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[W:104:1192]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops (1 Viewer)

re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Trump got his reelection war, just as he warned his predecessor would do.

The **** show, aka the Middle East, continues.

Their ain't gonna be no war. The US will lob some missiles at Iran until they scream uncle! Or Iran's economy implodes. Or the people overthrow the Iranian government.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

They have to be having serious stability problems if they're going in as dumb as this.

Iran stated they would take action and state that they have conducted an attack.
Trump-Pompeo- made a dumb ffn decision.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Depends on whether they hit anything but dirt or not. If there was no significant damage then the US response will likely be rather muted. If they took out troops and/or equipment we'll probably see Abadan go up in smoke.

If no damage is done, the best response is to publicly laugh and not respond with force.

I mean, if you want the Iranian leadership to totally lose their collective ****.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Don't you dare blame Trump.

This is an example of right-wing talking point. They are quick to assume what we think and believe.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Consider the possibility of the existence of Iranian sleeper cells here in the US.

re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

It’s sad to see Trump failing so badly. Now he gives us a tit-for-tat escalation to a new war in the Middle East. What is his reasoning for this?

"I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital V... The world must know that we do not go abroad in search of enemies." — Donald J. Trump :

Read Donald Trump'''s '''America First''' Foreign Policy Speech | Time
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Any KIA?
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Iran stated they would take action and state that they have conducted an attack.
Trump-Pompeo- made a dumb ffn decision.

I had expected something a little more subtle.

I mean, every single soldier the the region has a neck-deep hole dug within jumping range right now. This isn't going to be terribly effective, if they're using conventional warheads.

And if it's uranium dust, well, cancel Christmas.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

The question now is—What is the end-game to this escalation?
Im watching to see the extent of this attack. Is it just a superficial attack thats mostly symbolic that the US can ignore or is it gonna be intense enough to demand a response from us.

Iran is testing Trump and im not sure thats a good idea for them. He may not give them the grace of saving face with a symbolic retaliation, given our relationship. Iran may be about to face another displsy of American might.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Bags and bags of dead people. Same as always.

Yes. And more trillions of dollars wasted.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Unconfirmed reports of USAF aircraft outbound from the UAE.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Unconfirmed reports of USAF aircraft outbound from the UAE.

What fighters do the US have in the UAE?
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Im watching to see the extent of this attack. Is it just a superficial attack thats mostly symbolic that the US can ignore or is it gonna be intense enough to demand a response from us.

Iran is testing Trump and im not sure thats a good idea for them. He may not give them the grace of saving face with a symbolic retaliation, given our relationship. Iran may be about to face another displsy of American might.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

You can count on it. I don’t see an "off ramp" for de escalation.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Well, they said they were going to restrict retaliation to military and political targets.

I figured they'd try to bump off Pompeo or something like that.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

It’s sad to see Trump failing so badly. Now he gives us a tit-for-tat escalation to a new war in the Middle East. What is his reasoning for this?

"I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital V... The world must know that we do not go abroad in search of enemies." — Donald J. Trump :

Read Donald Trump'''s '''America First''' Foreign Policy Speech | Time

It's gonna be more of a tit-for-splat!
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Consider the possibility of the existence of Iranian sleeper cells here in the US.

That's entirely possible. Not going to lose any sleep over it, though.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

“Act of war “ was last week...........

Are you saying the US launched a drone strike on Iran last week?.....or did we launch a drone strike on a hostile foreigner in Iraq to work with the same terrorists who killed an American a couple weeks ago and attacked US sovereign territory at the Embassy?
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

It's gonna be more of a tit-for-splat!

More of them will die than us, that is true. Do you think we will win the war?
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Breaking: This is developing news; more to follow

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

We can expect a US response shortly, I'd imagine.

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops
Iran doesn't care about what the US may do in response to the missles being fired because they don't care about the Iranian populace. The US could easily make a large oil slick out of Iran and they should be careful. They have in the past 40+ years waged attacks of a variety of types against the US. IN just the past year and half they have taken military actions against the US and its allies, in which the US has only responded once, until the killing of an American Citizen and then we hit a terrorist leader, Soliemani.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Iran can't be that crazy. Things like hydro-electric damns and nuclear power plants are expensive to replace. Trump isn't Obama he's not going to send them pallets of cash.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Are you saying the US launched a drone strike on Iran last week?.....or did we launch a drone strike on a hostile foreigner in Iraq to work with the same terrorists who killed an American a couple weeks ago and attacked US sovereign territory at the Embassy?

Hardly matters now, really.

Everyone involved bought the ticket, everyone involved will now take the ride.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

The question now is—What is the end-game to this escalation?

If we knew we'd all be eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

What fighters do the US have in the UAE?

F-15Es, 309th Air Expeditionary Wing
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

More of them will die than us, that is true. Do you think we will win the war?

Winning wars was a 20th century concept. This will be more like the Hatfields and McCoys.

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