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Trump Broke His Promise to Fix the Debt, He will (1 Viewer)

you guys have been carrying on for 3 years about what a great job he has done of keeping his promises.

Sorry, but you have me confused with someone else. Didn't vote for him. Just tired of bashing with no real merit of the President.

My point is most politicians / elected officials do not accomplish or break campaign promises. Especially the ones when it comes to spending. But you should know that.
that is just an est. and we will have to see if it comes true
I personally think it will be even higher and that
and just think what it would be IF we didn;t have a " Great economy "
have a nice day

It may be higher, but I certainly hope not
Trump broke his promise to fix the debt. He'''ll blame Congress in 2020.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's budget is the confession of a broken promise.

As a candidate, Trump famously vowed to eliminate the national debt in eight years.

But under the spending blueprint he released Monday — which has "promises kept" in its title — the federal government wouldn't start paying down debt for 15 years. Until then, even under the rosy projections of Trump's budget-writers, Washington would run annual deficits adding to a red-ink total that already stands at more than $22 trillion.

We are now 8.3 trillion in debt and Trump has done zero to go the opposite direction...oh, he cut taxes for the top 1% that made it worse.

Yeah, it's not like anything noteworthy has happened to interfere with that goal. Obama promised to cut Healthcare insurance premiums; mine went up 11% this year. He also promised to cool the planet and lower the ocean and accomplishes squat.

When it comes to budgets the President proposes but the Senate and House do the spending.
Nope, never been to Egypt. But, time will tell, don't worry Libs are working on another impeachment based on Covid-19. Which if they really try that again it will be their own end for another 4, maybe even more.

The Republican Senate made it quite clear, nothing Trump does will ever make them vote to remove him. They even said as much and abdicated their duty by saying it will be up to the people to decide. No President in a recession has ever been reelected but don't let that stop you from dreaming.
how is it in poor taste...he said he would fix it in his first term...has he done that? I could forgive the 2 trillion that just happened...there is good reason for it, but it is 8.3 trillion he has added. So he had added 6.1 trillion without the crisis we have on hand.

Takes money to fix problems ignored in the past. WE still have a long way to go.

Just yesterday he mentioned that we wasted $8 trillion on the ME and got nothing but death. Tell me you don't agree with that.
Yeah, it's not like anything noteworthy has happened to interfere with that goal. Obama promised to cut Healthcare insurance premiums; mine went up 11% this year. He also promised to cool the planet and lower the ocean and accomplishes squat.

When it comes to budgets the President proposes but the Senate and House do the spending.

Your premiums went up and mine went down. I pay $21 a month. Obama isn't president so look at the fools trying to destroy ACA and place blame
Takes money to fix problems ignored in the past. WE still have a long way to go.

Just yesterday he mentioned that we wasted $8 trillion on the ME and got nothing but death. Tell me you don't agree with that.

Nope, don't make promises you cannot keep.
Almost no one in America for a generation has cared much about debt....that is one of the main reasons we are almost certainly in a depression now....I mean the Bug is the trigger but this depression has been coming for a long time. I had expected it 2027-2030, but here we go....

Can we please not blame Trump for everything, it gets old, and it betrays either a lack of intelligence or a lack of honesty.

We can blame Trump and the ideas of the conservative party and Milton Friedman for whatever economy emerges out of this disaster. Once we cleanse ourselves of these outdated and incorrect ideas and concepts, we can start over using reason instead of ideology to fix what was created by so many truly horrible ideas.
The Republican Senate made it quite clear, nothing Trump does will ever make them vote to remove him. They even said as much and abdicated their duty by saying it will be up to the people to decide. No President in a recession has ever been reelected but don't let that stop you from dreaming.

Those recessions you speak of, what were their causes? Inflation, high interest rates etc., all leading to large layoffs. None were caused by a world wide pandemic that no leader in the world had control of. What you are saying is the the American people are looking for a scapegoat, someone to blame for a pandemic and that they will choose the President out of narrow mindless thinking. I guess I give more credit to the American people to grasp the real causes and rebound stronger than you credit them for.
Trump broke his promise to fix the debt. He'''ll blame Congress in 2020.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's budget is the confession of a broken promise.

As a candidate, Trump famously vowed to eliminate the national debt in eight years.

But under the spending blueprint he released Monday — which has "promises kept" in its title — the federal government wouldn't start paying down debt for 15 years. Until then, even under the rosy projections of Trump's budget-writers, Washington would run annual deficits adding to a red-ink total that already stands at more than $22 trillion.

We are now 8.3 trillion in debt and Trump has done zero to go the opposite direction...oh, he cut taxes for the top 1% that made it worse.

What you are posting is PROJECTED debt not actual debt but the reality is Trump didn't cause the interest expense on the debt to double or the shortfall in SS and Medicare Trust fund to have the shortage. Trump cut what he could, the executive branch, increased the discretionary budget 100 billion dollars in his two year budgets to 1.47 trillion dollars funded by over 2 trillion dollars in FIT, CIT, Excise Taxes, Estate Taxes, State and local revenue collected so tell me how over 2 trillion in revenue to fund 1.47 trillion expense causes an 8.3 trillion dollar debt? It doesn't, just more left wing spin and rhetoric from someone who claims to be a Conservative but spends 24/7 benefiting Hillary, Biden, and Sanders along with today's Democratic Party agenda

As for this debt think that the American taxpayers keeping more of what they earn cares about the debt today? The difference between the debt today than under the Obama Administration are the Trump tax cuts putting more money into the pockets of the consumer which is what drives our economy. That money has spiked state and local revenue which you and others still want to ignore.

As for the projected debt, based upon the crisis at hand what is your proposal?
Your premiums went up and mine went down. I pay $21 a month. Obama isn't president so look at the fools trying to destroy ACA and place blame

Most conservatives know that healthcare is a state and local responsibility not a federal one due to the fact that we have 50 different states with 50 different tax structures and cost of living. One size fits all ACA doesn't address that reality thus was a failure. You keep buying what the left tells you showing that your claim of being a conservative is nothing more than a lie
Your premiums went up and mine went down. I pay $21 a month. Obama isn't president so look at the fools trying to destroy ACA and place blame

Is that an employer sponsored plan or on the individual market?
Those recessions you speak of, what were their causes? Inflation, high interest rates etc., all leading to large layoffs. None were caused by a world wide pandemic that no leader in the world had control of. What you are saying is the the American people are looking for a scapegoat, someone to blame for a pandemic and that they will choose the President out of narrow mindless thinking. I guess I give more credit to the American people to grasp the real causes and rebound stronger than you credit them for.

Sorry but it is inevitable that a President gets the blame no matter what the cause of the recession. Sadly even Trump knew this and was probably the cause of his early denial of the problem. His vain attempts to bolster the markets were not only futile but needlessly delayed preparations that were critical to this fight.
Trump broke his promise to fix the debt. He'''ll blame Congress in 2020.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's budget is the confession of a broken promise.

As a candidate, Trump famously vowed to eliminate the national debt in eight years.

But under the spending blueprint he released Monday — which has "promises kept" in its title — the federal government wouldn't start paying down debt for 15 years. Until then, even under the rosy projections of Trump's budget-writers, Washington would run annual deficits adding to a red-ink total that already stands at more than $22 trillion.

We are now 8.3 trillion in debt and Trump has done zero to go the opposite direction...oh, he cut taxes for the top 1% that made it worse.

Does this mean he has lost your vote?
Sorry but it is inevitable that a President gets the blame no matter what the cause of the recession. Sadly even Trump knew this and was probably the cause of his early denial of the problem. His vain attempts to bolster the markets were not only futile but needlessly delayed preparations that were critical to this fight.

Of course Trump knew this, if a liberal stubs his toe in the dark he screams; that da** Trump. Yes, he tried to bolster everyone, a good leader does that but, how do you know what was being done behind the scenes to make preparations? In hindsight you can say it was not enough, but as we all know hindsight is 100%, future prediction is not.
Most conservatives know that healthcare is a state and local responsibility not a federal one due to the fact that we have 50 different states with 50 different tax structures and cost of living. One size fits all ACA doesn't address that reality thus was a failure. You keep buying what the left tells you showing that your claim of being a conservative is nothing more than a lie

does the constitution say that the federal government is responsible for the welfare of the people? That seems to imply that it is a federal responsibility.
Is that an employer sponsored plan or on the individual market?

I have Marketplace. To be clear about my plan, it is with Molina. I cannot get private healthcare without ACA, because I had cancer within the last 5 years. I do not have a deductible and max out of pocket is $1200. I pay $21 a month for me. I do not pay for GP visits or Urgent Care visits. I do pay $25 to see the Oncologist or Endo doctor. I pay $25 for any name brand meds but my generics are free.
does the constitution say that the federal government is responsible for the welfare of the people? That seems to imply that it is a federal responsibility.


From the Preamble of the Constitution, the purpose of the federal government is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

eta: What are examples of activities that promote the general welfare? - Quora
In Constitutional language, promoting the general welfare does NOT mean taxing people to distribute funds or services for the so-called poor or needy. It means providing a laissez faire, free market environment that allows all people to earn their livings unfettered by any government actions (federal, state or local) that could get in their way. It is not government action that provides this, but government inaction. For people to be free, their governments must leave them alone.
Of course Trump knew this, if a liberal stubs his toe in the dark he screams; that da** Trump. Yes, he tried to bolster everyone, a good leader does that but, how do you know what was being done behind the scenes to make preparations? In hindsight you can say it was not enough, but as we all know hindsight is 100%, future prediction is not.

We can say that "in hindsight" or at any other time, a President who ignores the experts when a pandemic is looming will not be judged lightly. Trump was told early on that this would be bad and he hid it from us. Not only was that profoundly stupid but his wishes to make it go away delayed our response by months.

From the Preamble of the Constitution, the purpose of the federal government is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

promote the general welfare...do you know what that means?
promote the general welfare...do you know what that means?

Read my eta above.
It doesn't mean what you want it to mean....
No, he hasn't ever had my vote, because he is not a Conservative...he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to be a Republican.

Trump is a life long pretender. That is his "gift". Unfortunately he can't pretend to make this virus go away as hard as he tried.

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