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What is the right afraid of? People loving the ACA. (1 Viewer)

Well thank heavens the One has ruined the healthcare industry and the economy
while dashing the hopes of the younger generation all at the same time!
Quite an accomplishment I'd say.
I like how people keep parroting the gop wont compromise.

Was it not the Democrats that passed Obamacare without ANY Republican support and are now mad that the Republicans don't want to fund it?

The house has sent numerous bills to the Senate and all we have heard from Reid and Obama are we will not negotiate until we get a clean cr and debt limit increase (IE everything we want).

They werent even willing to give up their ludicrous Obamacare subsidies which should have been an easy compromise since most of them are millionaires.
Won't work. Not when high taxes are a great part of the reason jobs went overseas to begin with. See, this is what I mean about being pragmatic. Liberals have this great idea...bring jobs back...but they have no reasonable or logical way of doing it.

Yes, we do. The same thing that worked in the 1930s and the 1990s, after conservative-caused crashes.

Raise taxes on the rich.

High taxes didn't cause any businesses to outsource jobs. GREED caused it.
Them bloody commies won't be happy til they've run this country into the ground.
Since we are content to sit idly by and allow it I really don't think we've any room to whine n moan about it?

Or perhaps that is the extent of the effort we can be bothered to muster?

Republicans are simply representing the views of the American people

WHAT commies?

In fact, Republicans are NOT representing the views of the American people. Not by a longshot.

funny how all the libs' great ideas about bringing jobs back and fixing the economy involve spending someone else's money. that seems to be their answer to everything.
Yes, we do. The same thing that worked in the 1930s and the 1990s, after conservative-caused crashes.

Raise taxes on the rich.

High taxes didn't cause any businesses to outsource jobs. GREED caused it.

LOL!! Okay...I don't expect you to do other than spout your ignorant, anti-business rhetoric. You are, after all, a liberal.

But...I would ask you this: Do you think the people mentioned in this article Even small companies are outsourcing - Mar. 27, 2013 are just being greedy? Or do you think they are just doing their best to stay in business?
Yes, we do. The same thing that worked in the 1930s and the 1990s, after conservative-caused crashes.

Raise taxes on the rich.

High taxes didn't cause any businesses to outsource jobs. GREED caused it.
LOL!! Okay...I don't expect you to do other than spout your ignorant, anti-business rhetoric. You are, after all, a liberal.

But...I would ask you this: Do you think the people mentioned in this article Even small companies are outsourcing - Mar. 27, 2013 are just being greedy? Or do you think they are just doing their best to stay in business?
If they want to stay in business, they should elect a Congress led by the party that's proven it can be trusted with our economy, the Democratic Party -- not the party that's proven they can't be trusted, with the economy or with anything else, the Republican Party.
Yes, we do. The same thing that worked in the 1930s and the 1990s, after conservative-caused crashes.

Raise taxes on the rich.

High taxes didn't cause any businesses to outsource jobs. GREED caused it.

If they want to stay in business, they should elect a Congress led by the party that's proven it can be trusted with our economy, the Democratic Party -- not the party that's proven they can't be trusted, with the economy or with anything else, the Republican Party.

Oh...so you want these small business people to spend a lot of money to get politicians into office who will give them stuff...right? Kind of like what those BIG businesses do that you think is the wrong thing and is a sign that they are only greedy?

It seems you are not only an ignorant, anti-business person...but you are illogical as well. That seems to be a common trait amongst liberals.
I daresay its prerequisite.
when the takers outnumber the makers we'll all become Quakers fo shizzle my nizzle

its all good, as long as the middle class is content to slowly commit suicide by allowing this communism to permeate
and stain the fabric of society all based on the obviously bankrupt government's willingness to promise cradle to grave entitlements
then all is well in the hood, homey
Oh...so you want these small business people to spend a lot of money to get politicians into office who will give them stuff...right? Kind of like what those BIG businesses do that you think is the wrong thing and is a sign that they are only greedy?

It seems you are not only an ignorant, anti-business person...but you are illogical as well. That seems to be a common trait amongst liberals.
Who said anything about spending money? I said they should VOTE.

Ignorant? Illogical? That's your side. And, as your economic record from 1929 onward proves, you're anti-business as well!
so um like there's just about three ways to make money in this country
produce a product or service that people are willing to buy and make a profit doing so
gain control of income producing assets and manage them so they make a profit or

be in the government and extort money from one or both of the first two mentioned groups

being a worthless parasite with your handout wanting Obammercare to become a success is not
part of any of those groups and is not a road to any measure of success, you commies go on with your bad selves
I know 2 weeks is still early, but we've yet to see any glowing reports of people loving the ACA. how long do we have to wait before we can say "I told you so"?
Who said anything about spending money? I said they should VOTE.

Ignorant? Illogical? That's your side. And, as your economic record from 1929 onward proves, you're anti-business as well!

Oh...they should vote. Okay, so every 2 to 4 years they vote. Fine. What should they do in between time? Not outsource? Or go ahead and do it but risk being declared greedy by you?

btw, you had better be a bit more specific about me being anti-business...especially since I haven't been around from 1929 onward. Oh, wait...you aren't talking about me, specifically, are you? Maybe you think I'm a Republican? I'm not. You should not make generalized statements about people, you know.

And yes, you are ignorant because you don't know anything about business. You think someone trying to make a buck is greedy. You are illogical because you call businesses greedy and then say they should try to control their congressmen...democrats, of course...to set things up so they can make more money.
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I know 2 weeks "I told you so"?
Don't hold your breath Comrade, these die-hard Libs they'll never admit anything.
When they lose their insurance they'll blame GW
Reality hasn't the least bit of a chance of effecting them in any way.
They are alll quite nutty yanno?
Oh...they should vote. Okay, so every 2 to 4 years they vote. Fine. What should they do in between time? Not outsource? Or go ahead and do it but risk being declared greedy by you?

btw, you had better be a bit more specific about me being anti-business...especially since I haven't been around from 1929 onward. Oh, wait...you aren't talking about me, specifically, are you? Maybe you think I'm a Republican? I'm not. You should not make generalized statements about people, you know.

And yes, you are ignorant because you don't know anything about business. You think someone trying to make a buck is greedy. You are illogical because you call businesses greedy and then say they should try to control their congressmen...democrats, of course...to set things up so they can make more money.

You're a conservative, by your own admission. That means there is ONE party in this country where you have a place, and it isn't the Democratic Party. You are anti-business because you support policies that kill businesses, especially small ones.
Taking ACA away from Congress and their staff is mean-spirited and akin to taking my wife off of her School insurance..Republican Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa is furious at this, since it these staffers who put these bills together at lightning-fast pace..Repubs are smirk-faced punks, like Cantor, with no budging.
You're a conservative, by your own admission. That means there is ONE party in this country where you have a place, and it isn't the Democratic Party. You are anti-business because you support policies that kill businesses, especially small ones.
You're a conservative, by your own admission. That means there is ONE party in this country where you have a place, and it isn't the Democratic Party. You are anti-business because you support policies that kill businesses, especially small ones.

Sorry...but I don't follow a herd. My place is where ever I stand...not following lockstep with a particular party.

What policies have I expressed support for that kill businesses?

btw, you didn't answer my question about those businesses who outsource. Why not?
Nice-cat fight on MSNBC..
Rep. Marsha Blackburn is now moving into the Cruz/Palin category, but has some brains and beauty.
Taking ACA away from Congress and their staff is mean-spirited and akin to taking my wife off of her School insurance..Republican Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa is furious at this, since it these staffers who put these bills together at lightning-fast pace..Repubs are smirk-faced punks, like Cantor, with no budging.

I'm not sure I understand...I didn't know anyone is trying to "take ACA away from Congress and their staff". Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying.
You most certainly misunderstood what Boehner said..
Taking away the government contribution to ACA is like our School systems taking away their contributions to BCBA, at least according to Sen. Grassley..
I'm not sure I understand...I didn't know anyone is trying to "take ACA away from Congress and their staff". Maybe I misunderstand what you are saying.
Next best guess for debt-ceiling is Nov. 1st when Govt. checks must go out..
And that was floated by House Repubs yesterday..
House Repubs promised to do this yesterday: Why are any of us surprised??
I do agree that the House is trying to throw a monkey-wrench into the Senate talks,
much worse than high school teens gone wild.
You most certainly misunderstood what Boehner said..
Taking away the government contribution to ACA is like our School systems taking away their contributions to BCBA, at least according to Sen. Grassley..

Ahhh....I haven't been following this stuff all that much, but from what I understand Congress and their staff will get the same subsidies for insurance coverage through the exchanges that any other citizens will get. Did I get that right? That's what's happening, right?
And what is the Republicans idea to bring jobs back? ZERO corporate taxes, slave wages, what? Even if corporate wages were zero, you couldn't compete with overseas slave wages, so what is YOUR idea?

Strawman argument. Conservatives believe we can have a competitive advantage and strong wages by energy independence, reducing the regulatory burden, and lowering the tax burden on businesses. We don't have to compete with slave wages when our productivity is better.
Nice-cat fight on MSNBC..
Rep. Marsha Blackburn is now moving into the Cruz/Palin category, but has some brains and beauty.
She MIGHT have been attractive when she was younger... but I'll bet she wasn't any smarter back then.

Then again, she did need some intelligence in order to find a way around that question.

Msnbc's Thomas Roberts To Gop Rep
You folks should be happy?
The gang of 12 are about to cave and let yer socialist nightmare continue on its merry way.
The whole thing is simply kabuki theatre, there was never any real intent to stop socialized healthcare
it hands over so much power to the government that no one in the ruling class will ever really oppose it!
The people will embrace it cuz its another entitlement and the destruction of the nation will continue unabated.

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