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What would a US dictatorship look like? (2 Viewers)


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Mar 25, 2010
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Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

You wouldn’t wake up one day and ‘poof’ there is a dictatorship; it’s like cooking live frogs; by the time it’s here the remedy won’t take...........
Who the hell is Joy Behar and why is her opinion important?

Didn't say it was important -- I said it was stupid.

What would a dictatorship look like here in the US?
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?
Well, lemme see.

A dictatorship is when a president acts without consequence and is above the law.

Like the current one.
You wouldn’t wake up one day and ‘poof’ there is a dictatorship; it’s like cooking live frogs; by the time it’s here the remedy won’t take...........

This is true.

Going after political opponents with government agencies would be a sign.
This is true.

Going after political opponents with government agencies would be a sign.
Like “lock her up?”
Attacking the press is another........I got many more, you sure you want to go down this path?
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

In all principles and theories of governance there are degrees to these things. There is not some line in the sand that dictatorship is one thing and only that thing, there are enough authoritarian trends where it appears like a dictatorship even if the person in charge (arguably) is not called a dictator.

Understand that I do not care much for Joy Behar nor do I think Trump and Republicans are necessarily interested in moving the nation to a dictatorship. However, one of the principles of a Dictatorship is having a single political ideology (or party) squash all others.

The point I think Joy Behar was trying to make (again, in a very poor and fear-mongering way) is that when one political party controls all three branches of governance that tends to marginalize all other political ideologies in the mix. Including Independents who do not really have a voice in a two party dominated system anyway.

Your question is almost moot, as it makes almost no sense to suggest we will all of a sudden wake up to a dictatorship in America.

We *might* continue to slide towards authoritarianism of some sort, and I think we can agree that between modern Democratic (or Liberal) ideology and modern Republican (or so called "Conservative") ideology that they both tend to lean to the power of governance to some end. Which means lean to authoritarianism that by default means removal of self determination (to some extent.)

The reason I bring this up is I have no doubt (listening to some of Joy Behar's comments over the years here and there) that she would be perfectly okay with authoritarianism assuming Democrats were in charge as she is clearly modern liberal with all that implies. The power of governance to ensure economic and/or social outcome is a core principle of today's liberal ideology, it just happens to be a core staple of modern Republicans as well.

So she rants... and we should probably take that for what it means from who she is and what she really stands for.
Like “lock her up?”
Attacking the press is another........I got many more, you sure you want to go down this path?

What's good for the goose....

Those were just words from Trump. Looks like Obama used many agencies to attack his.
What's good for the goose....

Those were just words from Trump. Looks like Obama used many agencies to attack his.

Since BHO is a private citizen now, it would seem to run counter to dictatorship by definition..........so, how many posts in did we go to “but Obama?”
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

Ain't gonna happen; we're too ornery, but if various moves past and present were or had been ignored by the people, the media, comedians, historians and the courts, we might have headed there. For example, current attacks on the integrity of the courts, FDR's attempt at court packing, Andrew Jackson' Trail of Tears caused by ignoring the court, weakening the Voting Rights Act, demonizing religions and/or ethnic groups, a president lying frequently, etc. Left unchallenged or criticized then or now, we would have been on our way.

So long as we have late night comics, WAPO's four Pinocchio awards, NYtimes list of the lies, Sunday morning talk shows, ***** hats, the courts, and retiring republicans getting things off their chests, our Orange Julius Caesar wannabe will be kept in check.

Patrick Henry had it right... To paraphrase him, "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell"... and King Donald the First will run afoul of patriots as well when he misbehaves.
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Well...for one thing there wouldnt be an elected president and an elected congress....
Well, lemme see.

A dictatorship is when a president acts without consequence and is above the law.

Like the current one.

Well, no, that's in fact not a dictatorship. Words mean things; you don't get to make up your own definitions.

But nonetheless, it's a baseless charge anyway.

Trump has behaved, on a personal level, abominably. He conducts himself like a bullying child. He is a wretched embarrassment.

But he has not done anything as President -- as in, using the powers of the Presidency -- outside the scope of power of modern Presidents. He has not exceeded any powers of the President as they were handed to him by his predecessor. In fact, he has walked back some of that power, by ending a number of onerous Obama EOs and regulatory reaches, and he actually pays lip service, from time time, to the idea that some of the things people want him to do are properly the role of Congress.

You may not LIKE what he's done, and I certainly haven't liked much of what he's done, but that doesn't mean he's done anything illegal or above the law. It doesn't mean he's exceeded the scope of his powers. He hasn't.
Well, no, that's in fact not a dictatorship. Words mean things; you don't get to make up your own definitions.

But nonetheless, it's a baseless charge anyway.

Trump has behaved, on a personal level, abominably. He conducts himself like a bullying child. He is a wretched embarrassment.

But he has not done anything as President -- as in, using the powers of the Presidency -- outside the scope of power of modern Presidents. He has not exceeded any powers of the President as they were handed to him by his predecessor. In fact, he has walked back some of that power, by ending a number of onerous Obama EOs and regulatory reaches, and he actually pays lip service, from time time, to the idea that some of the things people want him to do are properly the role of Congress.

You may not LIKE what he's done, and I certainly haven't liked much of what he's done, but that doesn't mean he's done anything illegal or above the law. It doesn't mean he's exceeded the scope of his powers. He hasn't.

I think Trump has certainly pushed the envelope; and I’m going to say that the verdict is still out on the bolded.
I think Trump has certainly pushed the envelope;

How, specifically?

and I’m going to say that the verdict is still out on the bolded.

I'm not referring to his private dealings, whatever they are. I'm referring what he does as President.
I think one of the requirements is that whoever took over would need the backing Military.
Beyond that, they would need to ensure that all the congressman and senators were paid for.
Elections might still happen, but only with planned outcomes.
People need to bear in mind the other dictatorships like the USSR was under Stalin had a constitution,
Stalin simply arranged everything so the fell his way, any effective opposition, was eliminated.
How, specifically?

The attacks on the press, the repetition of alternative facts; the family separation policy, (I think this is a prime example of envelope pushing.) The threat of involving himself in the Justice Department that is investigating his campaign. The people pushed back on the border policy and there was some back-pedaling.

I'm not referring to his private dealings, whatever they are. I'm referring what he does as President.

I think, when all the facts are known, the line between the private life and the Office of the Presidency will be indistinguishable.
Why would an American dictator have to be white? Are non-whites too stupid?

Tis true, likely an American dictator would be Orange.

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