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Donald Trump is selling $60 Bibles as he seeks funds for for campaign, legal bills (1 Viewer)

I know many rightists, moderates, independents, centrists, and "normal people" who dislike Trump and find his comments appalling.

I know many leftists, rightests, moderates and independents, centrists and normal people who laugh at those afflicted with chronic TDS.
A true Christian billionaire would be giving away the bibles, no?

I'm okay with anyone who is extremely ambitious and making honest money. You'll have to prove that he's doing something illegal.
He has been proven guilty of rape, his corporation is a criminal organization, and yet you try to argue that you admire a un-reconstructed unrepentant narcissists who is profiting off the sale of bibles. This is about morality, you are admiring his profiting off of rubes.
Realistically, Jesus loves sinners.

The King of Sinners selling his book?

Doesn't sound so bad.:ROFLMAO:
I know many leftists, rightests, moderates and independents, centrists and normal people who laugh at those afflicted with chronic TDS.

I will never understand this.

Why are the people who dislike Trump for his morally reprehensible behavior mocked as being crazy, but the people who profess to be Christians, and support an obvious conman, someone who cheated on his wife with a porn star, somehow the sane ones?

Trump's behavior is not normal. If a regular person acted like Trump did they wouldn't be allowed to set foot in the churches his supporters attend, and at the very least they would be effectively ostracized. If Trump supporters knew someone like Trump had screwed over one of their friends in a business deal, they too wouldn't do business with him. If one of the members of their community cheated on his wife with a porn star, they wouldn't associated with that person. If there was someone in a Trump supporter's community who acted like as much of a jerk as Trump did, nobody would associate with that person. If a regular person made such conspicuous attempts to manipulate religion for their political campaign, they would be criticized, they would be seen as a big manipulative fake, at least they would in my community.

It doesn't make critics of Trump crazy to recognize Trump is a horrible person who is a bad leader, and has lead his followers astray.

I remember what my parents taught me. And it wasn't this crap his supporters are peddling.

Do Trump supporters not remember the things they were taught? Are their lives so horrible they would abandon their own values for the sake of their political interests, to promote this idiot?
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I will never understand this.

Why are the people who dislike Trump for his morally reprehensible behavior mocked as being crazy, but the people who profess to be Christians, and support an obvious conman, someone who cheated on his wife with a porn star, somehow the sane ones?

Trump's behavior is not normal. If a regular person acted like Trump did they wouldn't be allowed to set foot in the churches his supporters attend, and at the very least they would be effectively ostracized. If Trump supporters knew someone like Trump had screwed over one of their friends in a business deal, they too wouldn't do business with him. If one of the members of their community cheated on his wife with a porn star, they wouldn't associated with that person. If there was someone in a Trump supporter's community who acted like as much of a jerk as Trump did, nobody would associate with that person. If a regular person made such conspicuous attempts to manipulate religion for their political campaign, they would be criticized, they would be seen as a big manipulative fake, at least they would in my community.

It doesn't make critics of Trump crazy to recognize Trump is a horrible person who is a bad leader, and has lead his followers astray.

I remember what my parents taught me. And it wasn't this crap his supporters are peddling.

Do Trump supporters not remember the things they were taught? Are their lives so horrible they would abandon their own values for the sake of their political interests, to promote this idiot?

I suspect it's because you're OK with an ever-growing federal government taking control of even the minutest aspect of our lives. George Orwell was such an astute prophet, if only someone had listened.
Realistically, Jesus loves sinners.

The King of Sinners selling his book?

Doesn't sound so bad.:ROFLMAO:

Actually, Jesus does love sinners, and we all are sinners. Churches are not country clubs for saints, they're hospitals for sinners.
I suspect it's because you're OK with an ever-growing federal government taking control of even the minutest aspect of our lives.

This is false, and I don't believe you actually believe what you're writing. If you truly disliked government interference in your life then you would have left New York already, one of the most oppressive states in the Union, when it comes to taxes, rules, regulations, and a hostility towards business. Yet, there you are. Spending your time in New York.

George Orwell was such an astute prophet, if only someone had listened.

George Orwell was a socialist, and when it came to things like using the government to help people, he was all for it.

Also, I don't believe Trump supporters any more when they say they dislike the federal government. They love the federal government, when they need help, like during the pandemic, I remember all the so-called limited government types who owned and operated businesses ran as fast as they could to the federal government for PPP and emergency/disaster loans from the SBA. No, I'm afraid, just like Trump and his bibles, those who support Trump are putting on a false face. They love the federal government when they need help, and they hate the federal government when someone else needs help.
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Actually, Jesus does love sinners, and we all are sinners. Churches are not country clubs for saints, they're hospitals for sinners.

But there is a goal in helping sinners, and it in no way involves the celebration of depravity, nor does it involve the refusal to admit that bad behavior is happening, or that bad behavior is okay or will be tolerated. And when someone in a religious community is hurting another, you don't just let them keep hurting people. But maybe that's how things work in the church you attend?
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This is false, and I don't believe you actually believe what you're writing. If you truly disliked government interference in your life then you would have left New York already, one of the most oppressive states in the Union, when it comes to taxes, rules, regulations, and a hostility towards business. Yet, there you are. Spending your time in New York.

George Orwell was a socialist, and when it came to things like using the government to help people, he was all for it.

Also, I don't believe Trump supporters any more when they say they dislike the federal government. They love the federal government, when they need help, like during the pandemic, I remember all the so-called limited government types who owned and operated businesses ran as fast as they could to the federal government for PPP and emergency/disaster loans from the SBA. No, I'm afraid, just like Trump and his bibles, those who support Trump are putting on a false face. They love the federal government when they need help, and they hate the federal government when someone else needs help.

This is false, and I don't believe you actually believe what you're writing. If you truly disliked government interference in your life then you would have left New York already, one of the most oppressive states in the Union, when it comes to taxes, rules, regulations, and a hostility towards business. Yet, there you are. Spending your time in New York.

George Orwell was a socialist, and when it came to things like using the government to help people, he was all for it.

Also, I don't believe Trump supporters any more when they say they dislike the federal government. They love the federal government, when they need help, like during the pandemic, I remember all the so-called limited government types who owned and operated businesses ran as fast as they could to the federal government for PPP and emergency/disaster loans from the SBA. No, I'm afraid, just like Trump and his bibles, those who support Trump are putting on a false face. They love the federal government when they need help, and they hate the federal government when someone else needs help.

New York is my home, I was born and raised here and after living 40 years in Connecticut I'm back home. I love the environment here, I love the people, I love everything about upstate NY...except the government. Many people are leaving the state but not I, my family history and connection to the land goes back too far. We will outlast this vile leftist government.
But there is a goal in helping sinners, and it in no way involves the celebration of depravity, nor does it involve the refusal to admit that bad behavior is happening, or that bad behavior is okay or will be tolerated. And when someone in a religious community is hurting another, you don't just let them keep hurting people. But maybe that's how things work in the church you attend?

I have never said I, or any member of my church family, tolerate bad behavior. But we do not turn away anyone who is trying to change and live a Godly life. Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.
New York is my home, I was born and raised here and after living 40 years in Connecticut I'm back home. I love the environment here, I love the people, I love everything about upstate NY...except the government. Many people are leaving the state but not I, my family history and connection to the land goes back too far. We will outlast this vile leftist government.

It sounds like the government intruding on your life is not as big of an issue as you make it out to be.

Blasphemy is the act of showing disrespect to God or something holy, or saying or doing something that shows this disrespect. It can also refer to offensive ideas in other areas. For example, blasphemy can include: Saying something bad about a god, Taking the Lord's name in vain, Questioning a religious institution, and Insulting something sacred.

And yet Evangelicals will lap this up despite its blatancy.
Good episode about the topic of the thread:

I will never understand this.

Why are the people who dislike Trump for his morally reprehensible behavior mocked as being crazy, but the people who profess to be Christians, and support an obvious conman, someone who cheated on his wife with a porn star, somehow the sane ones?

Trump's behavior is not normal. If a regular person acted like Trump did they wouldn't be allowed to set foot in the churches his supporters attend, and at the very least they would be effectively ostracized. If Trump supporters knew someone like Trump had screwed over one of their friends in a business deal, they too wouldn't do business with him. If one of the members of their community cheated on his wife with a porn star, they wouldn't associated with that person. If there was someone in a Trump supporter's community who acted like as much of a jerk as Trump did, nobody would associate with that person. If a regular person made such conspicuous attempts to manipulate religion for their political campaign, they would be criticized, they would be seen as a big manipulative fake, at least they would in my community.

It doesn't make critics of Trump crazy to recognize Trump is a horrible person who is a bad leader, and has lead his followers astray.

I remember what my parents taught me. And it wasn't this crap his supporters are peddling.

Do Trump supporters not remember the things they were taught? Are their lives so horrible they would abandon their own values for the sake of their political interests, to promote this idiot?
Trump professes to hate who they have. That’s his appeal.
I know what it means, but I don't remember that term "rawdoggged" growing up. I think we used the term "boned." That said according to Stormy it wasn't very impressive sex, so not sure "rawdogging" is accurate. Maybe whimpydogging? :ROFLMAO:
Refers to unprotected sex
Actually, Jesus does love sinners, and we all are sinners. Churches are not country clubs for saints, they're hospitals for sinners.
Yeah, and fonts of money for the leaderships of the churches.
Do we even need experts to tell us that hawking autographed bibles is a new low in presidential politics? Even Trump himself looked utterly deflated in his video pitch. This redefines cheap.

Why shouldn't Mr. Trump autograph the books? I mean, he wrote them, didn't he?

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