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Age of the Earth (1 Viewer)

Same thing accoring to Bible math. Anyway, how is the massive post flood cover up not deceptive? All those fake ice ring layers, and that stratification of rock, and all that fake archeological history to cover up that the flood ever happened.

It's not deceptive. Your science is limited in its knowlege.

Actually, water boils at a different temperature depending on the pressure.
lol tisk tisk. Damn you and your educated mind haha. But none the less that is scientifically true when you allow for variables.
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Since we can't change the past or see in the future, I'll say the earth was created when we were born and is destroyed when we die.
Young earthers do not assert that the bible is any way, shape or form is a fable. Instead they insist that the bible is the actual word of god. A good example is this:

Yes, and they're totally delusional, as I'm sure you realize.

The assertion that it is your science and that said science contradicts the word of god, is curious. Asserting that proven fact is false based on the word of an unprovable god seems a bit too delusional IMO.

The thing is, the word of god only contradicts science according to the interpretations of the delusional people described above.

BTW Aesop's fables in many examples contradicted themselves, so yes some were wrong.

The Bible contradicts itself, too. Still, there are lessons to be learned from both, as long as you don't take either as historical fact.
That link is really trying to stretch this. I mean in the bible god said and then there was light! not the clouds parted! Not too mention god didnt make clouds yet lol.

The heavens (universe, solar system, sun, earth, etc.) were already created before the first "day" (Genesis 1:1, ~16 x 10[SUP]9[/SUP] years ago) (3). In other verses, the Bible says that the earth is controlled by the heavens, refuting geocentrism (4). In Genesis 1:2,

Thank you for identifying yourself as someone who doesn't check sources and misrepresents arguments. You think it's a stretch only because you don't understand.
Thank you for identifying yourself as someone who doesn't check sources and misrepresents arguments. You think it's a stretch only because you don't understand.
lol I checked your source , thats all I needed to do.
Yes, and they're totally delusional, as I'm sure you realize.

The thing is, the word of god only contradicts science according to the interpretations of the delusional people described above.

The Bible contradicts itself, too. Still, there are lessons to be learned from both, as long as you don't take either as historical fact.
But are the lessons really good?
Just thought that it was relevant. As you said we cant change the past. But by learning from the past we can guide the future.

But that's the problem with the written past it's not easily verifiable like the here and now.
But are the lessons really good?

Be prepared for emergencies, love your neighbor, treat others the way you want to be treated, all Biblical. Holding grudges comes back to bite you, also Biblical.

Don't expect to fiddle through the good times, and be taken care of during the bad times by those who worked while you fiddled, people tend to denigrate what they can't have, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, all good lessons from Aesop.

Yes, I think they are.

There are a lot of life lessons in great literature.
Be prepared for emergencies, love your neighbor, treat others the way you want to be treated, all Biblical. Holding grudges comes back to bite you, also Biblical.

Don't expect to fiddle through the good times, and be taken care of during the bad times by those who worked while you fiddled, people tend to denigrate what they can't have, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, all good lessons from Aesop.

Yes, I think they are.

There are a lot of life lessons in great literature.

It's notions like this that make me truly despise what religion has done to morality. So much kindness and goodness in lessons like these, and we kill each other over how and why we have sex. How utterly moronic. I would love to shave out all the silly superstition and just leave the good lessons. Charity, peace, community, honesty, respect... all of these ideas are espoused by our major religions... which then go and espouse killing each other over which prophet we think told us to do those things.
But that's the problem with the written past it's not easily verifiable like the here and now.
Who said anything about written past? I mean we can look at Andromeda Galaxy and see it as it was 2.5millions years ago. The Sun in the sky is how it was 8.3 minutes ago. Or there are other things like ice samples or deposits and fossils. Or we can look at ruins like for example Pompeii.

My point is that you cant just write off the past as if it did not have any nearing on the present.
Be prepared for emergencies, love your neighbor, treat others the way you want to be treated, all Biblical. Holding grudges comes back to bite you, also Biblical.

Don't expect to fiddle through the good times, and be taken care of during the bad times by those who worked while you fiddled, people tend to denigrate what they can't have, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, all good lessons from Aesop.

Yes, I think they are.

There are a lot of life lessons in great literature.
You do not need to read a book to learn those lessons. And especially a religious book. Dont get me wrong though it certainly is ones liberty to read whatever they please, and to learn whatever they want. But in keeping with the subject of the OP, science says that the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old. Scientific method was used to come to that figure. While young earthers claim that the earth is between 5,700 and 10,000 years old depending who you talk to. Young earthers say that their source is the bible.
if one claims the bible as a source of information then the credibility of the bible comes into play. Even many theists argue what is cannon or real in the bible and what is merely a lesson in the form of a fable.

But be honest ever bible story has to do with faith in the existence of god. Those lessons are the second to that message and include that message in everyone of them. So the fabled lessons are really only a ploy to acquire faith.
It's notions like this that make me truly despise what religion has done to morality. So much kindness and goodness in lessons like these, and we kill each other over how and why we have sex. How utterly moronic. I would love to shave out all the silly superstition and just leave the good lessons. Charity, peace, community, honesty, respect... all of these ideas are espoused by our major religions... which then go and espouse killing each other over which prophet we think told us to do those things.

Exactly why religious freedom is so important. I'll believe what I believe, you can believe what you believe, and there is no reason for either of us to get mad about it.

I believe it was Voltaire who said, religion is of god, but dogma is made by man. So true.
It's not deceptive. Your science is limited in its knowlege.


And you believe that your understanding of the Bible is flawless and comprehensive?
Science evolves. It isn't a dead unchanging fossil.

Science operates on incomplete knowledge. Its always learning, changing what it said yesterday.


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