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Trump may have ordered 'hit' on Cohen (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning
There are pictures today of Michael Cohen coming back to his apartment with a black eye and his arm in a sling.



There isn't a lot of information about what happened to him but he was obviously at the hospital and, since he just ratted out Trump, it's highly probable that Trump's mafia connections had the guy roughed up. My own investigation turned up two sources who claim knowledge of the incident but wish to remain anonymous as they fear retribution. These sources say that Cohen was at a private meeting when three armed men wearing overcoats, sporting suppressed pistols and sporting blond combover wigs burst in and started firing. Cohen, who was closest to the door, single handedly beat back the attack and the shooters ran off. In the scuffle Cohen, reportedly, received a sprained wrist and a contusion to his eye. The shooters were all shouting "This is for the Don!" when they attacked.
It's about time we started the Trump Body Count. We can't have a major political figure without mafia hit conspiracies. CTists been slacking.
Um... okay.
It's about time we started the Trump Body Count. We can't have a major political figure without mafia hit conspiracies. CTists been slacking.

That's what I'm talking about!

I suppose it's possible that Trump had McCain infected with cancer. That may be why McCain disliked him so much. I'll have to reach out to my sources on that one.
If there is any grain of truth to any of this, all the more reason Robert "Mafia Nightmare" Mueller should floor the gas pedal on his investigation, and recommend an appropriate law enforcement response.

For now, I'm taking this quasi-tabloid looking story with a small grain of salt till there is more information as it becomes available. If the President of the United States really is a mobbed up Mafia Don, it's going to take an enormous expansion of resources to neutralize him and his mobbed up crew.

And if that is the case, we better goddamn well do it, too.
That's what I'm talking about!

I suppose it's possible that Trump had McCain infected with cancer. That may be why McCain disliked him so much. I'll have to reach out to my sources on that one.

That's pretty good and I'd like to join you but joking about cancer is dangerous territory. Some douche will show up, "my soandso got cancer..." and then I'm the asshole (again).

And I don't wanna get flat disrespectful (prostitutes buried near the border). But the possibilities are endless.
That's pretty good and I'd like to join you but joking about cancer is dangerous territory. Some douche will show up, "my soandso got cancer..." and then I'm the asshole (again).

And I don't wanna get flat disrespectful (prostitutes buried near the border). But the possibilities are endless.

Trump doesn't bury his prostitutes near the border. They are, figuratively and literally, the foundation of his new hotels.
There are pictures today of Michael Cohen coming back to his apartment with a black eye and his arm in a sling.



There isn't a lot of information about what happened to him but he was obviously at the hospital and, since he just ratted out Trump, it's highly probable that Trump's mafia connections had the guy roughed up. My own investigation turned up two sources who claim knowledge of the incident but wish to remain anonymous as they fear retribution. These sources say that Cohen was at a private meeting when three armed men wearing overcoats, sporting suppressed pistols and sporting blond combover wigs burst in and started firing. Cohen, who was closest to the door, single handedly beat back the attack and the shooters ran off. In the scuffle Cohen, reportedly, received a sprained wrist and a contusion to his eye. The shooters were all shouting "This is for the Don!" when they attacked.

They are still on the lookout for this primary suspect.

LOL... For years the con media and far right had the Clintons killing dozens of people. To this day there's people on this site who have the Clinton's body count somewhere in the 30's.

So the fact that a Trumpster would even sarcastically bring something like this up is 'baffling'.
The truth will be revealed later today: Cohen was not beaten by Trump cultists. Cohen was set up by illegal immigrant terrorists who attempted to rape him, sell him drugs, steal his job and force his children to speak Spanish. :eek:
The truth will be revealed later today: Cohen was not beaten by Trump cultists. Cohen was set up by illegal immigrant terrorists who attempted to rape him, sell him drugs, steal his job and force his children to speak Spanish. :eek:

Even the illegals don't want his job? Most of them are smarter than that.
There are pictures today of Michael Cohen coming back to his apartment with a black eye and his arm in a sling.



There isn't a lot of information about what happened to him but he was obviously at the hospital and, since he just ratted out Trump, it's highly probable that Trump's mafia connections had the guy roughed up. My own investigation turned up two sources who claim knowledge of the incident but wish to remain anonymous as they fear retribution. These sources say that Cohen was at a private meeting when three armed men wearing overcoats, sporting suppressed pistols and sporting blond combover wigs burst in and started firing. Cohen, who was closest to the door, single handedly beat back the attack and the shooters ran off. In the scuffle Cohen, reportedly, received a sprained wrist and a contusion to his eye. The shooters were all shouting "This is for the Don!" when they attacked.

Are you sure this isn't from 'The Onion'????

I don't see Cohen fighting off anyone much less armed men.... :peace
There isn't a lot of information about what happened to him but he was obviously at the hospital and, since he just ratted out Trump, it's highly probable that Trump's mafia connections had the guy roughed up.
....or, he had surgery on his shoulder.

My own investigation turned up two sources who claim knowledge of the incident but wish to remain anonymous as they fear retribution.
Yeah, whatever. Like it or not, most of the leaks are either real, or planted by people working for Trump.

For example, Chris Christie is putting out a book, an in it he describes how Jared Kushner leaked fake information in an attempt to undercut Christie's role as transition chief:
The truth will be revealed later today: Cohen was not beaten by Trump cultists. Cohen was set up by illegal immigrant terrorists who attempted to rape him, sell him drugs, steal his job and force his children to speak Spanish. :eek:

....after meeting with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez!
....or, he had surgery on his shoulder.

Yeah, whatever. Like it or not, most of the leaks are either real, or planted by people working for Trump.

For example, Chris Christie is putting out a book, an in it he describes how Jared Kushner leaked fake information in an attempt to undercut Christie's role as transition chief:

I'm sure we all want to know what Chris Christie has to say. :lamo
There are pictures today of Michael Cohen coming back to his apartment with a black eye and his arm in a sling.



There isn't a lot of information about what happened to him but he was obviously at the hospital and, since he just ratted out Trump, it's highly probable that Trump's mafia connections had the guy roughed up. My own investigation turned up two sources who claim knowledge of the incident but wish to remain anonymous as they fear retribution. These sources say that Cohen was at a private meeting when three armed men wearing overcoats, sporting suppressed pistols and sporting blond combover wigs burst in and started firing. Cohen, who was closest to the door, single handedly beat back the attack and the shooters ran off. In the scuffle Cohen, reportedly, received a sprained wrist and a contusion to his eye. The shooters were all shouting "This is for the Don!" when they attacked.


Finally, the truth gets out. Cohen is Batman.
It's about time we started the Trump Body Count. We can't have a major political figure without mafia hit conspiracies. CTists been slacking.

Indeed. Let's make a few high-profile Pols quiver in their boots.
I'm sure we all want to know what Chris Christie has to say. :lamo
Why, because he is yet another Trump loyalist who got thrown under the bus?
Optimally, someone who actually does harbor conspiracy theories probably shouldn't be making a joke conspiracy theory thread.....
They are still on the lookout for this primary suspect.

That's the material that drives you? Wow. Do you walk around carrying a red flag?

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