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Undocumented immigrants will qualify for free health care in California on Jan. 1 (1 Viewer)

LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.
You said the stupidest thing imaginable! That Americans would somehow be working things (what does that mean again?) for lower wages.

For one, it's a contradictory claim... illegal labor will seek higher wages, but Americans would be working these things for lower wages? Secondly, unions and wage floors reduce low-skill / low wage labor by definition!

You do know the argument against wage floors is they reduce total employment by making labor more expensive, thereby inducing automation or changes in the way capital is horizontally integrated.
You haven't demonstrated anything that would support this line of garbage. @PoS got his ass handed to him (at a most basic level) and now we get to watch the resulting conniption 🍿.

Complete and utter nonsense. It's been explained like you were 10 years old... perhaps I should try like you're 5?
LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.

Keep up the self-ownage. This is fun seeing you dig your own hole time and time again! :ROFLMAO:
LOL you speak in generalized nonsense, which is pure word salad. I already told you if there was no minimum wage and no illegals they would work in those jobs because those will be the only ones available for many of them. Thanks for once again proving you dont know what MW is. Your constant self ownage is always a pleasure to see.
You said the stupidest thing imaginable! That Americans would somehow be working things (what does that mean again?) for lower wages.

For one, it's a contradictory claim... illegal labor will seek higher wages, but Americans would be working these things for lower wages? Secondly, unions and wage floors reduce low-skill / low wage labor by definition!

You do know the argument against wage floors is they reduce total employment by making labor more expensive, thereby inducing automation or changes in the way capital is horizontally integrated.
You haven't demonstrated anything that would support this line of garbage. @PoS got his ass handed to him (at a most basic level) and now we get to watch the resulting conniption 🍿.

Complete and utter nonsense. It's been explained like you were 10 years old... perhaps I should try like you're 5?
LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.

Keep up the self-ownage. This is fun seeing you dig your own hole time and time again! :ROFLMAO:
You fail to understand what minimum wages and its effect has. Its clear you dont know what the term even means.

Like I said, try ESL classes. It might do you some good, though its doubtful.
You said the stupidest thing imaginable! That Americans would somehow be working things (what does that mean again?) for lower wages.

For one, it's a contradictory claim... illegal labor will seek higher wages, but Americans would be working these things for lower wages? Secondly, unions and wage floors reduce low-skill / low wage labor by definition!

You do know the argument against wage floors is they reduce total employment by making labor more expensive, thereby inducing automation or changes in the way capital is horizontally integrated.
Your opinion of my economic knowledge knowledge is not up for debate.


Wow. Just when you think someone couldn't post anything more ignorant, you shart out the gem above!

Americans are not going to work the lowest of the low end jobs for wages below the current floor because of some bullshit you dream up about India, whose economy is 1/8 the size of the U.S., but with more than 4x the population.

By all means, I insist that you build upon your theory in your follow up shit post.

I'm not the topic... however, you've made your ignorance and lack of a basic economics education up for debate. 🙂
LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.

Keep up the self-ownage. This is fun seeing you dig your own hole time and time again! :ROFLMAO:
LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.

Keep up the self-ownage. This is fun seeing you dig your own hole time and time again! :ROFLMAO:
Your opinion of my economic knowledge knowledge is not up for debate.
Just when you think someone couldn't post anything more ignorant, you shart out the gem above!
Americans are not going to work the lowest of the low end jobs for wages below the current floor because of some bullshit you dream up about India, whose economy is 1/8 the size of the U.S., but with more than 4x the population.
By all means, I insist that you build upon your theory in your follow up shit post.
I'm not the topic... however, you've made your ignorance and lack of a basic economics education up for debate.
Your opinion of my economic knowledge knowledge is not up for debate.


Wow. Just when you think someone couldn't post anything more ignorant, you shart out the gem above!

Americans are not going to work the lowest of the low end jobs for wages below the current floor because of some bullshit you dream up about India, whose economy is 1/8 the size of the U.S., but with more than 4x the population.

By all means, I insist that you build upon your theory in your follow up shit post.

I'm not the topic... however, you've made your ignorance and lack of a basic economics education up for debate. 🙂
LMAO its obvious you get all your pretentious false beliefs from reading wiki articles on economics. If youve actually had any experience or been out of the country, its obvious to everyone else that in places like India, nearly 50% of college grads are either unemployed or working menial jobs because thats all they could get- hell, its the reason why migrants flock to the US. But of course you dont know this and just pretend otherwise, because hey, youre just being you.

Keep up the self-ownage. This is fun seeing you dig your own hole time and time again! :ROFLMAO:

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