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[W:164]Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ (1 Viewer)

Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

What it demonstrates is that there were crackpots everywhere, just like today, humans being the way they are.

It sure does, and sometimes the crackpots get popular.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

It sure does, and sometimes the crackpots get popular.

One need look no further than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

One need look no further than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Or donald Trump..
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

I doubt that very much or you wouldn't have to make it up as you go along. You have presented no proof, no argument other than "huh un", no names, and you have ignored every quotation I have posted. I'm starting to think even you don't believe what you say.

Lying again, as usual. I have presented historical facts, which you cannot argue against. Instead you just repeat the same false mantra over and over again, and chicken out whenever I present you with a question because its clear you know what the answer is- and its proven you wrong. So let's try it again, because you have a mistaken notion that if you make the last remark you can somehow win this when youve already lost.

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Lying again, as usual. I have presented historical facts, which you cannot argue against. Instead you just repeat the same false mantra over and over again, and chicken out whenever I present you with a question because its clear you know what the answer is- and its proven you wrong. So let's try it again, because you have a mistaken notion that if you make the last remark you can somehow win this when youve already lost.

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.

Accusing me of doing what you're doing?
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Lying again, as usual. I have presented historical facts, which you cannot argue against. Instead you just repeat the same false mantra over and over again, and chicken out whenever I present you with a question because its clear you know what the answer is- and its proven you wrong. So let's try it again, because you have a mistaken notion that if you make the last remark you can somehow win this when youve already lost.

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.

I'll just say that your version of history lines up with mine. For those who believe the Council of Nicea was influenced by God and thereby putting Christianity on a proper course, no amount of fact or logic will convince them to consider other possibilities.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Accusing me of doing what you're doing?

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.

I'll just say that your version of history lines up with mine. For those who believe the Council of Nicea was influenced by God and thereby putting Christianity on a proper course, no amount of fact or logic will convince them to consider other possibilities.

Of course, no amount of facts could ever convince a fanatic. I respond to these threads so that people with open minds will read them and see the evidence for themselves.

Its clear that there was no official church doctrine prior to Nicea- and what we now know as Christian orthodoxy was pretty much born right at that council.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.

Of course, no amount of facts could ever convince a fanatic. I respond to these threads so that people with open minds will read them and see the evidence for themselves.

Its clear that there was no official church doctrine prior to Nicea- and what we now know as Christian orthodoxy was pretty much born right at that council.

He knows you are correct,or he would address your fair question I've seen you ask him at least 3 times.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

He knows you are correct,or he would address your fair question I've seen you ask him at least 3 times.

Oh yeah, for sure. He just wants put the last word in, no matter how silly it is.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Why wasn't Arius condemned prior to the council? Why did they only label Origen a heretic hundreds of years later, after he died? Why did they accept his teachings prior to it?

I've been waiting for an answer to this, yet you consistently weasel out.

Of course, no amount of facts could ever convince a fanatic. I respond to these threads so that people with open minds will read them and see the evidence for themselves.

Its clear that there was no official church doctrine prior to Nicea- and what we now know as Christian orthodoxy was pretty much born right at that council.

Arius was condemned, quit asking the same question over and over again. Origen was censured, too for his heretical beliefs, but you don't know that, do you, because you are just making it up as you go along.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

He knows you are correct,or he would address your fair question I've seen you ask him at least 3 times.

Are you that guy from Canada's sock or is he your sock?
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Oh yeah, for sure. He just wants put the last word in, no matter how silly it is.

I'm still waiting for you to say something that you haven't pulled out of your...hat.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

I'm still waiting for you to say something that you haven't pulled out of your...hat.

hat...sock...anything to dodge PoS's fair question to which you clearly have no valid answer. :lamo
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

hat...sock...anything to dodge PoS's fair question to which you clearly have no valid answer. :lamo

I answered the question, stop trolling.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Sorry to interrupt!

*LM empty your inbox*

Carry on!

Are you going to tell him who to hassle next?
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

I answered the question, stop trolling.

heed your own advice,and grow a set. Stop disrespecting the females. Priests are supposed to take the high road.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

heed your own advice,and grow a set. Stop disrespecting the females. Priests are supposed to take the high road.

Tell me all about it, lay nobody. I am trying to preserve the Gospel your kind perverts.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Tell me all about it, lay nobody. I am trying to preserve the Gospel your kind perverts.

I'm on record here many times as stating that anyone who derives solace from their faith, I consider that to be a good thing.You just seem to be hell bent on hating those who don't believe exactly as you do,even condemning them to eternal damnation as you hide behind your beliefs,including other Christians...that's on you. Your post above proves this to be fact.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

That demonstrates that the attitudes in the early church were not the same everyplace, and were not consistent. It just means that Peter won the political battle.

The NT is consistent. Christ is risen in all four Gospels and various epistles.
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

The NT is consistent. Christ is risen in all four Gospels and various epistles.

Well, I will point out that when it comes to that, mark had some passages added on later for that. And, there are differences about what that entailed. You also have to remember that the various gospels were filtered through the filter of 'orthodoxy'
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Well, I will point out that when it comes to that, mark had some passages added on later for that. And, there are differences about what that entailed. You also have to remember that the various gospels were filtered through the filter of 'orthodoxy'

Jesus was already resurrected prior to the ending in Mark. What's more, that added ending could well have been valid oral tradition.

Jesus is Risen indeed!
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

heed your own advice,and grow a set. Stop disrespecting the females. Priests are supposed to take the high road.

Wait just a second here....

Is that poster trying to pass itself off as a priest? LOL! Really?
Re: Early Church beliefs on the divinity of Jesus Christ

Wait just a second here....

Is that poster trying to pass itself off as a priest? LOL! Really?

That's the word I heard.Presbyterian is what I read.

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