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You make the call: Despicable, shameless liar or severe mental illness? (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
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Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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The illustrious leader of the United States Senate, Nevada Democrat "Dirty" Harry Reid is at it again on the Senate floor. Once again this despicable man is using his position of power to launch another BS attack the Koch brothers, two private citizens who's only crime is that they are very wealthy, very successful and most importantly, donate money to Republicans and support conservative causes...

This time Dirty Harry proclaims on the senate floor that the Koch brothers are one of the "Main Causes" of global warming... LMAO

See for yourself:
Harry Reid: Koch Brothers One Of The "Main Causes" Of Global Warming | Video | RealClearPolitics

So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?
The Koch brothers are the poster boys for the top 1%. Their money and power fuel the growing inequality in America. They're among the most powerful, they're knocking down the working and the middle class and they're stomping on the poor people. The Koch family has been defining the lives of the ordinary, working Americans, under the radar, for more than 50 years. They inherited their wealth and their penchant for secrecy from their father Fred, who made his fortune in the oil business in the Soviet Union of the 1930's.
Stalin himself brought Fred Koch into the Soviet Union for building pipelines and teaching them how to be oil engineers. Fred came back to the United States after taking money from the Soviets and used that money to start his own oil empire in the US, amassing some 200 million dollars. With his wealth and power he began to wage a systematic attack on the American values, including funding the John Birch Society. It's a far right, racist organization that sells communist conspiracies everywhere. They even accused President Dwight Eisenhower of being a Soviet spy.
Fred Koch was against the civil rights movement, saying that it is communist threat and that the white children should not go to school with black children, because that would lead to mongrelization of the races. This is the climate that the two brothers, Charles and David, grew up in at home and then they inherited a big pile of money from daddy Fred, and then they put that into their own organization and they built it up to where it's now - a 100-billion-a-year enterprise.
Koch industries is the second largest privately held corporation in the country. They have holdings that range from oil and gas, to paper products, forestry, consumer goods, plastics and ranching. They have operations in 45 states. The most important thing is not that they have wealth, it's that they're using their wealth to ride roughshod over the American people.
The illustrious leader of the United States Senate, Nevada Democrat "Dirty" Harry Reid is at it again on the Senate floor. Once again this despicable man is using his position of power to launch another BS attack the Koch brothers, two private citizens who's only crime is that they are very wealthy, very successful and most importantly, donate money to Republicans and support conservative causes...

This time Dirty Harry proclaims on the senate floor that the Koch brothers are one of the "Main Causes" of global warming... LMAO

See for yourself:
Harry Reid: Koch Brothers One Of The "Main Causes" Of Global Warming | Video | RealClearPolitics

So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?

The illustrious leader of the United States Senate, Nevada Democrat "Dirty" Harry Reid is at it again on the Senate floor. Once again this despicable man is using his position of power to launch another BS attack the Koch brothers, two private citizens who's only crime is that they are very wealthy, very successful and most importantly, donate money to Republicans and support conservative causes...

This time Dirty Harry proclaims on the senate floor that the Koch brothers are one of the "Main Causes" of global warming... LMAO

See for yourself:
Harry Reid: Koch Brothers One Of The "Main Causes" Of Global Warming | Video | RealClearPolitics

So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?

The Koch brothers use their wealth and influence to buy politicians in order to create more wealth. Despite what you may think of Harry Reid these two are more despicable than Harry Reid.
Reid is a cancer to America.
Intimidate, bully, threaten, falsely charge, arrest... these are the tools of the left.

We all see it, we all know it, yet we keep electing those who would destroy us?

Uh oh, a politician is trying to make political hay in an election year. Next thing you know, the ocean will be moist.
The Koch brothers are the poster boys for the top 1%. Their money and power fuel the growing inequality in America. They're among the most powerful, they're knocking down the working and the middle class and they're stomping on the poor people. The Koch family has been defining the lives of the ordinary, working Americans, under the radar, for more than 50 years. They inherited their wealth and their penchant for secrecy from their father Fred, who made his fortune in the oil business in the Soviet Union of the 1930's.
Stalin himself brought Fred Koch into the Soviet Union for building pipelines and teaching them how to be oil engineers. Fred came back to the United States after taking money from the Soviets and used that money to start his own oil empire in the US, amassing some 200 million dollars. With his wealth and power he began to wage a systematic attack on the American values, including funding the John Birch Society. It's a far right, racist organization that sells communist conspiracies everywhere. They even accused President Dwight Eisenhower of being a Soviet spy.
Fred Koch was against the civil rights movement, saying that it is communist threat and that the white children should not go to school with black children, because that would lead to mongrelization of the races. This is the climate that the two brothers, Charles and David, grew up in at home and then they inherited a big pile of money from daddy Fred, and then they put that into their own organization and they built it up to where it's now - a 100-billion-a-year enterprise.
Koch industries is the second largest privately held corporation in the country. They have holdings that range from oil and gas, to paper products, forestry, consumer goods, plastics and ranching. They have operations in 45 states. The most important thing is not that they have wealth, it's that they're using their wealth to ride roughshod over the American people.

this sounds like stuff for the conspiracy theory section. be afraid be very afraid:mrgreen:
The Koch brothers use their wealth and influence to buy politicians in order to create more wealth. Despite what you may think of Harry Reid these two are more despicable than Harry Reid.

wrong, Reid is far more dangerous to our rights
The illustrious leader of the United States Senate, Nevada Democrat "Dirty" Harry Reid is at it again on the Senate floor. Once again this despicable man is using his position of power to launch another BS attack the Koch brothers, two private citizens who's only crime is that they are very wealthy, very successful and most importantly, donate money to Republicans and support conservative causes...

This time Dirty Harry proclaims on the senate floor that the Koch brothers are one of the "Main Causes" of global warming... LMAO

See for yourself:
Harry Reid: Koch Brothers One Of The "Main Causes" Of Global Warming | Video | RealClearPolitics

So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?

This is more evidence of why I say the right wing for all their cries of free-dums and rugged individualism ....are very much like their European counterparts. They see wealth the way the British see royalty....which means they see themselves like "subjects"...or ..."commoners"...ready and willing to take a bullet for their "lords".

The rich don't even know how good they have it ...they are not even aware that when they are threatened in the least bit ....commoners like GRIM17 are ready to spring into action and fight for them! :(
KB's actually create jobs, pay living wages, and make it possible for the middle class to survive despite the radical lefts attempt to make them dependent in grubbynutt

The Koch brothers use their wealth and influence to buy politicians in order to create more wealth. Despite what you may think of Harry Reid these two are more despicable than Harry Reid.
The illustrious leader of the United States Senate, Nevada Democrat "Dirty" Harry Reid is at it again on the Senate floor. Once again this despicable man is using his position of power to launch another BS attack the Koch brothers, two private citizens who's only crime is that they are very wealthy, very successful and most importantly, donate money to Republicans and support conservative causes...

This time Dirty Harry proclaims on the senate floor that the Koch brothers are one of the "Main Causes" of global warming... LMAO

See for yourself:
Harry Reid: Koch Brothers One Of The "Main Causes" Of Global Warming | Video | RealClearPolitics

So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?

I tend to agree with others who suspect that he's becoming senile. He's a Democrat though, so he's built a career out of correctly assuming that the majority voters in his State are politically and economically ignorant and in general, none too bright.. It just might be that a lifetime of performing for a dull audience
has dulled his wits.

I wonder if private citizens can sue a Senate member for slander?
I tend to agree with others who suspect that he's becoming senile. He's a Democrat though, so he's built a career out of correctly assuming that the majority voters in his State are politically and economically ignorant and in general, none too bright.. It just might be that a lifetime of performing for a dull audience
has dulled his wits.

I wonder if private citizens can sue a Senate member for slander?

No, they can't as long as he's on the Senate floor. But don't worry about it too much. Reid slanders himself nearly every time he opens his mouth in public these days.
No, they can't as long as he's on the Senate floor. But don't worry about it too much. Reid slanders himself nearly every time he opens his mouth in public these days.

The law needs to change then. No one in the Government should in their official capacity be able to verbally attack private citizens scores of times over several months like Reid does.
So what are we dealing with here, a despicable, shameless, lying politician... or is this man suffering from some form of severe mental illness and needs to be institutionalized?

I assume this was a rhetorical question, Grim.

The answer is "both", a damn lethal combination.
The Koch brothers use their wealth and influence to buy politicians in order to create more wealth. Despite what you may think of Harry Reid these two are more despicable than Harry Reid.

Ever heard of George Soros?

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