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[W:#7426]How will Brexit go?***W:46]*** (2 Viewers)

How will Brexit go?

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British farmers need to step it up with the protests. Compared to the French they are a joke:

British farmers plan more French-style tractor protests this weekend

But what hurts British farmers the most are the post- Brexit trade deals with NZ and Australia that basically allows both countries to export agricultural products to Britain at their own standards (which are lower than British standards). Again the Johnson government really should have read said offers and not accepted every demand.
British farmers need to step it up with the protests. Compared to the French they are a joke:

British farmers plan more French-style tractor protests this weekend

But what hurts British farmers the most are the post- Brexit trade deals with NZ and Australia that basically allows both countries to export agricultural products to Britain at their own standards (which are lower than British standards). Again the Johnson government really should have read said offers and not accepted every demand.
They knew what was in them, they didn't care. The desperation to see any kind of deal done was palpable. Even though most of the best deals they did make were merely rolling over the ones we had through the EU, some, such as with the USA, were never going to happen.
They knew what was in them, they didn't care. The desperation to see any kind of deal done was palpable. Even though most of the best deals they did make were merely rolling over the ones we had through the EU, some, such as with the USA, were never going to happen.
Considering Liz Truss was in charge of these negotiations, I seriously doubt she read any of the text.
Ah yes, farmer protests. Happens all over now. However in Britain especially the trade agreements with Australia and NZ are making things hard for farmers.

'Slaughtered': UK farmers protest post-Brexit rules and trade deals

Farmers were almost the safest Tory voters you could find, the only more safer voting block would be posh, rich gentlmen from southern England wearing a high hat and holding a cane muttering about uncivilized northern savages. Farmers are not very likely to vote Tory next election.
You can just taste the Brexit success:

The end of the British delays in introducing the extra costs involved in customs checks kicks in with the new financial year. Sunak is hanging on by a thread as leader because the Brexiter loons complain he's too soft! He's also hanging out the "fixed term parliament as long as possible while the government loot the last possible public coffers before they are rooted out.
Despite Keir Starmer's best endeavours it looks like the local elections are going to be a Tory bloodbath. Rather looking forward to the return of the Penny Mordaunt putsch plan.
Despite Keir Starmer's best endeavours it looks like the local elections are going to be a Tory bloodbath. Rather looking forward to the return of the Penny Mordaunt putsch plan.

When the GE finally gets here, I/m pleased to note that both Bournemouth MP's will be gone, according to the latest Yougov poll.
They campaigned for the Brexit which removed our right to live and work in Europe as EU citizens.

They campaigned for the Brexit which removed our right to live and work in Europe as EU citizens.

Good, golden visas were problematic, basically countries just selling access to the European Union. They should be scrapped everywhere.

No he knew, he really does not care much about import from the EU (nor export to the EU). He wants the British economy completely deregulated and does not care that it means Britain would not be able to export anything anymore. He pretends to be upset that trade has become a hassle, he isn't. He knew this would happen. He is upset Britain still has standards and regulatory bodies, and he and his pals can't do whatever they want.
Even the Daily Express, the most pro-Brexit Brit trash rag insists that Brexit has mostly been a failure, it even quotes Nigel Farage saying so. I'd say that settles the matter once and for all.

While Brexit was an inevitable disaster, because anything the Tories have a hand in is a disaster, and it was a poor idea from the get-go - that doesn't mean the EU should be immune from criticism. I had my reservations about Jean Claude-Juncker but I have to say, Ursula Von Der Leyen has been much worse than her predecessor, who, for all his faults, seemed to sincerely try his best to improve the EU in his capacity.

I hope someone better replaces Ursula this time round.

At least the EU has done some good in supporting Ukraine under her leadership.
Brexit is to blame for everything, or Remainers variously, or the Tories

(or Labour / the left)

Or whatever my pet hate is today (who is he?)
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MPs warn that Brits could be blocked from entering Gibraltar because of Brexit deal

Brexiteers on a parliamentary committee have warned that British citzens and Nato personnel could be blocked by the EU from entering Gibraltar if “the Rock” goes ahead with settlement it had to negotiate because of the UK leaving the EU.

Following Brexit, Gibraltar’s chief minister Fabian Picardo has been negotiating a deal with the EU to allow the outpost and home of a British naval base to enjoy free movement of people with the EU.

It comes after decades of problems at the border with Spain which claims Gibraltar for its own. But the border issue became a crisis for Gibraltans when the UK left the EU and in effect ended freedom of movement.

It's hard to put into words how ridiculous this is, but then, ridiculous is the new norm and so are the most ridiculous bad faith/gibberish arguments and trolling

Which is all the Tories are - and seemingly plenty in/and/or aligned with Labour ...
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Interestingly, arch lefty Monbiot thinks leaving the C.A.P may have been one big benefit:

"The EU's Common Agricultural Policy is one of the most environmentally destructive forces on Earth. Its perverse incentives have driven the destruction of hundreds of thousands of hectares of wildlife habitats. It's also highly regressive, robbing the poor to give to the rich."

I don't disagree with that.

We all know Brexit is bad and so are seemingly all Tory policies, but not all of us approve of extreme Neoliberalism in the shape of the European Union's policies either. Its lurch to the right is extremely worrying.

Even Von Der Lying was giving her support to a Rwanda-like deportation scheme:

The European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, has given her support to controversial migration reforms that would involve deporting people to third countries for asylum processing and the imposition of a quota system for those receiving protection in EU countries.

Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People’s party (EPP), said the policies – similar to the UK’s Rwanda scheme – had been worked out with all the parties in the EPP political group, which includes von der Leyen’s Christian Democrat Union in Germany.

Warning that “the far right wants to destroy Europe from the inside”, Weber said the EPP would be “crystal clear” about its desire to reduce immigration in the campaign for the European elections in June.


That's disgusting.

Why on earth should I support that? Is she really any better than any of our racist Brexit politicians in actuality? I vastly preferred Jean-Claude Juncker despite all his flaws.

I'm sorry, but I won't take any lectures whatsoever on anything from people who support that
"The EU's Common Agricultural Policy is one of the most environmentally destructive forces on Earth. Its perverse incentives have driven the destruction of hundreds of thousands of hectares of wildlife habitats. It's also highly regressive, robbing the poor to give to the rich."

I don't disagree with that.
Nor do I, but again it depends. The majority of farmers in France and Spain are small to medium sized farmers. The huge majority of UK farmers are big to industrial size (and owned by billionaires) and that is thanks to CAP. CAP is not what it use to be back in the day. It use to be almost 80% of the EEC/EU budget and now it is closer to 30%. 55 billion a year or so and most of that goes to France and Spain, who basically feed Europe. Now the idea of CAP was good after WW2 and it ensured that Europe could feed it self. However the butter mountains was long ago and it is far more efficient now. Its major drawback is of course, that it keeps small to medium farmers alive, which does not help on future efficiency. Also, a large portion of the CAP budget goes to combat the environmental issues with intensive farming.

We all know Brexit is bad and so are seemingly all Tory policies, but not all of us approve of extreme Neoliberalism in the shape of the European Union's policies either. Its lurch to the right is extremely worrying.
The lurch to the right is due to immigration.. the blame the foreigner for our problems symptom. That was what Brexit fundamentally was about for most. The far right only exists because of this.. blaming others for their problems.

Even Von Der Lying was giving her support to a Rwanda-like deportation scheme:
The EU has had such schemes for decades. We deported people to Libya and still do to Morocco and other places. The controversial thing about the Rwanda scheme is that even if the refugee gets asylum, then they would never set foot in the UK. On top of that there is the cost.

I'm sorry, but I won't take any lectures whatsoever on anything from people who support that
At least Europe accepts refugees... the US barely does considering it is the reason many of them are refugees in the first place! :)
Nor do I, but again it depends. The majority of farmers in France and Spain are small to medium sized farmers. The huge majority of UK farmers are big to industrial size (and owned by billionaires) and that is thanks to CAP. CAP is not what it use to be back in the day. It use to be almost 80% of the EEC/EU budget and now it is closer to 30%. 55 billion a year or so and most of that goes to France and Spain, who basically feed Europe. Now the idea of CAP was good after WW2 and it ensured that Europe could feed it self. However the butter mountains was long ago and it is far more efficient now. Its major drawback is of course, that it keeps small to medium farmers alive, which does not help on future efficiency. Also, a large portion of the CAP budget goes to combat the environmental issues with intensive farming.

The lurch to the right is due to immigration.. the blame the foreigner for our problems symptom. That was what Brexit fundamentally was about for most. The far right only exists because of this.. blaming others for their problems.

Most groups blame others for their problems. But I don't disagree.

The EU has had such schemes for decades. We deported people to Libya and still do to Morocco and other places. The controversial thing about the Rwanda scheme is that even if the refugee gets asylum, then they would never set foot in the UK. On top of that there is the cost.

All those schemes are wrong no matter who does it, you'd think in 2024 that they would have done away with such schemes and not be seeking to implement new ones. We all know that all our countries have done terrible things in the past - it's something we should try to put behind us and move on - we should not be repeating the same mistakes.

At least Europe accepts refugees... the US barely does considering it is the reason many of them are refugees in the first place! :)
The United States admitted 60,014 refugees in 2023, which is a significant increase from 2022 when 25,465 refugees were admitted. The number of refugees admitted to the US has generally declined since 1980, when the program began and more than 200,000 refugees were admitted. On average, around 73,300 refugees have been resettled annually over the past 43 years.

The US isn't solely culpable for creating refugees around the world. Plenty of other Western countries' foreign policy greatly contribute to creating instability around the world.

I'm from Britain and have only lived here a few months, US people are the most critical of their own country and foreign policy, which is a good thing.

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