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Ku Klux Klan rally ends in violence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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A small group of people representing the Klan had announced that it would hold a rally at Pearson Park at 1:30 p.m., police said. By 11 a.m., several dozen protesters showed up at the park to confront the Klan.

About an hour later, several men in black garb with Confederate flag patches arrived and were escorted by police around the edge of the park.

Violence erupted and some of the protesters could be seen kicking a man whose shirt read "Grand Dragon." At some point, a protester collapsed on the ground bleeding, crying that he had been stabbed.

Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; three stabbed, 13 arrested - LA Times

What a mess. As despicable as the KKK are, they have a right to hold a rally. Protesters inciting violence were wrong, no matter who the violence is against.
Indeed, leave the KKK swine be.

I'm surprised people are still doing this nonsense.
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Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; three stabbed, 13 arrested - LA Times

What a mess. As despicable as the KKK are, they have a right to hold a rally. Protesters inciting violence were wrong, no matter who the violence is against.

Yeah, we get, the KKK are complete and total pieces of **** and 60 years ago, they did this to black people literally on a daily basis --but can these people please stop? This just builds sympathy for racist pigs.

Call people names. That's so much healthier.
Brian Levin, director of CSU San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing next to the man in the Grand Dragon shirt when a crowd of protesters carrying weapons swarmed the Klansmen.

A brawl broke out and one of the Klansmen was knocked to the ground and kicked. Levin said he later saw the man's arm bleeding.

Levin said he pushed the Klan leader away as the violence continued and a protester was stabbed.

Levin said he asked the man, "How do you feel that a Jewish guy just saved your life?"

"Thank you," the man replied, according to Levin.

From the article posted already.

Maybe the KKK did change?
With the KKK hating minorities and 'white' Americans as a percentage of the population growing smaller every day...I wonder when the Klan will start turning on themselves?

They are so monumentally stupid/disturbed, I would not put it past them.
"Ku Klux Klan rally erupts in violence"... well there is ****ing surprise! :roll:

In case anyone is curious, ice is still cold too.
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Yeah, we get, the KKK are complete and total pieces of **** and 60 years ago, they did this to black people literally on a daily basis --but can these people please stop? This just builds sympathy for racist pigs.

Call people names. That's so much healthier.

KKK rallies always go this way: 10 KKK guys are met by 100s of violent people waiting to kick their a**. You'd think the Klan would learn by now.
The KKK was waving the Confederate flag....
Well they shouldn't. We shouldn't have to tolerate that kind of hatred and trash in public

You have expressed an unapproved thought and I am placing you under arrest.
Is that an excuse to harm people?

Interesting. I didn't realize you joined the KKK because you liked the fashion.
Apparently it was 150 years ago.
We are not speaking about 150 years ago are we?

We are speaking about a specific incident in which violence was inflicted on a person in this day and age, apparently over their voiced opinion.

Interesting. I didn't realize you joined the KKK because you liked the fashion.
You got all that off a question?

What you said was stupid.
We are not speaking about 150 years ago are we?

We are speaking about a specific incident in which violence was inflicted on a person in this day and age, apparently over their voiced opinion.

Should violence have been done towards the KKK? I already said that I don't agree with this.

Still, it's hard not to point out that they're ****ing assholes, and they would be stabbing black people right now --literally-- if the law wasn't stopping them from doing it.
This is what sucks about a free society. Almost everyone hates what they are saying, but they have a right to say it, they have a right to assemble, and they have a right of association.

Up side, it identifies them more easily for police investigation so there is that!
Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; three stabbed, 13 arrested - LA Times

What a mess. As despicable as the KKK are, they have a right to hold a rally. Protesters inciting violence were wrong, no matter who the violence is against.
So a hate group was the victim of hate?

Kinda' hard to feel sorry for them, hate to say.

Live by the sword, die by the sword, so to speak I guess.

But I love this country & support the Constitution, so I very unhappily & begrudgingly support their 1st Amendment right to be (non-violent) assholes.

For reference: Check-out the clowns that we had to put-up with in my old neighborhood back in the '70's!


[they had a clubhouse across the street from that park where they held their rallies, too - and Belushi & Akroyd included a parody of them in the original 1980 Blues Brothers movie ]
So a hate group was the victim of hate?

Kinda' hard to feel sorry for them, hate to say.

Live by the sword, die by the sword, so to speak I guess.

But I love this country & support the Constitution, so I very unhappily & begrudgingly support their 1st Amendment right to be (non-violent) assholes.

For reference: Check-out the clowns that we had to put-up with in my old neighborhood back in the '70's!

View attachment 67197844

[they had a clubhouse across the street from that park where they held their rallies, too - and Belushi & Akroyd included a parody of them in the original 1980 Blues Brothers movie ]

They all look like pudgy wannabes.
The KKK was waving the Confederate flag....

They were well within their right to do so. It's not illegal to wave that flag after all.

The KKK is a hateful group. Sadly, the protesters were more hateful that day.

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