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Underground Methane Bubbles (1 Viewer)

Well, the whole point of this thread has been totally missed.
The scary headlines

Scientists discover vast swathes of Arctic are BULGING as
7000 massive methane gas bubbles threaten to explode

are complete and total B.S.

How anyone can believe this stuff is beyond me.
Maybe not everyone is familiar with what a quaking
bog is, but the video supplied should have made it
quite clear that the "Underground Methane Bubble"
was a quaking bog. Wikipedia tells us:

A quaking bog or schwingmoor is a form of bog occurring in wetter
parts of valley bogs and raised bogs, and sometimes around the
edges of acidic lakes. The bog vegetation, mostly sphagnum moss
anchored by sedges (such as Carex lasiocarpa), forms a floating
mat approximately half a meter thick, on the surface of the water
or on top of very wet peat. White spruces are also common in this
bog regime. Walking on the surface causes it to move - larger
movements may cause visible ripples on the surface, or they may
even make trees sway. In the absence of disturbance from waves,
the bog mat may eventually cover entire bays, or even entire small

It's not an Underground Methane Bubble and it's not going
to explode anytime soon or ever.

I continue to be dumbfounded by the amount of pure B.S.
spewed by the so-called mainstream media and the fact
that so many people swallow it hook line and sinker.
Nothing really new there. As the Arctic warms, the thawing Tundra releases stored methane. It's been happening for a while.

Yep, Methane release certainly was one of the predicted effects of climate change.
Well, the whole point of this thread has been totally missed.
The scary headlines

Scientists discover vast swathes of Arctic are BULGING as
7000 massive methane gas bubbles threaten to explode

are complete and total B.S.

How anyone can believe this stuff is beyond me.
Maybe not everyone is familiar with what a quaking
bog is, but the video supplied should have made it
quite clear that the "Underground Methane Bubble"
was a quaking bog. Wikipedia tells us:

It's not an Underground Methane Bubble and it's not going
to explode anytime soon or ever.

I continue to be dumbfounded by the amount of pure B.S.
spewed by the so-called mainstream media and the fact
that so many people swallow it hook line and sinker.

The ocean floor is covered in methane hydrates just waiting to explode to the surface with a little warming. So yes, your thread is a bust.
Because methane is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide and abundant.

Just what does "...methane is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide..." exactly mean?
I'd like to know for a given increase in the amount of methane in the atmosphere, how much
that would that run-up the temperature and how long will it take? And it would be great if
you would show your work.
Just what does "...methane is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide..." exactly mean?
I'd like to know for a given increase in the amount of methane in the atmosphere, how much
that would that run-up the temperature and how long will it take? And it would be great if
you would show your work.

It means exactly what it says or can't you understand that? Google it is my work.

Besides, I saw a movie showing where a startup company solved the world's energy crisis by mining methane hydrate deposits off the South American coasts ocean floors for billions of dollars. The movie company didn't pull that out of their asses.
It means exactly what it says or can't you understand that? ...

Then you should be able to say how much methane will run-up the
temperature for any given increase. So let's say you double the
amount of methane in the atmosphere. How much will that run-up
the temperature and how long will it take?
The ocean floor is covered in methane hydrates just waiting to explode to the surface with
a little warming. So yes, your thread is a bust.

The ocean floor is below the thermocline and isn't going to warm up anytime soon if ever.
Oh I've read up on it, and the 30 times more powerful as your link says or the 84 times
more powerful as one of the other posts says is quite the common claim. The why is it
30 times or 84 times more powerful is not so easy to figure out on an internet search.

Let's put it this way, Venus is more Methane than CO2.
Yep, Methane release certainly was one of the predicted effects of climate change.

Arctic temperatures have been higher than today many times over just the last 4000 years so I'm pretty sure we are going to be just fine

Let's put it this way, Venus is more Methane than CO2.

An instantaneous search on "Methane Wiki" yields:

Atmosphere of Venus - Wikipedia
The atmosphere of Venus is the layer of gases surrounding Venus.
It is composed primarily of carbon dioxide and is much denser and
hotter than that of Earth.
Average surface pressure‎: ‎93 bar or 9.3 MPa
Carbon dioxide‎: ‎96.5 %
Sulfur dioxide‎: ‎150 ppm
Carbon monoxide‎: ‎17 ppm

No mention of methane
By the way the purpose of the original post was to show the the so-called media publishes garbage.
Claiming that a quaking bog is an underground methane bubble is garbage.
From wikipedia: (not the best source for controversial topics)

Natural deposits[edit]

Worldwide distribution of confirmed or inferred offshore gas hydrate-bearing sediments, 1996.
Source: USGS

Gas hydrate-bearing sediment, from the subduction zone off Oregon

Specific structure of a gas hydrate piece, from the subduction zone off Oregon
Methane clathrates are restricted to the shallow lithosphere (i.e. < 2,000 m depth). Furthermore, necessary conditions are found only in either continental sedimentary rocks in polar regions where average surface temperatures are less than 0 °C; or in oceanic sediment at water depths greater than 300 m where the bottom water temperature is around 2 °C.

"or in oceanic sediment at water depths greater than 300 m where the bottom water temperature is around 2 °C. "

that would be below the thermocline.
Nothing really new there. As the Arctic warms, the thawing Tundra releases stored methane. It's been happening for a while.

There's at least a couple of youtube things with a Scots geology professor stabbing holes in a frozen lake, and setting fire to it! There's an American scientist too, but the Glaswegian guy's accent irritates me! lol.

found it. Iain Stewart!

Originally, your word genius.

"Thermocline" if you studied either oceanography or limnology is a well known term, and an important feature of bodies of water.
"Thermocline" if you studied either oceanography or limnology is a well known term, and an important feature of bodies of water.

Damn it's hot, could it be the climate? Geez, I wouldn't know, because of thermo, derrp. :)

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