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Would the Election of hillary speed up the fall of Liberalism? (1 Viewer)

Would the Election of hillary speed up the fall of Liberalism?

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Of course 80 is not equal to 180. Now, would you care to explain why you keep asking such a stupid question?

ok lets continue

since 80 is not equal to 180... WOULD iT BE HARMFUL to try to make them to be the same?? yes or NO? don't be scared and deflect... these answers will prove something
ok lets continue

since 80 is not equal to 180... WOULD iT BE HARMFUL to try to make them to be the same?? yes or NO? don't be scared and deflect... these answers will prove something

I have absolutely no idea what you mean. It's pretty hard to deflect from something that makes no sense.
I have absolutely no idea what you mean. It's pretty hard to deflect from something that makes no sense.

just answer the question..... would it be harmful to try to make 80 equal to 180? yes or no??
just answer the question..... would it be harmful to try to make 80 equal to 180? yes or no??

In what context? WHAT THE **** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???????
In what context? WHAT THE **** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???????

see you are now scared of a simple question.. afraid you will get checkmated... now you are afraid to make a move

again is it harmful to make 80 equal to 180? now since you say they are not equal you then should be saying it would be harmful to make something equal when they ARE NOT EQUAL.. you have already stated they are NOT equal and that is saying if they are made the same then that would be an error

come on and stop hiding and answer?? quit running.. is it harmful to make 80 equal to 180?
In what context? WHAT THE **** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???????
He is talking about world war eleven, and everyone knows equating 80 and 180 is perfectly fine.

Here, inhale this mercury vapor and all will be clear...

He is talking about world war eleven, and everyone knows equating 80 and 180 is perfectly fine.

Here, inhale this mercury vapor and all will be clear...


because people will not answer a simple question shows how they are not here to debate and understand but here to work issues

this is how to test liberals.... question first.. is 80 equal to 180?..... the answers will show if posters are honest debaters or just trolls trying to be trolls
because people will not answer a simple question shows how they are not here to debate and understand but here to work issues

this is how to test liberals.... question first.. is 80 equal to 180?..... the answers will show if posters are honest debaters or just trolls trying to be trolls
Well obviously 80 is equal to 180 because we went through world war eleven, everyone knows that.
you are just showing you are too scared to answer.....
You dont accept any answer, Kobie said no, you did not accept it.....I said of course that after world war 11, 80 is 180...so what do you want?
You dont accept any answer, Kobie said no, you did not accept it.....I said of course that after world war 11, 80 is 180...so what do you want?

THAT is just a scared poster to NOT answer a simple question,,, best just to pity the unwise who are so scared

you said 80 is equal to 180 ... which proves you are too scared to answer that question honestly.. afraid you would get checkmated and RAT-TRAPPED!
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THAT is just a scared poster to NOT answer a simple question,,, best just to pity the unwise who are so scared
everyone is "scarred", if a person says "no, 80 is not 180" you say they are "scarred", if they say "yes, 80 equals 180", you say they too are "scarred"....so everyone is "scarred"...except you....because you are a superior white that has dominated eveyone.

Yer not scarred of anyone.....well....except for moooslims.....now they scare you......and Hillary.....she is scary too.
There is good evidence that liberalism and conservatism are built into our genome. They are what we are just like is our sexual orientation. Some of us feel it stronger than others. These two extremes are going nowhere.

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