possessing or consuming alcohol used to be illegal. That's changed <---- wouldn't bother me if that one came back, I'm not a huge drinker.

There used to be laws prohibiting black and white kids going to school together. That changed.

There used to be laws prohibiting gay marriage and abortion - that went away.

There used to be laws against possessing and smoking weed, that's rapidly changing, nationwide.

I understand the above social changes are difficult for people. It's what society wants. Whether you punish the "johns" or the sex workers, people are going to be paying for sex until the world ends, which I understand you might think is going to happen pretty soon :)

It is illegal for employers to require female employees to do sex acts as a condition of employment. If you get your way, that will change too.
Your message is 100% evasive and irrelevant to anything and I don't give a damn about Hebraic law, nor do I care your religious justifications for hiring prostitutes.

In your not so humble opinion.
Then acknowledge you favor eliminating all sex discrimination laws and all job safety laws. Recognize all people are "adults" and don't need government deciding what is best for them or protecting them.

Pimping and economically or otherwise force women into prostitution because legal with legalized prostitution. It is about eliminating protecting the most vulnerable females from one of the most danger professions - if not the most dangerous - for women on earth. It is not dangerous because it is illegal. It is dangerous because it is prostitution.

Of course I dont acknowledge getting rid of job safety rules, OSHA, etc. Are you saying it's not possible for men and women to sell sex and not be safe? That's ridiculous. It's also ridiculous to assume they need a pimp.

There are many dangerous jobs, jobs that are physically very dangerous...how is that any different? The assumption that only 'vulnerable' or emotionally unfit women would choose the profession is also from the Dark Ages.

Only because of the specific moral and other associations people personally have with sex...and apparently want to force on others.
"I will only hire you if you have sex with me." Legal if prostitution is legal. "Have sex with me or I will fire you." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"Your job duties now include having sex with clients such as we say or you are fired." Legal if prostitution is legal.

"You have become to old and fat to perform you new job duty area of having sex with clients because clients don't want to have sex with you." Legal if prostitution is legal - a person incapable of performing job duties can be fired - and there is no unemployment coverage if an employee is fired for cause.

Again, in your logic of sex is no different than any other job duty so I gather all the above is ok with you. To me, it is criminal and should remain criminal. But, then, you did post that in your opinion sex is no different from any other job duty, so I gather you are fine with those?

It's ilegal for men to do that now for any job, it would be in that situation as well. It's like your manager at a restaurant demanding you bring him free meals. That's a "no" too. What exactly would change just because the service is sex?

And it's a ridiculous assumption that women would be working for a man. If they chose, they could. They could also work for a woman or work for themselves.

As for the physical descriptions, they can do that now for many professions...esp for waiting tables...think 'Hooters.' It's not allowed but it's done. Women are aware of it...and again...are adults and can choose for themselves. Do you think models and escorts and actresses today dont face those same things? Are unaware of them? :doh
No it is not. The most common reason in the USA is being a drug addict.

And it wouldnt stop those women.

Or the young men that live on the streets.

That is still completely separate from those that choose to be escorts or prostitutes within a legal profession. It can be good money for what ever their reasons for however long they want to do it.
What man in his right mind would pay for a drug addict?

Esp when a legalized trade would provide safer, healthier, more attractive providers.
Should Donald JOHN Trump be punished? Just wondered.

For having hookers? IMO no.

For cheating? For lying? Those are things that reflect very poorly on character.
So its legal for 2 people to make a contract and put on boxing gloves and fight for our entertainment + their championship but its not legal for a lady to draw up a contract for compensated sex with a cripple?

Why is MMA and Boxing more legal that prostitution? Simple answer: Is because you dont want your daughter doing it, even if she does.

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