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Ku Klux Klan rally ends in violence (1 Viewer)

from a prior rally ... sometimes a troll has a purpose

I like the musical trolling part...but as for the additional narrative...the woman claiming "stupid is as stupid does"...well...yeah...right? Whats more stupid than walking down a street in a KKK parade? Spending your day walking next to them talking about how stupid they are.
So you see the KKK as the only victim in this situation? You being a racist hate group sympathizer isn't really surprising.
i guess that all depends on what you mean by "victim".

if you talking about being victims of a crime, then yes, the Klan was the only victims... if you're talking about being a victim of violence, then yes, the Klan was the only victim.
if your definition of victim is very broad, I guess you can say everyone involved is a victim... hell , everybody on earth is a victim if your definition is broad enough.

I don't mind the Klan getting it's ass whooped, but then again, I'm a big fan of the judicious use of violence...and also a big fan of having to pay the price for that use of violence (gotta pay the piper if you choose to dance)
I've been around when these hate groups apply for permits and are initially scheduled to give a speech, protest or hold a parade. I live in a liberal town. So, not only are we often a target for these protests, but the locals all get really fired up about them.

Within hours, word travels that the Klan is coming on such and such day. Flyers go up, counter-protests are scheduled. The whole thing turns into a circus. In the end, there are maybe a dozen Klan idiots waving their flags, but probably 300 counter-protesters shouting, spitting, and threatening physical violence. It's rather amazing because any objective view of the situation clearly shows that the Klansmen are the civilized bunch and the local hippies and what-not are the haters.

yeah... you know there's something really screwy going on when the Klan ends up being the "good guys".

not that I really care about the Klan dudes getting their ass kicked/ stabbed... but folks need ot think about their reactions to other peoples opinions.
if something is likely to anger you... it's best that you stay away.... especially with the way our criminal Justice system works ( convictions screwing up your whole life, job, etc);.

personally, i've never seen a Klan rally.... i've never accidentally run into one, and I've never seen on being advertised in advance... it's always yesterdays news by the time I hear about it..... and that's the way i like it.
yeah... you know there's something really screwy going on when the Klan ends up being the "good guys".

not that I really care about the Klan dudes getting their ass kicked/ stabbed... but folks need ot think about their reactions to other peoples opinions.
if something is likely to anger you... it's best that you stay away.... especially with the way our criminal Justice system works ( convictions screwing up your whole life, job, etc);.

personally, i've never seen a Klan rally.... i've never accidentally run into one, and I've never seen on being advertised in advance... it's always yesterdays news by the time I hear about it..... and that's the way i like it.

What's strange is that if no one showed up, they would stop coming. So, in a way, it's the liberal counter-protesters who are encouraging the Klan to continue coming to our town. Tell them that though...and they stare at you like you're some creature just arriving from mars.
With the KKK hating minorities and 'white' Americans as a percentage of the population growing smaller every day...I wonder when the Klan will start turning on themselves?

They are so monumentally stupid/disturbed, I would not put it past them.

Yeah, but they loves themselves some Trump...
So you see the KKK as the only victim in this situation? You being a racist hate group sympathizer isn't really surprising.
Perhaps you could start by defining 'victim'. As per the story, the KKK sought and recieved a permit to protest and were attacked literally as they were getting out of their vehicles. So...who is the victim and if you believe ANYONE other than the KK were 'victims' please expound on HOW a repugnant group legally protesting in a park makes anyone else a 'victim'.
Do you really believe ANYONE would have thought " Wow...what peaceful, decent people these folk are " about the clan?

Believe it or not, other people can also think and reason. You give them no credit for that. NO ONE is going to think that about the clan.

Other people have functioning brains too.

Even General Nathan Bedford Forrest quit the clan because he felt they were too violent and extreme, and he personally killed 32 Yankees

That aside, the very visible fact in your post that other people are not capable of rational thought is a leading downfall most liberals have.

I do not want to start a fight because I like you, but that statement is an afront to most Southerners and anyone else with a brain that uses it.

The clan of today uses the swastika and are mostly people that love to race-bait, and that was exactly what they did with their " White Lives Matter" march.

NO ONE is going to think they are decent people. That was a stupid thing to say, and gives no one credit for thinking or having a brain.

I don't want to fight either...and I like you and the thoughts you post.

But you had written:

It seems the KKK baited the blacks into behaving exactly as they wanted them to. They want black people portrayed as violent animals, and that was the purpose of the demonstration.

It worked.

My response was that according to you...both HAD WON.

Both got what they wanted.

And the price paid by the "violent" ones...was not a high price, because the people who would consider them "violent animals" because of this behavior...probably consider them "violent animals" anyway.

It was disgusting that this thing happened. It was disgusting that the KKK thinks it appropriate to flaunt their hatred in the streets of an American city...and it was disgusting that people resorted to violence as a reaction.

But both those things happen...and I don't see things changing appreciably.

I not sure what you meant about an affront to Southerners....because I never mentioned Southerners...nor did I allude to them.
But I love this country & support the Constitution, so I very unhappily & begrudgingly support their 1st Amendment right to be (non-violent) assholes.

Yeah, I will loudly and proudly stand up for everyone's right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and that means that I will (quite ironically) defend that right for anti-semites, racists, theocrats, fascists, homophobes, transphobes, Islamists, Islamophobes, and so on.

But as Glenn Greenwald once said, That doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

(By-the-way, I think the reason the US has dealt better with racism and assimilating Muslims, etc, than Europe is that we do value the freedom of speech, and we let people have the dialogue. I'm not afraid to match secular post-Enlightenment values with anything these people have. We can have, do have, and will have them, and will continue to come out on top of that conversation, in the sense of overwhelming public support.)
You got all that off a question?

What you said was stupid.

I'm glad you realize that.

Now, can you look back at your own response and find your error?
Perhaps you could start by defining 'victim'. As per the story, the KKK sought and recieved a permit to protest and were attacked literally as they were getting out of their vehicles. So...who is the victim and if you believe ANYONE other than the KK were 'victims' please expound on HOW a repugnant group legally protesting in a park makes anyone else a 'victim'.

I don't condone violence but you can't help but know which group was first to use it. The KKK cut it's teeth on lynchings you know.
I don't condone violence but you can't help but know which group was first to use it. The KKK cut it's teeth on lynchings you know.
Did you read the news reports on this instance?
Did you read the news reports on this instance?

I know that in THIS case the KKK was attacked first but historically they are the aggressors. Sometimes people are too proactive I guess but with sum like the Klan it is almost understandable.
I know that in THIS case the KKK was attacked first but historically they are the aggressors. Sometimes people are too proactive I guess but with sum like the Klan it is almost understandable.
So you will justify violent aggression against people exercising their first amendment rights because you dont like their message. Brilliant.
So you will justify violent aggression against people exercising their first amendment rights because you dont like their message. Brilliant.

You know I said I do not condone violence. If only the Klan was the same maybe I would feel for them.
KKK=government run
You know I said I do not condone violence. If only the Klan was the same maybe I would feel for them.

I dont want anyone to feel for them. I just want people to start being responsible for their positions and statements. Your empty rhetoric can be used by anyone to justify violence against anyone due to 'speech'. It can be used by activists to blow **** up or destroy buildings.
Well they shouldn't. We shouldn't have to tolerate that kind of hatred and trash in public

Spoken like someone who does not understand liberty. If only acceptable speech is allowed, then you don't have free speech at all.
what a surprise, in other news #blacklivesmatter burned down their own neighborhood again, and water continues to be wet. business as usual for the nutcase brigade.
I dont want anyone to feel for them. I just want people to start being responsible for their positions and statements. Your empty rhetoric can be used by anyone to justify violence against anyone due to 'speech'. It can be used by activists to blow **** up or destroy buildings.

To be fair, it's like with the Westboro nobs. Violence against them is understandable to most folks I think. Understandable, not condonable.

To me it's sad that the KKK still exists in an number greater than a handful.
To be fair, it's like with the Westboro nobs. Violence against them is understandable to most folks I think. Understandable, not condonable.

To me it's sad that the KKK still exists in an number greater than a handful.

I agree that it's sad they exist. I think a better response would have been a community picnic and BBQ.

The people that engaged in the violent attacks were no different and certainly no better than the KKK that they attacked.
I agree that it's sad they exist. I think a better response would have been a community picnic and BBQ.

The people that engaged in the violent attacks were no different and certainly no better than the KKK that they attacked.

Actually I think a clown convention right with them would have been best. Now, I would pay to see that.
1.) violence is not the answer and wrong in this country against idiots being verbal and practicing rights
2.) I cant make myself feel "sorry" for any injured KKK member, **** em :shurg:
3.) Crimes are crimes, if crimes were commit investigations need done
The KKK wasn't the only victim of violence in this story. That's the sick thing about seeing people to jump on this story as if the KKK was viciously attacked. The KKK was vicious and did bad things. The cops arrested member's of the KKK. One member of the Klan was seen stabbing somebody with the end of his flag pole. He was sitting on a fire hydrant, and reports say the fire hydrant he was sitting on was covered in blood.

Look, you're defending the KKK and saying they were the only victims of violence in this story. I am hesitate to agree with that. Look into the facts. The police are still sorting this out.

i guess that all depends on what you mean by "victim".

if you talking about being victims of a crime, then yes, the Klan was the only victims... if you're talking about being a victim of violence, then yes, the Klan was the only victim.
if your definition of victim is very broad, I guess you can say everyone involved is a victim... hell , everybody on earth is a victim if your definition is broad enough.

I don't mind the Klan getting it's ass whooped, but then again, I'm a big fan of the judicious use of violence...and also a big fan of having to pay the price for that use of violence (gotta pay the piper if you choose to dance)

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