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Will Putler attack Northern Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev has announced his resignation... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Will Putler attack Northern Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev has announced his resignation...is it a NEW WAR ?

"Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has announced his resignation, bringing an end to nearly 3 decades in charge of central Asia's largest energy producer"

TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) | Twitter
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
‏Verified account @RFERL
22m22 minutes ago

#BREAKING: Kazakh President Nursultan #Nazarbaev says he is resigning. #Kazakhstan
Radio free Europe propaganda channel is the one you use to come up with these wild conspiracy theories?
Would anyone notice?
Would anyone notice?

Yes. Current and former CIS nations, and the Eurasia Economic Union nations.

Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will take over as the country’s acting president for the remainder of Nazarbayev's term in line with the constitution.

Kazakhstan is a bit of an anomaly. During Soviet times, the Kremlin was worried about the loyalty of the Kazakh government so they resettled millions of ethnic Russians there to have a manpower source close in case they needed to intercede. The result today is that Russian is the majority language in northern Kazakhstan and Kazak the majority language in southern Kazakhstan.
"these Russian attacks are invisible" of cos , Juchi are cowards , they can attack only from behind . Kazakhstan has China´s backup so no chance for mongol juchi cowards
Yes. Current and former CIS nations, and the Eurasia Economic Union nations.

Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will take over as the country’s acting president for the remainder of Nazarbayev's term in line with the constitution.

Kazakhstan is a bit of an anomaly. During Soviet times, the Kremlin was worried about the loyalty of the Kazakh government so they resettled millions of ethnic Russians there to have a manpower source close in case they needed to intercede. The result today is that Russian is the majority language in northern Kazakhstan and Kazak the majority language in southern Kazakhstan.

you will like it, Dr. Stephen J. Blank is one of the best expert on "Russia" and the former Soviet Union states

Nope, all these Russian attacks are invisible, as if they never happened. Then people speculate about the next attack.

Yeah no matter how oftn you lie for Putin they remain lies.

Seriously whatever the Kremlin is paying you its way to much you suck at your job
If he does so Putin would be the biggest moron even more than Trump on the world stage, and his own Russians will deal with it followed by the rest of Eurasia.
And he will then be replaced by someone far worse.
Yeah no matter how oftn you lie for Putin they remain lies.

Seriously whatever the Kremlin is paying you its way to much you suck at your job


A chart of post-Soviet de facto leaders (in English and minus the Baltic states). Updated to reflect some recent changes.

Yeah no matter how oftn you lie for Putin they remain lies.

Seriously whatever the Kremlin is paying you its way to much you suck at your job

Wow. As soon as someone disagree with your Russian conspiracy theories they lie for Putin and is paid by the Kremlin?

If this is the kind of insane argumentation coming from the insane left, the transition of power will be even swifter than I thought. Not even the stupidest of people fall for such ridiculous argumentation.
Wow. As soon as someone disagree with your Russian conspiracy theories they lie for Putin and is paid by the Kremlin?
Well since you admit you never read any of the links about the corruption of Putin then claimed without any evidence they were all about homosexuality and the Olympics you are either one of the most willfully ignorant people on the planet or you are getting paid to pretend that you are.. I gave you the benefit of the doubt where your ignorance is concerned.

If this is the kind of insane argumentation coming from the insane left, the transition of power will be even swifter than I thought. Not even the stupidest of people fall for such ridiculous argumentation.
Understanding that Putin is a horribly corrupt dictator doesn't make someone on the left. If that is your basis of deciding left/right politics maye you are both willfully ignorant and on the payroll
In either case you have proven that reality is not something you will ever entertain on this forum.
Well since you admit you never read any of the links about the corruption of Putin then claimed without any evidence they were all about homosexuality and the Olympics you are either one of the most willfully ignorant people on the planet or you are getting paid to pretend that you are.. I gave you the benefit of the doubt where your ignorance is concerned.

Understanding that Putin is a horribly corrupt dictator doesn't make someone on the left. If that is your basis of deciding left/right politics maye you are both willfully ignorant and on the payroll
In either case you have proven that reality is not something you will ever entertain on this forum.

Yes, I've heard and read plenty of claims about corruption and Putin. It's just that, claims. But these days people take claims as fact, if the media or their favourite politicians say it. I don't, and those claims about Putin and corruption seem rather absurd. He seems to want nothing else but to serve Russia and Russian interests, unlike alot of other political leaders.

Claims about corruption is one thing. Anti-factual statements claiming he is a dictator is something else. He is no more or less a dictator than presidents and prime minsters in Europe and the US. Mind you, he is actually elected, unlike most leaders of Europe.

So, taking your logic, since you disagree with me, you are on the CIA payroll to spread propaganda.
Yes, I've heard and read plenty of claims about corruption and Putin. It's just that, claims. But these days people take claims as fact, if the media or their favourite politicians say it. I don't, and those claims about Putin and corruption seem rather absurd. He seems to want nothing else but to serve Russia and Russian interests, unlike alot of other political leaders.

Claims about corruption is one thing. Anti-factual statements claiming he is a dictator is something else. He is no more or less a dictator than presidents and prime minsters in Europe and the US. Mind you, he is actually elected, unlike most leaders of Europe.

So, taking your logic, since you disagree with me, you are on the CIA payroll to spread propaganda.

Pathetic dodge, you didn't read my links yet pronounced you knew what they were about and were wrong. So no dice there the corruption of Putin is eell documented and only willful ignorance or loyalsty to the guy paying the bills can explain your BS on the matter.

You've been outed tell your manager to move you to another forum
As to me working for the CIA where have you seen me defend the US govt anywhere?
Yeah no matter how oftn you lie for Putin they remain lies.

Seriously whatever the Kremlin is paying you its way to much you suck at your job

Seriously brainwashed Americans are hardly those who should be proffering advice on international affairs.
Except in Crimea, Donbass, Georgia, Southern Ossetia, etc.

Well, dah. Crimea was a response to NATO taking over Ukraine and supporting a coup there. I don't support a Russian takeover of Crimea, but at least I understand WHY they did it. Donbass, that's Ukrainian people fighting for what they want, but sure, they probably receive Russian support. I don't find this very much more offensive than any of the western support the rest of Ukraine receives.

Georgia, sure, another war, I don't support any wars, but I believe this war would have never happened if the US had not shown Russia the way by illegally invading Iraq. Russia then also assumed they can just do as they wish without following international law. And my theory is that Russia did the Georgia war to prevent them from being taken over by NATO. It was a pretty clear message to Georgia that NATO is a no-go. Russia could have stayed in Georgia, but they didn't. Abkazia and South Ossetia was just an extension of that war, no? It was in Russian interest to support those regions independence. I have no clue about those places and what people there want, but I guess it is also a Russian "buffer" zone. Not sure about the exact motives.

As I said, I don't support these wars, and they are just as illegal as the US wars. But some of them, if not all is a direct response to NATO imperialism and NATO nations actions.

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