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Trump 'didn't expect' to get laughed at while speaking at the UN (1 Viewer)

No man, we are laughing at you, Americans.

We've been laughing at him all his life as a pretentious, self involved wind bag. But, now we get to see how dishonest he is...AND how ready are the American people to buy his bull****.

You elected him, your elected leaders support him (or fear him) and, business as usual in America, stand around arguing 'wedge issues' and complain about wasted tax dollars.

Here's an example...during the Obama administration Americans griped and griped about his "vacations" (he traveled less than Bush) but here we have a guy golfing four times a month, more than doubling the SS budget, and gee, not a whimper. Now that's worthy of mirth, at least.

In the meantime, its a laugh riot watching the right defend this assholes antics. Now THAT IS hilarious.

LOL, yep, laughing at the booming U.S economy, job creation, and people getting a choice where to spend their money. Please stay in Canada as you cannot compete here
OMG! NOW the president has a sense of humor!!! :roll:

No one laughed AT him and his surprise was that our enemies in the room didn't boo him.

Any attempt at impersonating Jim Carrey or Jerry Seinfeld should be saved for a celebrity roast or a SNL appearance, never for a Presidential address to an assembly of world leaders at the United Nations. The 'America First' mantra of Stephen Miller translates to 'America Alone' when speaking at the U.N.
LOL, yep, laughing at the booming U.S economy, job creation, and people getting a choice where to spend their money. Please stay in Canada as you cannot compete here

How is it you get the idea that I give a **** what you think?

One, all conservatives lie, therefore nothing you say can be trusted.

Two, 99% of your twaddle is bull**** propaganda and a waste of band width and three, Canada's economy has been outpacing yours since '08.

Tell your worthless lies to those who believe, you know, brain dead.
To whom, the radical left that supports dictators around the world that manipulate their currency, helped create the massive trade gap we have today, and cannot stand to be challenged by the truth? It is truly great having a President stand up for America and stop the catering to the UN where we fund most of their operations and give those dictators a free forum to bash this country, our businesses and our people. Out 19.5 trillion dollar economy gives Trump the credibility as does the quality of the jobs being created, quality that the radical left truly doesn't care about

Sure, give conservatives a bone by a small tax break that expires in 7 years, continue to claim the credit for an economy that was on the rise since 2014 and have them all eating out of your hand. But on the down side, destroyed valuable treaties, offended and alienated our staunchest allies, inflated our debt, blew up the deficit, appointed cabinet positions that bled the US govt. dry with graft and corruption, destroyed food assistance for those in need, captured and imprisoned immigrant children by the thousands, and yes....bragged about what a great job he's doing.
How is it you get the idea that I give a **** what you think?

One, all conservatives lie, therefore nothing you say can be trusted.

Two, 99% of your twaddle is bull**** propaganda and a waste of band width and three, Canada's economy has been outpacing yours since '08.

Tell your worthless lies to those who believe, you know, brain dead.

I assure you the feeling is mutual but I will stick to the results while you focus on rhetoric and opinions

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2017


DOCUMENTS IDEAS - www.usfederalbudget.us




Fox News clipped out the laughter :lamo

The Lie Factory is at it again. I'm sure in the future they will pull the laughter out and clip in into another story.
Sure, give conservatives a bone by a small tax break that expires in 7 years, continue to claim the credit for an economy that was on the rise since 2014 and have them all eating out of your hand. But on the down side, destroyed valuable treaties, offended and alienated our staunchest allies, inflated our debt, blew up the deficit, appointed cabinet positions that bled the US govt. dry with graft and corruption, destroyed food assistance for those in need, captured and imprisoned immigrant children by the thousands, and yes....bragged about what a great job he's doing.

It will expire if Democrats take power and it was the Democrats that made the tax bill with an expiration date. Stunning ignorance of data continues. Amazing what low expectations you liberals have as a booming economy is one that never exceeds 3% annual and was left at 1.2%. I feel sorry for the left

Post 81 has data, something you probably won't understand
And he's noticeably put on weight since being POTUS. Likely stress eating the hell out of some Big Macs and KFC buckets.

His doctor will state that he grew 2 inches in height, keeping his BMI out of obese range.
I have posted over and over again and still you don't get it, Part time for economic reasons skews the employment data as well as the unemployment data. these are people who wanted full time jobs but couldn't find them in that booming Obama economy. Suggest you learn what context means.

Learn where to go to do research


Right, we need that entitlement mentality and Democrats reversing the Obama results, no question about it.

you care about the quality of jobs about as much as you care about the deficit : basically, when the other side is in charge. i care about the quality of jobs no matter which party is in charge, which is part of why i'll be voting against Trumpists. they run my state, you see.

also, i'd like to apologize for editing your post. i was trying to quote, and i hit the wrong button. this was a bonehead mistake, and is totally my fault.
you care about the quality of jobs about as much as you care about the deficit : basically, when the other side is in charge. i care about the quality of jobs no matter which party is in charge, which is part of why i'll be voting against Trumpists. they run my state, you see.

also, i'd like to apologize for editing your post. i was trying to quote, and i hit the wrong button. this was a bonehead mistake, and is totally my fault.

So you believe a part time employee for economic reasons pays as much in FIT as a full time employee? That is the difference between me and you, I understand that all those part time jobs didn't do much to reduce the deficits whereas the full time jobs are growing FIT revenue and that reduces the deficit.

No problem on the edit, understand completely and thanks
I wish I could like this a dozen times. :applaud

Too bad you can't like the economic results dozens of times and rely on the personal opinion of people who have used this country for years. Congratulations, the left loves people like you making fools of themselves.

What Europe thinks of us is irrelevant as our 19.5 trillion dollar economy and world status shows but keep promoting the negativity and belief that personality matters more than results. I would hate us too if I lived in Europe and saw the U.S. promoting American first meaning I will have to pay more for our own security. Thank you, Trump, I am getting exactly the results I voted for
There's actually a poster on another thread, same topic, saying they were applauding him. Not laughing at him. :lol:

*edit... he's apparently saying that because trump said so. Trump is saying he said it meaning to get laughs.

So trump's saying that his punchline is that he has done more in his first two years than any other president in US history. That is what he is saying he intentionally wrote to get laughs. Too funny.

His speech was written for him by Stephen Miller and I think the last time he laughed out loud was around 1986 at his first birthday when he grabbed the family cat by its tail and threw it on his cake. The only emotions he displays, are sneers and laser-eye enemy killing.
So you believe a part time employee for economic reasons pays as much in FIT as a full time employee? That is the difference between me and you, I understand that all those part time jobs didn't do much to reduce the deficits whereas the full time jobs are growing FIT revenue and that reduces the deficit.

no, i didn't argue that.

here's the growth in full time employment :


No problem on the edit, understand completely and thanks

thanks for being understanding about it. i hate making preventable errors like that.
Apparently as a liberal you are used to being abused by others all the time. It is more important to be liked than every putting America first. I support America first and sorry you really don't like your country

Ambassadors from all over the world staring down at Trump as he was speaking with his 'America First' rhetoric only heard 'America Alone'. That's not a healthy viewpoint to use going into a meeting of world leaders and viewed by people in other countries all over the world. They see that and think 'well screw you then' and truthfully, we need our allies.
Great, let me know where you find Trump on the ballot in November, would love to meet you there

Metaphorically, Trump will be on the ballot in November, not his name but his party. If Republicans lose the majority in the House it will be very difficult for Trump to get bills passed since generally bills come to the House floor first then goes to the Senate.

Once again, it's all about him -- what a statesman -- not.

Other presidents talked about bringing the world together, or helping the poor countries help themselves or trying to make peace in the world. This guy can only {falsely} congratulate himself.

The sad fact is that he really believes his own lie that he's done more than any other president. FDR was tackling the Great Depression and growing European fascism. JFK got missiles out of Cuba. LBJ was desegregating the South. Lincoln had a Civil War and so on.
no, i didn't argue that.

here's the growth in full time employment :

View attachment 67241099

thanks for being understanding about it. i hate making preventable errors like that.

But here is what you want to ignore just like the left wants to ignore that the GOP Took Congress and the legislative process and purse strings in 2015

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Original Data Value

Series Id: LNS12032194
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Labor force status: Employed
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over
Hours at work: 1 to 34 hours
Reasons work not as scheduled: Economic reasons
Worker status/schedules: At work part time
Years: 2008 to 2018

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 4846 4902 4904 5220 5286 5540 5930 5851 6148 6690 7311 8029
2009 8046 8796 9145 8908 9113 9024 8891 9029 8847 8979 9114 9098
2010 8530 8936 9233 9178 8845 8577 8500 8800 9246 8837 8873 8935
2011 8470 8464 8645 8652 8576 8427 8281 8788 9166 8657 8447 8171
2012 8305 8238 7775 7913 8101 8072 8082 7974 8671 8203 8166 7943
2013 8151 8178 7722 7964 7937 8103 8099 7816 7764 7936 7718 7827
2014 7302 7304 7451 7516 7260 7425 7400 7169 7007 7031 6885 6817

Metaphorically, Trump will be on the ballot in November, not his name but his party. If Republicans lose the majority in the House it will be very difficult for Trump to get bills passed since generally bills come to the House floor first then goes to the Senate.

That is very true so why don't you tell me what economic results generated are a problem for you and you want changed? It has been reported that the GOP economic policy has been a flop so I am waiting for your definition of a success since the strong economic growth which will exceed 3% this fiscal year, over 4 million new taxpayers created, rising employment in manufacturing and mining, FIT revenue growth, more spendable income in the hands of the taxpayers, and over 1 million part time for economic reason employees now working full time in this Trump economy?
But here is what you want to ignore just like the left wants to ignore that the GOP Took Congress and the legislative process and purse strings in 2015


first, look at the chart again. second, refer to the post in which i specifically said that i don't give Obama sole credit for the improving economy. what i did argue, however, is that Trump inherited a good economy and that letting an idiot make major unilateral economic decisions is a bad idea.
Ambassadors from all over the world staring down at Trump as he was speaking with his 'America First' rhetoric only heard 'America Alone'. That's not a healthy viewpoint to use going into a meeting of world leaders and viewed by people in other countries all over the world. They see that and think 'well screw you then' and truthfully, we need our allies.

And that bothers you why? Why do you care what dictators and countries around the world that have abused us trade wise for years think of Trump and this country? They need us, you know it, I know it and the world knows it. Sorry but you buy the rhetoric and I buy the results
first, look at the chart again. second, refer to the post in which i specifically said that i don't give Obama sole credit for the improving economy. what i did argue, however, is that Trump inherited a good economy and that letting an idiot make major unilateral economic decisions is a bad idea.

I don't believe the 1.2% GDP growth and 152 million employed up 6 million since the recession began in December 2007 is a good economy. The GDP growth and job creation doesn't show that
I am sure he is pleased with the economic results this country has generated but you are too blinded by hate that you don't see it

The economic boom came to big corporations and people earning more than 200k a year. Americans received a pay increase from between $7.78 per week for someone with an annual salary of $20,500, to $118 per week for someone with an annual salary of $269,600.

86% of the profits the US has made as a country went mostly to banks surely, to the top, the elite, 1%. It did not go back into the U.S. It did not go to the American middle class. Banks and billionaires got the almost 90% of the money. Tax cuts helped drive bank profits to a record $60.2 billion in the second quarter and $60 billion in profits in just matter of months.

Who is the big winner here? It's pretty clear that the top 1% is getting a really great deal and getting richer by the minute. The little guy gets some peanuts because it doesn't take very much to keep that 'little guy' happy, just throw him a few peanuts and he'll kiss your shoes. But in the end, the biggest loser is the U.S.

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