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Canada on the Brink of Incorporating Islamic Speech Codes (1 Viewer)

Well it doesn't describe me. And it doesn't describe Trump. Does it describe you?

Name-calling--"bigot," "Alt-Right," "hater," "Islamophobe," etc. ad nauseam--is a favorite device of a number of posters here who habitually rush to defend Islamists. It's interesting that their posts on other subjects show they tend to share the same political orientation. The name-calling is fine, as long as it's directed at some public figure or some loosely defined group of people--but I notice, just on this thread, how often it's been addressed to another poster.
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Racist blogs tend to cherry pick stats to confirm their confirmation bias.

The violence in Islam will go the same of violence in other religions have in the past. Through education and capitalism. Religious extremism diminishes when Abdul has something to actually lose.

They'll remain that way for as long as they live in constant poverty and warlordism.

It's hard to be civil when I'm taught to oppose people who wish to change the moral fabric of the country I swore to defend.

You sure used a lot of big words to say you've accused someone of using an Ad Hom fallacy there, sport.

To which you later resort to using an ad hom yourself instead of trying to answer the question of how discriminating against a religion will somehow protect us from that religion.

How would you know anything about racist blogs? From the way you talk you have never been to one.

The violence in Islam will not disappear until the religion does. It is a fact easily gleaned from Islamic literature, try reading and realizing you can't explain away the agenda laid out by Muhammad.

As far as poverty causing terror, ask yourself why very rich educated people(Bin Laden, and others) are leading terror efforts? Not to mention financial support from the Saudis and Qatar.
That does not happen in European countries. From which racist site did you get that gem of information?

People are not arrested for insulting or criticizing Islam? Try again.
Published in December 2004, her report recommended (pdf) that the "Arbitration Act should continue to allow disputes to be arbitrated using religious law."

She, no doubt, realised it would not be possible to allow Christian and Jewish tribunals to continue but ban Muslim ones.

Faisal Kutty, writing in the New Catholic Times, supported the report's findings.

"Sharia is not coming to Canada and there will be no sharia courts. Muslims simply wish to use Islamic principles to resolve their disputes within the Canadian legal system"


So it is not Sharia these Islamic principles are based on? They sure are. Muslims can call it what they like. If the Canadian government is too stupid or too weak to recognize this it doesn't change it.

And the Guardian is fake news when it comes to the damage Islam and it enablers are doing.
I am,you should try it.

Anyone in the Alt-Right who thinks that The massive demographic change which is going on right now and will hit full force before the end of this century won't change the USA and the GOP tremendously is living in an out of touch dream world.

Wake up and smell the coffee.


We are not talking about the alt right. We are discussing Canada a kiss away from losing what free speech it has to placate Islam. And you have not been honest about the wide support for Sharia and violence to advance Islam.
We are not talking about the alt right. We are discussing Canada a kiss away from losing what free speech it has to placate Islam. And you have not been honest about the wide support for Sharia and violence to advance Islam.

You still have not provided any evidence of this.
You still have not provided any evidence of this.

I would think the letter itself would be evidence. Why write it except for concerns this could happen?
I would think the letter itself would be evidence. Why write it except for concerns this could happen?

Because they are white supremacists and that is what they do, they fear-monger. There is no talk about this, there is no bill, there is no evidence this is happening.
Because they are white supremacists and that is what they do, they fear-monger. There is no talk about this, there is no bill, there is no evidence this is happening.

Here we go again. It has nothing to do with race. Do you think Hindus and Buddhists are white? This is about caving to an ideology masked as a religion which is taking extreme advantage of that fact, and the gullibility of people and politicians scared to be called names, but have no problem calling anyone concerned with free speech a racist.
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Here we go again. It has nothing to do with race. Do you think Hindus and Buddhists are white? This is about caving to an ideology masked as a religion and is taking extreme advantage of that fact.

Except you have provided no evidence this is happening. They want to stir fear of Muslims, by lying. I think you would be more at home on StormFront.
is what I said.

Right. You said Canada would adopt Sharia laws about speech that was offensive to Islam. That's blasphemy laws. There's slightly different versions out there. Do we use the Shi-ite version from Iran or the Sunni from Saudi Arabia for our definition?
Except you have provided no evidence this is happening. They want to stir fear of Muslims, by lying. I think you would be more at home on StormFront.

I said before the letter is evidence enough. You will realize where the hate comes from eventually. Let's hope it is not too late.
I said before the letter is evidence enough. You will realize where the hate comes from eventually. Let's hope it is not too late.

How is it evidence enough? If I write about something in letter do you instantly believe it?
Right. You said Canada would adopt Sharia laws about speech that was offensive to Islam. That's blasphemy laws. There's slightly different versions out there. Do we use the Shi-ite version from Iran or the Sunni from Saudi Arabia for our definition?

I said they will restrict speech about Islam. And clarified it will not be called Sharia but will serve the same purpose.
We are not talking about the alt right. We are discussing Canada a kiss away from losing what free speech it has to placate Islam. And you have not been honest about the wide support for Sharia and violence to advance Islam.

I don't believe that Canada will give up free speech to placate Islam any sooner than the USA will give up the 1st Amendment to placate the far-right evangelicals.

Wait and see.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP.
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How is it evidence enough? If I write about something in letter do you instantly believe it?
Quebec Law Would Stifle Criticism of Radical Islam
The leaders of Canada's political parties have so far kept mum on Bill 59.
I wonder why?
Bill 59 will permit Muslims to make complaints to the Quebec Human Rights Commission (QHRC) against anyone critiquing Islam or Islamism, triggering lawsuits for hate speech.

So you can see it is happening but not getting much attention.
From 2015 Quebec Law Would Stifle Criticism of Radical Islam :: Middle East Forum
I don't believe that Canada will give up free speech to placate Islam any sooner than the USA will give up the 1st Amendment to placate the far-right evangelicals.

Wait and see.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP.

Your predictions aren't exactly written in stone.
We are talking about restricting speech that offends Islam, which is certainly part of Sharia. I think you better brush up on Sharia.

What you're referring to is the laws against blasphemy. That's what you say Canada is about to adopt.
Do a little research and read some of Trump's recorded statements.

He's not just bigoted against Muslims, he has also shown bigotry towards Mexicans.

Eventually he will pay a price for his bigotry.

Wait and see.

I have followed all that very closely and I have an excellent bull**** meter to judge what is being fairly reported and what is not. In my opinion, Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body and he has NEVER shown any bigotry toward anybody.

He does, however, tell it exactly what it is. Most of the illegals coming across the southern border are Mexicans. That is a fact, and it is not bigotry toward Mexicans that makes it a fact. Most of the terrorism being committed here and and around the world is committed by Muslims. That is a fact, and it is not bigotry toward Muslims that makes it a fact.

Trump is guilty of honesty in the form of political incorrectness, a cardinal and mortal sin in the eyes of progressives. But that is all he is guilty of.
Senseless examples. First if you lose 90% of your goods ya can damn well bet it was more than green people! And WTF is green people??? are 90% of the murders committed by Muslims? What percent of robberies??? No silly almost to the point of ignorance an example...green people indeed...

So is fear of the dark but when I was a grunt we owned the night. So is fearing thunder but unless you are dumb enough to play golf in a storm or stand under the lone tree...

Yeah we do incredibly stupid things for no damned good reason...like it or no... but that is no reason to just shrug and accept ignorance bigotry and hate running our policies... :peace

It's really easy to understand to not take that example literal. I first said 90 percent of robberies, not of total goods. Second, green people is used to allude to describing any group of people that can be identified. It could be whites, Mexicans, blacks, Japanese, Jews, Germans, white supremacists, Christians, Muslims, etc..

Again, it isn't literal, I can't believe people take it that way. It's exaggeration to prove a point, which I stated before.
I have followed all that very closely and I have an excellent bull**** meter to judge what is being fairly reported and what is not. In my opinion, Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body and he has NEVER shown any bigotry toward anybody.

He does, however, tell it exactly what it is. Most of the illegals coming across the southern border are Mexicans. That is a fact, and it is not bigotry toward Mexicans that makes it a fact. Most of the terrorism being committed here and and around the world is committed by Muslims. That is a fact, and it is not bigotry toward Muslims that makes it a fact.

Trump is guilty of honesty in the form of political incorrectness, a cardinal and mortal sin in the eyes of progressives. But that is all he is guilty of.

Your knowledge is limited.
Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 99.6% that Aren't
Islamic Terrorism !

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