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UEFA Champions (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Good game from Allianz Stadium in Munich; Bay-1 RAM-1 with a penalty just awarded to Bayern. Broadcast is in Spanish excellent diversion!

I'm curious to see who makes it to the final. Bayern and RM are a toss up, but I'm really curious about PSG and Dortmund.
Good game from Allianz Stadium in Munich; Bay-1 RAM-1 with a penalty just awarded to Bayern. Broadcast is in Spanish excellent diversion!


Bayern been the much better team today. They might rue all these missed chances though.
Bayern been the much better team today. They might rue all these missed chances though.
The game had been mostly in front of the RAM net and all of a sudden RAM scored. Things evened out a bit after that, but Bayern have been the aggressors, imo.
RAM player was mugged….
The game had been mostly in front of the RAM net and all of a sudden RAM scored. Things evened out a bit after that, but Bayern have been the aggressors, imo.

Man City made the same mistake. They didn't put their chances away when they had them and paid the price.
I agree with the consensus Bayern much better team but would kind of fancy Real at the Bernabeu . I think the winner overall comes from these two. I hope Bayern win Kane deserves a trophy
Beautiful solo goal for Dortmund. They have been the overwhelming aggressor today…..then Mbappe can’t get a carom!
I kinda dislike Mbappe I think he shows a certain laziness
I kinda dislike Mbappe I think he shows a certain laziness
It has been interesting to watch Mbappe as he has progressed. I remember first seeing him at the French league club Monaco. Damn, he was a blur!
He has become more of a prima donna, imo.
Dortmund Madrid final.
It has been interesting to watch Mbappe as he has progressed. I remember first seeing him at the French league club Monaco. Damn, he was a blur!
He has become more of a prima donna, imo.
He is an incredible player but going to PSG seemed like an odd move paid a fortune obviously but it’s not like he would of been hard up at Real or Man City
How in the heck can the #5 in Bundesliga possibly make the CL final??
they have been great in the champions league , league form doesn’t allows follow tournament form or vice versa
they have been great in the champions league , league form doesn’t allows follow tournament form or vice versa
Thats true, but its quite rare.
I'm too lazy to search stats but when was the last time a #5 of the 4 big Euro leagues made the CL final??
Thats true, but its quite rare.
I'm too lazy to search stats but when was the last time a #5 of the 4 big Euro leagues made the CL final??
Chelsea were in pretty poor league form when they won it in the covid season
How in the heck can the #5 in Bundesliga possibly make the CL final??
The CL is more about experience in the CL and history, than it is about what stars you have on your team.

Chealski and Man City spent billions and had the best players and it still took 10 years for them to win the CL, where as teams like Real Madrid, Bayern, Liverpool and so on can play crap and still scrape out wins in the CL.
Good first half, PSG/BDM.

The referee had a mini conference with a few chippy players just before the half and I was sure he had the yellow card in his hand; turns out he is using a vibrant yellow whistle.
PSG hit the crossbar a million times. They are cursed!

Dortmund and Real Madrid in the final.
I'll be supporting Dortmund. I hate that Madrid rent boy club
PSG hit the crossbar a million times. They are cursed!

Dortmund and Real Madrid in the final.
I'll be supporting Dortmund. I hate that Madrid rent boy club
Don't count out Bayern just yet.. but on paper and form, it should be Real Madrid..

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