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[W:104:1192]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops (1 Viewer)


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Nov 16, 2017
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Breaking: This is developing news; more to follow

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran state TV says Tehran has launched “tens” of surface-to-surface missiles at Iraq’s Ain Assad air base housing U.S. troops over America’s killing of a top Iranian general.

State TV described it early Wednesday as Tehran’s revenge operation over the killing of Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

U.S. forces could not be immediately reached for comment.

We can expect a US response shortly, I'd imagine.

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Damn, let me get the popcorn.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Try to contain your excitement.

Yeah. I am excited to see our soldiers being killed.

re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

They have to be having serious stability problems if they're going in as dumb as this.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Trump got his reelection war, just as he warned his predecessor would do.

The **** show, aka the Middle East, continues.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

The question now is—What is the end-game to this escalation?

Bags and bags of dead people. Same as always.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Touch paper has been lit
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Graffiti. I wish it was cause to end the regime's nuke program.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Breaking: This is developing news; more to follow

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

We can expect a US response shortly, I'd imagine.

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

If true, that's an act of war. I think Iran is about to lose one of their naval bases.

BTW, when was the last time the US had a "stampede" that killed over four dozen people? What kind of culture does that?

A stampede broke out Tuesday at the funeral for a top Iranian general slain in a U.S. airstrike, and at least 56 people were killed and more than 200 were injured as thousands thronged the procession, Iranian news reports said.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

That's just the beginning.

I'm not a mind reader. Expound on your point.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

If true, that's an act of war. I think Iran is about to lose one of their naval bases.

“Act of war “ was last week...........
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

If true, that's an act of war. I think Iran is about to lose one of their naval bases.

They'd better be using drones, though. Iran is bristling with SAMs these days.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

If true, that's an act of war. I think Iran is about to lose one of their naval bases.

I think they are about to lose more than that.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

It will escalate. It doesn't look good to me.

Of course it's going to escalate. Iran is as unable to back down as we are. Only difference is, we have a bigger rock in our fist.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Breaking: This is developing news; more to follow

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

We can expect a US response shortly, I'd imagine.

Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Depends on whether they hit anything but dirt or not. If there was no significant damage then the US response will likely be rather muted. If they took out troops and/or equipment we'll probably see Abadan go up in smoke.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

It will escalate. It doesn't look good to me.

Don't you dare blame Trump.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

I think they are about to lose more than that.

My guess is Esper would like to whack one of their bases, and Trump wants to go full potato.
re: [W:104]Iran state TV: Tehran fires at Iraqi base housing US troops

Of course it's going to escalate. Iran is as unable to back down as we are. Only difference is, we have a bigger rock in our fist.

Consider the possibility of the existence of Iranian sleeper cells here in the US.

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