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[W:607]Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Trump stated...correctly...in that meeting that right now he has enough votes in the House to pass funding for the wall. He said what he lacks is enough votes in the Senate because he needs some Dem votes. (because of the required 2/3 majority) He said he doesn't want to waste his time since the Senate Dems won't give him the votes. Chuck sat right there and said that no Senate Dem will vote for the funding to build the wall.

So yes...If the Dems wanted to, building the wall would be easy.

Regarding making Mexico pay for it...nobody, Rep or Dem, is bothering with that because the Dems are preventing the wall from even being built.

If the Dems wanted to, they could fund the wall...construction would get underway...Congress and the President could work on methods to recoup the money from Mexico...and Mexico would be paying for the wall. It would be easy.

(If the Dems wanted to.)

Those darned Democrats are stopping Trump from being a dictator again. How terrible of them.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

You do know that this is the democrats? And that the Democrats do not want to build a wall at all, paid by Mexico or not. In October a CBS news poll asked of republicans, democrats and independents how they felt about the wall.

Republicans support the wall: 76% want a wall, 19% do not and 4% do not have an opinion on it.

Democrats do not support the wall: 9% favor building a wall and 89% oppose building a wall, 2% do not have an opinion.

Independents do not support the wall: 34% favor building a wall and 62% oppose building a wall, 4% do not have an opinion.

So if 89% of democrats and 62% of independents oppose building a wall, why on earth would the democrats have to support Trump's ideas and plans regarding a wall. If he wants a wall he has to get the money were he promised he would get it from, Mexico and stop bothering the democrats with his demands for border wall money.

Trump effectively established that the Dems don't care about national security. That they would rather shut down the government than safeguard American citizens.

It doesn't matter how many stupid, useful idiots...of any party affiliation...support or oppose the wall. It all comes down to the Congressional Dems being determined to oppose Trump at every turn.

(see...spin is easy...as you well know...since you use it so well)
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Those darned Democrats are stopping Trump from being a dictator again. How terrible of them.


Spin, speculation, innuendo, hyperbole...and lies. That's all you have.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Let's be more specific, when were you born and what county or state are you speaking of.

I was born in the continental USA. The rest is irrelevant, any Ag area of the USA is pretty much the same; the West for sure, which I have traveled and worked extensively.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates


Spin, speculation, innuendo, hyperbole...and lies. That's all you have.

Truth hurts, doesn't it. All I did was boil your post down into 2 sentences.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Trump may have the votes now in the House but not in three weeks.

I see no reason why the Democrats should capitulate to Trump’s request without getting anything in return. We already know the wall idea will cost tens of billions and take years to build and won’t stop any nonresident from merely overstaying their visa.

They don't want anything in return.

Tell me...did you hear either Chuck or Nancy ask for anything? I didn't.

The visa issue can...and should...be dealt with, as well as other illegal immigration issues. That doesn't mean we shouldn't deal with the issue of people walking across the border...over and over again. btw, what has Congress done to deal with those other issues? Nothing...thanks to the Dems and some Republicans.

But you are correct. Next year you won't see ANYTHING from the House that deals with illegal immigration. Not the wall, not the visas, not a crackdown on employers. Nothing.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Trump effectively established that the Dems don't care about national security.

No, he tried to SPIN it that way but Pelosi and Schumer showed that up for the lie it is.

That they would rather shut down the government than safeguard American citizens.

No, it was trump that claimed he would OWN the shutdown.

It doesn't matter how many stupid, useful idiots...of any party affiliation...support or oppose the wall.

It AbsaByGodLutely matters how many AmeriCANs oppose the wall, last time I remember this is still a representative government not a dictatorship.

It all comes down to the Congressional Dems being determined to oppose Trump at every turn.

I don't recall any late night meeting of Democrats pledging to make djt a one term president.

(see...spin is easy...as Mycroft well know(s)...since Mycroft use(s) it so well)
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

They don't want anything in return.

Tell me...did you hear either Chuck or Nancy ask for anything? I didn't.

The visa issue can...and should...be dealt with, as well as other illegal immigration issues. That doesn't mean we shouldn't deal with the issue of people walking across the border...over and over again. btw, what has Congress done to deal with those other issues? Nothing...thanks to the Dems and some Republicans.

But you are correct. Next year you won't see ANYTHING from the House that deals with illegal immigration. Not the wall, not the visas, not a crackdown on employers. Nothing.

Just like it was when the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate the last 2 years. :lol:
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Trump effectively established that the Dems don't care about national security. That they would rather shut down the government than safeguard American citizens.

It doesn't matter how many stupid, useful idiots...of any party affiliation...support or oppose the wall. It all comes down to the Congressional Dems being determined to oppose Trump at every turn.

(see...spin is easy...as you well know...since you use it so well)

Well, as (again according to opinion polls) 60% say illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship, 13% said stay and not apply for citizenship, 23% said be required to leave and 4% are unsure/did not give an answer.

You mean they act now like the republicans did during the Obama years? How shocking that they could behave like the republicans. The democrats were elected because they opposed Trump's agenda and thus it is their duty to oppose plans that do not agree with their political views. That is how it normally goes in this hyper partisan era where working with the other side is a rarity rather than the norm.

The democrats are now finally the checks and balances the US voting public wanted on Trump.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

No, he tried to SPIN it that way but Pelosi and Schumer showed that up for the lie it is.

No, it was trump that claimed he would OWN the shutdown.

It AbsaByGodLutely matters how many AmeriCANs oppose the wall, last time I remember this is still a representative government not a dictatorship.

I don't recall any late night meeting of Democrats pledging to make djt a one term president.

You have all the dishonest tactics down pat, don't you? Including dishonestly altering my words.

You are dismissed, you disgusting...person.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

But he said Mexico would pay for the wall. So who is the hypocrite? It's Trump.

He said it was going to get built whether the Left wanted it or not....even if the military had to build it.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Well, as (again according to opinion polls) 60% say illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship, 13% said stay and not apply for citizenship, 23% said be required to leave and 4% are unsure/did not give an answer.

You mean they act now like the republicans did during the Obama years? How shocking that they could behave like the republicans. The democrats were elected because they opposed Trump's agenda and thus it is their duty to oppose plans that do not agree with their political views. That is how it normally goes in this hyper partisan era where working with the other side is a rarity rather than the norm.

The democrats are now finally the checks and balances the US voting public wanted on Trump.
Republicans should have learned from the Obama care era and jammed this down Democrats throats...

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Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

He said it was going to get built whether the Left wanted it or not....even if the military had to build it.

This wasn't stated by Trump UNTIL 'after' his lie that Mexico would pay for his wall was exposed...Correct?
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

You have all the dishonest tactics down pat, don't you? Including dishonestly altering my words.

You are dismissed, you disgusting...person.

No, I changed your words to change the spin, you were complaining about spin … weren't you?
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

This wasn't stated by Trump UNTIL 'after' his lie that Mexico would pay for his wall was exposed...Correct?

We're working a new trade deal with Mexico. How do we know Mexico won't eventually pay for the wall?

It's my understanding that that was the deal.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Pelosi knows that there never will be a wall. People need to stop clinging to this misguided dream. The problem is Trump thinks he has the votes for it or something like it.

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Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

It's difficult to have a discussion with someone who is temped all the time.
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Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

We're working a new trade deal with Mexico. How do we know Mexico won't eventually pay for the wall?

It's my understanding that that was the deal.

red herring..Please answer the question.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

I honestly think the liberals' attempt to unseat Pelosi really lit a fire under her. Unless she's always been this way and I just never noticed.

I'll bet you're proud of her. Go ahead and say it.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

red herring..Please answer the question.

Why should I answer your obviously stupid question you continue to harp on?

Mexico may well pay for the wall indirectly.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Why should I answer your obviously stupid question you continue to harp on?

Mexico may well pay for the wall indirectly.

And you may win the Powerball. That doesn't change the fact that Trump lied, and you know it, but you are unable to admit it.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

To expand on your comment...

When any people, any society, become accustomed to something and can't recall to have been different it frightens them to think that it could have been or might yet be should they actually try it. I recall, 50 or more years ago, an American writing an article about his experience with British phone service and how glacially slow, backward, and consumer unfriendly it was. When he mentioned to Brits that America utilities were largely regulated businesses and better run, rather than government owned and run, the Brits he talked to were both surprised and almost disbelieving. The shock was not just that there could be far better service, but that such a thing as a regulated private business as operated as a telecommunications monopoly could exist - his hosts didn't see how a monopoly like telephone service could be anything other than a government owned operation with government employees.

The same psychology is at work in regards to foreign immigrant labor. My parents who grew up in the depression and long deceased grandparents remembered when it was different, as does any Okie or Arkie that came to California as farm labor. And, as I said, Canadians and Australians don't need illegals or Mexicans for their ag industry today. But like the rich Kuwaitis, or UAE, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabians who import poor Muslim Palestinians and Bangladeshi to do their menial labor; or like the plantation owners and farmers of the old south who depended on slaves, we have built an addition - a dependency - on low caste labor...unable to conceive of anything different.

It's a shame really, to be "too good" to mow one's own grass, or raise one's own children, or to nail drywall and paint siding. But I assure, there was a time ordinary white and black people did that without illegals - and frankly, we were better for it.

We're working a new trade deal with Mexico. How do we know Mexico won't eventually pay for the wall?

It's my understanding that that was the deal.

You have some inside information?
Why should I answer your obviously stupid question you continue to harp on?

Mexico may well pay for the wall indirectly.

Same question; have you seen the proposal?
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

I'll bet you're proud of her. Go ahead and say it.

Yea, that "manhood" quote was classy. But she like to pretend she has a penis.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Before Trump barnstormed Indiana the final two polls were Donnelly +7 & Donnelly +3:
He's bragging because he made the difference in Indiana & Florida & Missouri!!!!!

FOX News 10/27 - 10/30 722 LV 3.5 45 38 5 Donnelly +7
NBC News/Marist 10/24 - 10/28 496 LV 5.5 45 42 7 Donnelly +3

The final result after 3 trips to Indiana by Trump:

Final Results -- -- -- 45.1 51.0 3.9 Braun +5.9

If this is the talking point for his words and Schumer's words that you came up with yesterday at the Trump Fan Club meeting, you guys wasted your time.

You all are in worse shape than I even thought.

Florida and Missouri. Geezus Christ. Do any of you Trump lovers have even the slightest clue what is going on?
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

You have some inside information?

Same question; have you seen the proposal?

Same deal Trump gave Pelosi and Schumer,,,,one way or another.
Re: Trump Oval Office meeting with Pelosi, Schumer spirals over border wall — live updates

Why should I answer your obviously stupid question you continue to harp on?

Mexico may well pay for the wall indirectly.

What makes it a stupid question?. Clearly Trump lied, and knew he was lying while campaigning and lying about something he knew would NEVER happen.Trump has even admitted he threw anything and everything up against the wall to see what would stick while he was campaigning. He has ZERO power to make Mexico pay for his damned wall. Only fools bought into that nonsense.

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