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US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'[W:146] (1 Viewer)

Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Indeed and some democrats will be voting for Trump. Happens every election.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Indeed and some democrats will be voting for Trump. Happens every election.

A former POTUS isn't just any voter. It says much - none of it good - that the person who was head of the party during his tenure in the Oval Office turns his back on one of his successors.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

A former POTUS isn't just any voter. It says much - none of it good - that the person who was head of the party during his tenure in the Oval Office turns his back on one of his successors.

It says he's angry that Trump slaughtered his son in the primary elections. He can vote any way he wants. So can you.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Can't say I blame him. Why would a former war hero and President vote for a clown who is a liberal liar and who said his son lied to get us into Iraq? He may as well vote for the liberal who at least admits to being a liberal.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

US Republican ex-president George HW Bush will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton in November,US news website Politico reports.

Read the article here: US election 2016: George HW Bush 'to vote for Clinton' - BBC News

This is a surprise to me but I'm sure that other people in the GOP will be voting for Clinton.

Well that's unfortunate, but I understand it.

Generally speaking, anyone who reluctantly votes for anyone this cycle probably deserves grace. There are great cases to be made against both of the major candidates. It's the people who enthusiastically back either that, imo, are messed up.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

US Republican ex-president George HW Bush will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton in November,US news website Politico reports.

Read the article here: US election 2016: George HW Bush 'to vote for Clinton' - BBC News

This is a surprise to me but I'm sure that other people in the GOP will be voting for Clinton.

Mr Bush allegedly made the pledge to Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, niece to US ex-President John F Kennedy.

Looks solid to me.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Makes sense to me. I still remember him always with Bill Clinton laughing at the people of this country. He couldn't get NAFTA passed due to democrat opposition but Bill pushed it through when he got in. Clearly they are puppets of the rich and powerful who wanted to move American jobs to Mexico where they could make more money with cheap labor.

What is really funny is Hillary is trying to blame policies that were passed that removed jobs from this country on the republicans when it was her husband and the democrats that got it done when the republicans failed.:lamo

This is just more proof Trump is not a party puppet of the rich and powerful like Hillary and is a candidate of the people.:thumbs:
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Makes sense to me. I still remember him always with Bill Clinton laughing at the people of this country. He couldn't get NAFTA passed due to democrat opposition but Bill pushed it through when he got in. Clearly they are puppets of the rich and powerful who wanted to move American jobs to Mexico where they could make more money with cheap labor.

What is really funny is Hillary is trying to blame policies that were passed that removed jobs from this country on the republicans when it was her husband and the democrats that got it done when the republicans failed.:lamo

This is just more proof Trump is not a party puppet of the rich and powerful like Hillary and is a candidate of the people.

Come back and tell us all about it after Trump and the Alt-Right get their butts handed to them in November.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

A former POTUS isn't just any voter. It says much - none of it good - that the person who was head of the party during his tenure in the Oval Office turns his back on one of his successors.

Since the explosion of Bernie and Trump on the scene this election has been a referendum on establishment politics. Democrat voters chose the establishment candidate, Republicans chose anti-establishment. It makes prefect sense that a career establishment politician would back the only establishment candidate in the race.

All this really does is provide evidence to the claim that there is little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Can't say I blame him. Why would a former war hero and President
George H.W. Bush is only a war hero because he wasn't captured. If he had been captured, he wouldn't be a war hero. At least that's what I'm told.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Can't say I blame him. Why would a former war hero and President vote for a clown who is a liberal liar and who said his son lied to get us into Iraq? He may as well vote for the liberal who at least admits to being a liberal.

You'd have to ask the medal of honor recipients who endorse Trump, I guess.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

US Republican ex-president George HW Bush will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton in November,US news website Politico reports.

Read the article here: US election 2016: George HW Bush 'to vote for Clinton' - BBC News

This is a surprise to me but I'm sure that other people in the GOP will be voting for Clinton.

It's not a surprise at all. They have all the money they will ever need, plus land and possessions, and a score to settle for not passing the torch to Jeb as was his birthright.

Like the Clintons, they represent the old guard who took the money that greased the path to build the multinational economy that has put product cost over social cost. Their benefit is they have a whole world to seamlessly shuttle money and resources around to find the lowest cost. Where they have billions of dollars as measured in stock prices, America only has what is quaintly referred to as "the rust belt".

What are we famous for now? A significant part of the nations GDP is composed of three companies that have no physical product, and sell advertising based on data stolen from you.

The fact the a Bush votes for a Clinton just goes to show that the elite stick with their own. Hillary got her torch, Jeb didn't. But rather than fight about it like commoners, they'd just prefer to spit in the outsider's martini. After all, "He's not one of us".
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Well that's unfortunate, but I understand it.

Generally speaking, anyone who reluctantly votes for anyone this cycle probably deserves grace. There are great cases to be made against both of the major candidates. It's the people who enthusiastically back either that, imo, are messed up.

stop, there was an election. For both candidates, you people who hate those candidates lost, you can be a malcontent over the results of two legitimate elections if you want but don't project that on everyone else
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Can't say I blame him. Why would a former war hero and President vote for a clown who is a liberal liar and who said his son lied to get us into Iraq? He may as well vote for the liberal who at least admits to being a liberal.

You been around many 92 years old's lately? Their decision making is often a bit skewed. He likely craps his pants, so he might as well crap his reputation on the way out, too! I feel sorry for him to see him mentally disintegrate and then shame himself like this. Who knows what he is being told and by whom?
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

US Republican ex-president George HW Bush will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton in November,US news website Politico reports.

Read the article here: US election 2016: George HW Bush 'to vote for Clinton' - BBC News

This is a surprise to me but I'm sure that other people in the GOP will be voting for Clinton.

Asked about Townsend’s post, George H.W. Bush spokesman Jim McGrath in an email replied, "The vote President Bush will cast as a private citizen in some 50 days will be just that: a private vote cast in some 50 days. He is not commenting on the presidential race in the interim."

Read more: George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton - POLITICO
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Dont beleive it. Wouldnt surprise me, but this is hearsay.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

You'd have to ask the medal of honor recipients who endorse Trump, I guess.

Do you have a link? I'm thinking that it's a pretty short list.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Do you have a link? I'm thinking that it's a pretty short list.

Fourteen Medal of Honor recipients endorse Trump | Military Times

No idea how many endorse Hillary of the 76 living recipients, but the point still stands either way. If Tres really wanted to know why a war hero endorses Trump she could always watch the endorsement speeches by these war heroes. But she doesn't really want to know.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Fourteen Medal of Honor recipients endorse Trump | Military Times

No idea how many endorse Hillary of the 76 living recipients, but the point still stands either way. If Tres really wanted to know why a war hero endorses Trump she could always watch the endorsement speeches by these war heroes. But she doesn't really want to know.

Yeah, bringing war heroes into this is ill-advised. Military people in general tend to lean right and so do older men. Most MoH recipients are of course older military men. That said, a MoH recipient is a war hero. He is likely somebody you want watching your back in a combat zone but it has no bearing on how politically savvy they are, regardless of which party they belong to.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Yeah, bringing war heroes into this is ill-advised. Military people in general tend to lean right and so do older men. Most MoH recipients are of course older military men. That said, a MoH recipient is a war hero. He is likely somebody you want watching your back in a combat zone but it has no bearing on how politically savvy they are, regardless of which party they belong to.

In an anti-Establishment election "political savvy" has diminished value.

But it is all beside the point. Tres said she didn't understand how a war hero could support Trump and I pointed her to a group of war heroes who support Trump if she really wanted to know.
Re: US Election 2016: George HW Bush 'To vote for Clinton'

Come back and tell us all about it after Trump and the Alt-Right get their butts handed to them in November.

I won't need to tell anyone nothing. The people will pay as more jobs are moved to Mexico and overseas. The people will pay as they are forced to work for less money as the job market is flooded with cheap labor from other countries and they are forced into poverty and dependence on the government.

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