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Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op (1 Viewer)

Really? They're firing tear gas so the utterly vile and bloated pig bastard of a president can take a photo?

Gassing citizens for a photo op.

No, Trump is doing what your hero does, Russian. Spread your disinfo in the Motherland.

its for security reasons so trump doesnt have to go into the bunker, it is securing the perimeter

I was talking about the sources?
It was a peaceful, static protest. Why was this visit so important that they had to clear the street, people that were abiding the law, using their First Amendment rights, and were marching peacefully? Why did those people have to be tear-gassed in order for Trump to stand on the sidewalk and hold up a Bible for the photographers? Please, please tell me why that was of such urgency and importance?

How ****ed up of an individual do you have to be to gas, and shoot (albeit rubber bullets. Do you think trump would let himself get shot with a rubber bullet?) To clear a path for him to get to the front of a church he's not welcome at to have his picture taken???

Back to the bunker for him!!!
Is he really saying that what we all saw happen on TV, didn't really happen?

Guess we shouldn't believe our lying eyes. :shrug:

I had just gotten home and flipped on my TV as the peaceful protestors were being pushed back so he could walk to the church. I actually thought okay, that is weird but a kind of noble move.

And then that horses ass stood up there and did a gd photo op posing and holding a bible! I mean the audacity of that man is so far out of the limit on decency I don't even think there is a word to describe it.

How ****ed up of an individual do you have to be to gas, and shoot (albeit rubber bullets. Do you think trump would let himself get shot with a rubber bullet?) To clear a path for him to get to the front of a church he's not welcome at to have his picture taken???

Back to the bunker for him!!!

'I had to go through it' Trump said he was a 'victim' of the COVID-19 test and referred to it as 'an operation'. Trump described the test in detail, "They go up your nose and hang a right at your eye."

A rubber bullet to the groin or neck? Nah, I don't think so.
I had just gotten home and flipped on my TV as the peaceful protestors were being pushed back so he could walk to the church. I actually thought okay, that is weird but a kind of noble move.

And then that horses ass stood up there and did a gd photo op posing and holding a bible! I mean the audacity of that man is so far out of the limit on decency I don't even think there is a word to describe it.

Take your pick or a combination of the following: loathsome, abhorrent, horrendous, disgusting, foul, revolting, repulsive, repellent, ghastly. obnoxious, hateful, odious, objectionable, offensive, insufferable, vile, loathsome, abhorrent, frightful, lousy, godawful, hellish.
[h=1]Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op[/h]Watch: Officers attack protesters to clear a path for Trump’s photo op - Vox
President Trump gave his first televised statement on the George Floyd protests Monday, emphasizing the need for “law and order” and threatening to send in the US military to violently disperse “mobs” across the country.
Just before he spoke, federal police violently broke up a peaceful protest just outside the White House, tear-gassing a group of about 1,000 demonstrators and then firing rubber bullets at them so Trump could have an uninterrupted photo op at a nearby church damaged in the weekend’s upheaval.
The speech began on a seemingly sympathetic note, declaring that “all Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd” and praising “the righteous cries of peaceful protesters.” But after those opening lines, it immediately turned into an authoritarian-sounding denunciation of the protests raging across the country.
Declaring that “I am the president of law and order,” Trump warned that “our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists.” He ordered mayors and governors to “dominate” the street, warning that “if a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.” Those who crossed Trump on this “will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Praise Jesus, Trump has come to hold a bible and say words at a church that's closed. Amen brother.

I saw it live, he said it was a Bible, anyone sure?

I saw it live, he said it was a Bible, anyone sure?

Well, all I could see him holding up in a photo was a little black book. It didn't have 'HOLY BIBLE' printed in big gold letters like most Bible's have, but maybe he was holding it backwards, or maybe it was his personal little black book with the names and numbers of his numerous romantic partners?
It's a wonder that the Bible didn't combust in his wee little hands.
terrible comparison i mean 0/10

Sorry it's fact and you don't like it. It was a PHOTO-OP that Trump desecrated a church over. The link shows I am correct.


you seriously think this is ww3, oh please

Possibly little less caffeine?
[h=1]Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op[/h]Watch: Officers attack protesters to clear a path for Trump’s photo op - Vox
President Trump gave his first televised statement on the George Floyd protests Monday, emphasizing the need for “law and order” and threatening to send in the US military to violently disperse “mobs” across the country.
Just before he spoke, federal police violently broke up a peaceful protest just outside the White House, tear-gassing a group of about 1,000 demonstrators and then firing rubber bullets at them so Trump could have an uninterrupted photo op at a nearby church damaged in the weekend’s upheaval.
The speech began on a seemingly sympathetic note, declaring that “all Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd” and praising “the righteous cries of peaceful protesters.” But after those opening lines, it immediately turned into an authoritarian-sounding denunciation of the protests raging across the country.
Declaring that “I am the president of law and order,” Trump warned that “our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists.” He ordered mayors and governors to “dominate” the street, warning that “if a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.” Those who crossed Trump on this “will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Praise Jesus, Trump has come to hold a bible and say words at a church that's closed. Amen brother.

Warning was given to the protestors and they were informed that they had to move. Yet they decided to make their stand and look at what it got them.

The same happens to any other protesting group that does not disperse when the authorities ask them to.

Enough said.
Warning was given to the protestors and they were informed that they had to move. Yet they decided to make their stand and look at what it got them.

The same happens to any other protesting group that does not disperse when the authorities ask them to.

Enough said.

The problem being that Trump needed to move them in the first place. They weren't doing anything wrong and by far their first amendment right was more important than the need for some silly photo-op.
The problem being that Trump needed to move them in the first place. They weren't doing anything wrong and by far their first amendment right was more important than the need for some silly photo-op.

Then they could have moved away, allowed for the photos to be taken and then returned to protesting after he'd left. Yet they did not.

The police have the power to break up such protest and nothing wrong was done here, concerning their actions. Had the protestors listened, they'd probably gotten to stay there longer.
[h=1]Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op[/h]Watch: Officers attack protesters to clear a path for Trump’s photo op - Vox
President Trump gave his first televised statement on the George Floyd protests Monday, emphasizing the need for “law and order” and threatening to send in the US military to violently disperse “mobs” across the country.
Just before he spoke, federal police violently broke up a peaceful protest just outside the White House, tear-gassing a group of about 1,000 demonstrators and then firing rubber bullets at them so Trump could have an uninterrupted photo op at a nearby church damaged in the weekend’s upheaval.
The speech began on a seemingly sympathetic note, declaring that “all Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd” and praising “the righteous cries of peaceful protesters.” But after those opening lines, it immediately turned into an authoritarian-sounding denunciation of the protests raging across the country.
Declaring that “I am the president of law and order,” Trump warned that “our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists.” He ordered mayors and governors to “dominate” the street, warning that “if a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.” Those who crossed Trump on this “will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Praise Jesus, Trump has come to hold a bible and say words at a church that's closed. Amen brother.

Just when I think it's impossible for him to do anything lower, he goes and does it. He wants to be Kim Jong Un Jr so badly.
Then they could have moved away, allowed for the photos to be taken and then returned to protesting after he'd left. Yet they did not.

The police have the power to break up such protest and nothing wrong was done here, concerning their actions. Had the protestors listened, they'd probably gotten to stay there longer.

I'm sorry, but the 'photo op' could have been rescheduled. Seriously, with tensions and concerns so high, why in the world does he do things like that? Was it that important that he has people shot with rubber bullets and tear gassed?
Then they could have moved away, allowed for the photos to be taken and then returned to protesting after he'd left. Yet they did not.

The police have the power to break up such protest and nothing wrong was done here, concerning their actions. Had the protestors listened, they'd probably gotten to stay there longer.

That in no way addressed my point.
time to do what you do!!!!!

Vox - Media Bias/Fact Check

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Vox - Left Bias - Liberal - Democrat - Progressive - CredibleFactual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Overall, we rate Vox Left Biased due to wording and story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to two failed fact checks, with only one offering a correction.

the wording is key as these protesters were warned to get out of the way before cleared out, but instead they word out those information

You don't need to fact check anything. We all watched the whole thing unfold live. We heard his words and saw the police attack a peaceful crowd so that Don the Con could strut across the street and hold up a bible in front of a closed church. His all WHITE gang posed for a photo op that even pissed off the church leader.

As it turns out, this morning the Arlington County police chief pulled all his officers from DC because of the way Trump used them.

The whole thing was clearly staged to make Trump look like a bible toting tough guy. He is once again in way over his head.
[h=1]Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op[/h]Watch: Officers attack protesters to clear a path for Trump’s photo op - Vox
President Trump gave his first televised statement on the George Floyd protests Monday, emphasizing the need for “law and order” and threatening to send in the US military to violently disperse “mobs” across the country.
Just before he spoke, federal police violently broke up a peaceful protest just outside the White House, tear-gassing a group of about 1,000 demonstrators and then firing rubber bullets at them so Trump could have an uninterrupted photo op at a nearby church damaged in the weekend’s upheaval.
The speech began on a seemingly sympathetic note, declaring that “all Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd” and praising “the righteous cries of peaceful protesters.” But after those opening lines, it immediately turned into an authoritarian-sounding denunciation of the protests raging across the country.
Declaring that “I am the president of law and order,” Trump warned that “our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists.” He ordered mayors and governors to “dominate” the street, warning that “if a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.” Those who crossed Trump on this “will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Praise Jesus, Trump has come to hold a bible and say words at a church that's closed. Amen brother.

If they are blocking streets they aren't peaceful. But hey, remember when lefties were worried about covid-19 a week ago....what happened? It seems mobs across the nation would certainly cause a spike in the spread of covid. Shouldn't you all be demanding social distancing?
Haircuts...not allowed, Camping...not allowed, fishing not allowed, playing baseball not allowed...lefties tell us it will spread disease...same lefties cheer literal mobs across the nation. JACKASSES!
If they are blocking streets they aren't peaceful. But hey, remember when lefties were worried about covid-19 a week ago....what happened? It seems mobs across the nation would certainly cause a spike in the spread of covid. Shouldn't you all be demanding social distancing?
Haircuts...not allowed, Camping...not allowed, fishing not allowed, playing baseball not allowed...lefties tell us it will spread disease...same lefties cheer literal mobs across the nation. JACKASSES!

I do agree with the part that these protestors should be observing social distancing. Unfortunately many of them will probably get sick.
If they are blocking streets they aren't peaceful. But hey, remember when lefties were worried about covid-19 a week ago....what happened? It seems mobs across the nation would certainly cause a spike in the spread of covid. Shouldn't you all be demanding social distancing?
Haircuts...not allowed, Camping...not allowed, fishing not allowed, playing baseball not allowed...lefties tell us it will spread disease...same lefties cheer literal mobs across the nation. JACKASSES!

We are still very concerned about the virus, even more so now with the protests. Nothing has changed the way I approach this virus. It's just very unfortunate that this terrible police injustice popped up now.
We are still very concerned about the virus, even more so now with the protests. Nothing has changed the way I approach this virus. It's just very unfortunate that this terrible police injustice popped up now.

Bull****. If you were concerned about the virus you would be demanding your governors immediately stop the riots. The man who killed Floyd is under arrest and in maximum security. Why are you not demanding the riots end?
The answer is because you are all full of ****.

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