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Exclusive poll: 62% of NFL fans plan to watch less football (1 Viewer)

Steve Schmidt is the utter failure from McCain's failed 2008 Presidential bid that is struggling to stay relevant by kowtowing to liberal ideas as a token conservative. He is as worthless as McCain's campaign promises.

Nice comment on Steve Schmidt. He is included only because he well articulates the issue of Trump and racism. Not liking Steve Schmidt is not counter-argument to the point I was making.

Duly noted: you don't like Steve Schmidt. Argument remains, however, Trump is more likely than not a racist.

BTW, while Schmidt may be as worthless as McCain campaign promises, he undoubtedly is worth much more than the snake oil Trump* promised his electorate.
Nice comment on Steve Schmidt. He is included only because he well articulates the issue of Trump and racism. Not liking Steve Schmidt is not counter-argument to the point I was making.

Duly noted: you don't like Steve Schmidt. Argument remains, however, Trump is more likely than not a racist.

BTW, while Schmidt may be as worthless as McCain campaign promises, he undoubtedly is worth much more than the snake oil Trump* promised his electorate.

False. If you lose an election your promises are worth nothing. Trump won, while you feel his campaign promises are worth nothing, he is making honest efforts to fulfill some of them.
If NFL fans are such delicate snowflakes that a few players choosing to exercise a little freedom before the game triggers them this hard, they're not real football fans anyway.


Typical of your famous rhetorical skills, your dedication to sources, your ... .

And always the stunning hypocrisy - freedom of speech is so important, it's what our brave soldiers fought and died for but as soon as uppity Black folks speak their mind, down comes the race barrier.
False. If you lose an election your promises are worth nothing. Trump won, while you feel his campaign promises are worth nothing, he is making honest efforts to fulfill some of them.

You have the unmitigated gall to associate "honest" with a known, proven super liar like Trump. When you make huge mistakes like that you bring your posts and your ideas into disrepute.
Yes, the Tweeter-in-Chief has now become some sort of cheerleader for intolerance and bigotry, wrapped in the flag.

Reagan perfected the wrapping ones self in the flag with a bible in one hand, even Trumps campaign slogan Make America Great Again is verbatim page from Reagans book. Trump has no original thought, I have seen his tweeter account, explains why he had a ghost writer for his books, he is illiterate. The brain dead masses bought off on his BS, 8 months later piss all to show for it except a divided country. The moron cant even do what most Republicans have been good at in the past according to there talk, taking away the poor's healthcare.
You have the unmitigated gall to associate "honest" with a known, proven super liar like Trump. When you make huge mistakes like that you bring your posts and your ideas into disrepute.

Trump lies on a daily basis, he makes Hilldog and her husband look almost honest. Don the Con lies like a rug.
You have the unmitigated gall to associate "honest" with a known, proven super liar like Trump. When you make huge mistakes like that you bring your posts and your ideas into disrepute.

You say liar, it doesn't matter in this instance as the proof comes in the form of actions towards fulfilling the promises. Your rhetoric is trumped by those actions.
Typical of your famous rhetorical skills, your dedication to sources, your ... .

And always the stunning hypocrisy - freedom of speech is so important, it's what our brave soldiers fought and died for but as soon as uppity Black folks speak their mind, down comes the race barrier.

Uppity black? Your rhetoric is telling about you, and everyone sees it.
Uppity black? Your rhetoric is telling about you, and everyone sees it.

Nice try, American. That is US borne, US invented, US used for centuries. Just as all the most famous racial slurs are American invented.

Nice diversion too, American. Typical of folks like you.
Nice try, American. That is US borne, US invented, US used for centuries. Just as all the most famous racial slurs are American invented.

Nice diversion too, American. Typical of folks like you.

Keep hiding in anonymity, that's nice and safe for a snowflake.
Keep hiding in anonymity, that's nice and safe for a snowflake.

Is your name really American? Can you say hypocrisy?

Notice how diversion and distraction was your go to response.
If NFL fans are such delicate snowflakes that a few players choosing to exercise a little freedom before the game triggers them this hard, they're not real football fans anyway.

That's just it. We watch football to watch football. We don't watch it for political activism being forced on us and we resent being used for this. Once again, liberalism has run amok.
Reagan perfected the wrapping ones self in the flag with a bible in one hand, even Trumps campaign slogan Make America Great Again is verbatim page from Reagans book. Trump has no original thought, I have seen his tweeter account, explains why he had a ghost writer for his books, he is illiterate. The brain dead masses bought off on his BS, 8 months later piss all to show for it except a divided country. The moron cant even do what most Republicans have been good at in the past according to there talk, taking away the poor's healthcare.

Hah. That's truly very funny. Now, let's see what the score is. Trump's "Make America Great Again" won him the presidency while Hillary's "Stronger Together" was the loser. Those are the facts. Winning is winning. Losing is losing.
Hah. That's truly very funny. Now, let's see what the score is. Trump's "Make America Great Again" won him the presidency while Hillary's "Stronger Together" was the loser. Those are the facts. Winning is winning. Losing is losing.
The left needs tums. They have a tummy ache from all those sour grapes

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:rofl: "the issue" "the Kaepernick cause" you don't seem to have a handle on what they are protesting either

No, I know what the Kaepernick cause is..... it is about the social injustice of white cops being able to kill black citizens without impunity. The "Kaepernick cause" is the specific manner in which he has chosen to illuminate the issue. The issue is larger than the specific manner in which its addressed by Colin Kaepernick.
I don’t know about being out of touch as in not understanding the middle class and the poor. But I agree he is insensitive. I’ve met him in various bodies throughout my life. You smack him. He punches you. It’s a very unattractive defense mechanism. He’s probably done that all of his life. They go for you? You go back at them in spades...raising the ante. I do not for a minute believe he’s racist though.

I do , I absolutely do. It is quite the history for him actually.. from way back in the 1973, when he and his father were accused of violating the fair housing act. There is a whole history of Trump having run in with violating various race relations laws.
I do , I absolutely do. It is quite the history for him actually.. from way back in the 1973, when he and his father were accused of violating the fair housing act. There is a whole history of Trump having run in with violating various race relations laws.

Honestly, everybody violated the Fair Housing Act. It’s just the way it was back then.
Is your name really American? Can you say hypocrisy?

Notice how diversion and distraction was your go to response.

Damn your **** is boring everyone to tears.
Honestly, everybody violated the Fair Housing Act. It’s just the way it was back then.

It happened repeatedly.. over and over again, with many incidences over several decades. The migration to republican and bringing up birther nonsense doesn't help the case either.

Nor did the way he responded to the Charlottesville incident verses the NFL
It happened repeatedly.. over and over again, with many incidences over several decades. The migration to republican and bringing up birther nonsense doesn't help the case either.

The birther nonsense he perpetuated was absolutely ridiculous. I sure do agree.
Almost all the games Sold Out and the ratings are strong...Another trump GOP lie about the so-called demise of the NFL

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