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Do you expect to be infected with COVID-19? (1 Viewer)

Do you expect to be infected?

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I think by August more than 2/3rds of the globe will have been infected by the first wave.

I think about 99.9% of the people infected will be asymptomatic.
I think I already have been (and recovered). All this really tells me is that I had no undiagnosed medical issues.

That's really the cool thing about coronavirus: if you've been putting off a detailed physical to find any latent health conditions, the coronavirus will find them...for free!
Simple question.

Do you expect to be infected with COVID-19?

Yes or no?

For your entertainment while you choose to answer.

I'd bet a hundred bucks I WAS infected with it.

1. Digestive issues
2. Fever 102
3. Dry cough
4. Severe respiratory crisis
5. Oximeter reading 84
6. Loss of consciousness
7. 2 weeks unable to catch my breath
I think I already have been (and recovered). All this really tells me is that I had no undiagnosed medical issues.

That's really the cool thing about coronavirus: if you've been putting off a detailed physical to find any latent health conditions, the coronavirus will find them...for free!

Me too, very good chance, in late Jan.
It took 67 days to reach a hundred thousand cases of COVID, it took another two weeks to hit the next hundred thousand, another four days to reach 300,000 and two days to reach 400 thousand.
This virus is taking off like a rocket thanks to inaction on the part of governments worldwide, and Trump is the poster child for not only inaction but WRONG ACTION.

To date, the CDC has tested 352. Other agencies have tested plenty more but the CDC has only SUCCESSFULLY tested 352, and meanwhile we're grasping at AZT and a variant of fish tank cleaner after ignoring the pandemic threat for almost two months.

Oh, but the stock market is gonna come roaring back!!!
And that is all Trump is concerned about!!!
Absent nearly complete testing (coupled with forced quarantine and contact tracing) COVID-19 is likely to spread here like it is in Italy, especially when "social distancing" is relaxed as Trump wishes to do in 7 days because "We''ll just have to see what happens" to start the V shaped economic recovery ASAP.

*sigh* Another OP that doesnt get that by spreading out the infections and infectious...we also have available more beds, PPE, drs, other medical staff, medical supplies, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc :roll: to treat those that come in sick (at a slower rate as it's spread out with 'flattening the curve. Some people still dont get what that curve means.).

Someone posted this analogy: McDonald's sign says 'over 2 billion served.' Now imagine having to serve 1 billion of those in one day. Or a week :doh
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I'd bet a hundred bucks I WAS infected with it.

1. Digestive issues
2. Fever 102
3. Dry cough
4. Severe respiratory crisis
5. Oximeter reading 84
6. Loss of consciousness
7. 2 weeks unable to catch my breath

Blood Type May Affect COVID-19 Risk: Study

March 20, 2020 -- A person's blood type may affect their risk for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, researchers report.

They analyzed blood samples from nearly 2,200 COVID-19 patients in China and tens of thousands of healthy people, and found those with A blood types had a significantly higher risk of COVID-19 while those with O blood types had a significantly lower risk, Newsweek reported.


Blood Type May Affect COVID-19 Risk: Study | WebMD
Hope you’re doing alright. What was the tipoff?

I almost never get sick, whether I get the flu shot or not.

But this yr I didnt and this winter I've gone into the office alot more, with younger parents who have kids.

So I got the nasty flu going around in early Jan and then a week and a half later, I got about a 4 day version. Super odd for me. I just chalked it up to being around people with kids more.

The first case in the country showed up 20 minutes from my house, what...maybe 2 weeks later? So I think it's a 50-50 chance and when things settle down, want to get a blood test to check for antibodies to CV.

How about you?
I almost never get sick, whether I get the flu shot or not.

But this yr I didnt and this winter I've gone into the office alot more, with younger parents who have kids.

So I got the nasty flu going around in early Jan and then a week and a half later, I got about a 4 day version. Super odd for me. I just chalked it up to being around people with kids more.

The first case in the country showed up 20 minutes from my house, what...maybe 2 weeks later? So I think it's a 50-50 chance and when things settle down, want to get a blood test to check for antibodies to CV.

How about you?

The tipoff was sudden fatigue. I get the flu about once every two years, and sudden fatigue is never a symptom. But I would be painting and all of a sudden I just couldn’t keep going. It would pass, but the fact that it happened at all is unusual. Plus my wife now has a persistent dry cough that isn’t going away but isn’t getting worse either. She says this is normal but I know goddamn well this isn’t normal for her.
The tipoff was sudden fatigue. I get the flu about once every two years, and sudden fatigue is never a symptom. But I would be painting and all of a sudden I just couldn’t keep going. It would pass, but the fact that it happened at all is unusual. Plus my wife now has a persistent dry cough that isn’t going away but isn’t getting worse either. She says this is normal but I know goddamn well this isn’t normal for her.

Hmm, yeah.

That sounds exactly like I felt in 2009 when N1H1 went around. I was super exhausted and achy and had just started painting my (one story, thank god) barn. And it being the rainy NW, had to finish it the next couple of days. It was just terrible, I had to push thru the exhaustion to the point of nausea. That's also the last time I was sick besides a cold or 2.

How long has your wife had the cough?
Hmm, yeah.

That sounds exactly like I felt in 2009 when N1H1 went around. I was super exhausted and achy and had just started painting my (one story, thank god) barn. And it being the rainy NW, had to finish it the next couple of days. It was just terrible, I had to push thru the exhaustion to the point of nausea. That's also the last time I was sick besides a cold or 2.

How long has your wife had the cough?

Since around that I stopped being sick. I think that was about two weeks ago.
Since around that I stopped being sick. I think that was about two weeks ago.

Well, does she have the opportunity to get tested? I'd probably just do what you're doing, keeping a close eye on any change in her symptoms or breathing. I hope she's ok.
I think I may have already had it.

I went to visit a lady in California late in January, flew back from
LAX to SeaTac and like two weeks later I got sick and ended up taking three days off from work (almost never happens with me, I have long taken the attitude if I can walk I can work) this was around the time the first known case was in WA.

I wonder if I picked it up at either of these major airports?

Well I wasn’t tested so I have no clue, but I know a few people who like me got sick in Feb and not just sick but very sick.

I’ve spent two weeks gallivanting around Europe and my job is an essential job so I’m still working now. And I’m in great health now. So I like to tell myself I’ve had it and I’m immune...
I think by August more than 2/3rds of the globe will have been infected by the first wave.

As of 3/23 just under 400K people on earth are infected. Your prediction is that in the next five months another nearly five billion will be infected, WOW.
Absent nearly complete testing (coupled with forced quarantine and contact tracing) COVID-19 is likely to spread here like it is in Italy, especially when "social distancing" is relaxed as Trump wishes to do in 7 days because "We''ll just have to see what happens" to start the V shaped economic recovery ASAP.

What percent of Italy's population has been infected to date?
You left out an "other" option. I have no idea if I'll catch it or not. I think most people will never catch it.

Even the 1918 pandemic only infected about a quarter of the world's population at the time.
A week or so ago I felt there was a pretty good chance I would be infected since I live and work in one of the hot spots. Watching the local news tonight they showed a graphic that of all the people tested in Washington so far, only 7% tested positive. The people they tested were either showing symptoms, had probable contact with someone infected or came from an area with known infections. So now I really don’t know. I’m already working from home and don’t go out much, so we’ll see.
What percent of Italy's population has been infected to date?

I don't know, but Italy has about 2X the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to date as the US does resulting in over 10X the total number of deaths. Of course, the popualtion of Italy (about 60.5M) is less than 20% of the US population (about 330M).
You guys all realize that there is only two ways out of this epidemic, right?

1) 70% get the virus and we have herd immunity

2) we get a vaccine, which realistically will be no earlier than summer, 2021?


You all know thoughts and prayers won’t help?
I gather I have a 70% chance over the next two years.
I don't know, but Italy has about 2X the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to date as the US does resulting in over 10X the total number of deaths. Of course, the popualtion of Italy (about 60.5M) is less than 20% of the US population (about 330M).

In Italy the death rate is running about 10% of reported cases! Old age,smoking I guess. That being said the infection rate is about 1/10 of 1% of their population. Italy is the outlier nation when it comes to bad results from this virus. As no other nation is having similar results no reason to believe we would.
In Italy the death rate is running about 10% of reported cases! Old age,smoking I guess. That being said the infection rate is about 1/10 of 1% of their population. Italy is the outlier nation when it comes to bad results from this virus. As no other nation is having similar results no reason to believe we would.

Yep, Italy is a basket case for sure. The question is: what will happen in about a week in the US if (when?) Trump declares that it's time to get those US restaurants, bars and other non-essential businesses rolling again?

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

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