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"Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article (1 Viewer)

Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Um, did you see me saying anything of the sort?

As much as I don't like government waste, the thing is that alot of poor people want to mail stuff. Have you bothered to check rates that UPS and FedEx charge for the smallest of packages?

If I want to ship the smallest of packages (aka, a letter) from my location to say, San Francisco, care to guess how much it would cost?

$9.25. Ground (4 days). And I'd have to drop my package off at a UPS drop location.


Good luck!

I'm hardly a complete Republican myself. I identify as both somewhat Republican and somewhat Libertarian Party. I am socially center-right and an economic libertarian. You cannot be a libertarian if you think we should have a federal postal service. That video I posted twice above answers your question about rural areas and the postal service. Plus, when the government has a part in a business, the private sector parts costs go up. I guarantee you that if there were no government postal service, the private sector mail would be a lot cheaper themselves. No, you are not a libertarian.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Trump opposes Postal Service funding to undercut mail voting - Los Angeles Times

It's funny because several weeks ago, all the leftists here were trying to tell me that the federal government doesn't fund the postal service. And the LA Times is hardly a right-wing source. Plus this article is actually attacking Trump. If you google this topic, you can see SEVERAL left-leaning sources saying something similar to this article, such as NPR. So the US apparently does fund the USPS.

I do not know if you have noticed, but there is a recession brought about by the Covid pandemic which has caused the congress to give almos a trillion dollars to businesses to keep them in business. the USPS was supposed to get 25 billion of the nealy one trillion dollars to help them get over the hump caused by this recession, but Trump has held it up for his own political purposes. Do Trumpsters ever watch a real news station instead of Faux News?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

I'm hardly a complete Republican myself. I identify as both somewhat Republican and somewhat Libertarian Party. I am socially center-right and an economic libertarian. You cannot be a libertarian if you think we should have a federal postal service. That video I posted twice above answers your question about rural areas and the postal service. Plus, when the government has a part in a business, the private sector parts costs go up. I guarantee you that if there were no government postal service, the private sector mail would be a lot cheaper themselves. No, you are not a libertarian.

So basically you answer is "nuh uh"!

Go to ups.com. Price how much it would cost to send a letter to even the next town.

Guess what? Good news? It would cost the same as mailing to San Francisco. Bad news? It would cost the same as mailing to San Francisco.

Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

So basically you answer is "nuh uh"!

Go to ups.com. Price how much it would cost to send a letter to even the next town.

Guess what? Good news? It would cost the same as mailing to San Francisco. Bad news? It would cost the same as mailing to San Francisco.


Like I said, if there wasn’t any government involvement, the prices would go down. There probably would be more competition as well.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

I do not know if you have noticed, but there is a recession brought about by the Covid pandemic which has caused the congress to give almos a trillion dollars to businesses to keep them in business. the USPS was supposed to get 25 billion of the nealy one trillion dollars to help them get over the hump caused by this recession, but Trump has held it up for his own political purposes. Do Trumpsters ever watch a real news station instead of Faux News?

Do leftists ever watch a real news station other than the Constipated News Network or PMSNBC?

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Like I said, if there wasn’t any government involvement, the prices would go down. There probably would be more competition as well.

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Competition? Sure.

FedEx would cost $9.87.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Competition? Sure.

FedEx would cost $9.87.

No, I am saying more companies would start.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

I'm hardly a complete Republican myself. I identify as both somewhat Republican and somewhat Libertarian Party. I am socially center-right and an economic libertarian. You cannot be a libertarian if you think we should have a federal postal service. That video I posted twice above answers your question about rural areas and the postal service. Plus, when the government has a part in a business, the private sector parts costs go up. I guarantee you that if there were no government postal service, the private sector mail would be a lot cheaper themselves. No, you are not a libertarian.

Even a libertarian should realize that some businsses can be run by the government better than private companies. We do not have a private treasury department or military. If you look at the cost of our health care system compared to other countries you would see that even in health care, government can often provide a service much cheaper than private providers. You can argue with me on that, but I was part of the health care system in this country for over forty year. I have a degree in economics and an MBA, so I know what I am talking about. And I suspect that even UPS and Fedex could not provide the same service as the USPS without increasing the cost of mail. I could see them wanting to deliver only two or three times a week and jacking up prices. I suspect you do not realize that the USPS already delivers a lot of Fedex small packages because it is cheaper than having their own company do so..
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

No, I am saying more companies would start.

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Like DHL?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Why does the Post Office need billions of extra money to deliver bags-full of ballots to a single central location? You seem to be conflating "mail-in voting" with "UNIVERSAL" mail-in voting.

This mornings edition of The Detroit Free Press and other sources had an article about Sterling Heights - a suburb of Michigan. Our primary was just a week ago but it seems over 100 ballots all postmarked well in advance of the primary were only just now delivered. What happens if Sterling Heights becomes thousands of communities across our nation?

Sterling Heights clerk receives dozens of late absentee ballots in mail
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Like DHL?

They are such a small player at this moment they really don’t even count (domestic mail I mean). I guarantee they would have more potential to grow if the government wasn’t involved. Has DHL ever delivered a package at your place? No, the USPS takes it from them and delivers it to you.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

And a person who votes multiple times in an election should get life in prison. And you guys just lie and say it doesn’t happen to cover it up.

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Would you be good enough to present to us the verifiable evidence of illegal voting? Thank you.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

A president who admits to trying to prevent people from voting is a criminal who must be immediately impeached...... at the very least.

Why cant you vote again?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

They are such a small player at this moment they really don’t even count (domestic mail I mean). I guarantee they would have more potential to grow if the government wasn’t involved. Has DHL ever delivered a package at your place? No, the USPS takes it from them and delivers it to you.

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I used to ship packages via DHL all the time (company business, better rates), when they competed with FedEx and UPS.

Now they no longer compete.

I bet if I dug around I could find an old DHL envelope somewhere in my old packages.

Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

If it is not criminal, it should be.

F*cking ridiculous that an impeached president can get away with more election interference.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

This mornings edition of The Detroit Free Press and other sources had an article about Sterling Heights - a suburb of Michigan. Our primary was just a week ago but it seems over 100 ballots all postmarked well in advance of the primary were only just now delivered. What happens if Sterling Heights becomes thousands of communities across our nation?

Sterling Heights clerk receives dozens of late absentee ballots in mail

That sounds like a great reason not to have universal mail-in voting.

If the USPS can't even get it right when there isn't an especially high demand, what makes you think they'll be able to get their act together in less than three months to handle tens of millions of ballots, regardless of how much cash is thrown at them?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Would you be good enough to present to us the verifiable evidence of illegal voting? Thank you.

Actually i can. A man in Wisconsin voted three times for Trump and got caught.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

I don't watch TV, and therefore don't subscribe to cable. Is it that hard to find a written source?

By withholding, do you mean "not giving them additional money that they're not entitled to receive in the first place?"

I am sorry you're so ill informed. You can but a cheap antenna and watch hordes of local news. Everyone's covering these issues.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Why cant you vote again?

As I previously answered you - the question is will my vote count?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

That sounds like a great reason not to have universal mail-in voting.

If the USPS can't even get it right when there isn't an especially high demand, what makes you think they'll be able to get their act together in less than three months to handle tens of millions of ballots, regardless of how much cash is thrown at them?

The correct answer is provide the USPS with the resources to properly deliver every vote in a timely manner.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Actually i can. A man in Wisconsin voted three times for Trump and got caught.

Where is proof of that?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

As I previously answered you - the question is will my vote count?

will mine if it is cancelled out by someones pet dog voting?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

The correct answer is provide the USPS with the resources to properly deliver every vote in a timely manner.

Not going to matter as long as Trump's bootlicker is in charge.

Postal Service removes some mail-sorting machines, sparking concerns ahead of election

Documents obtained by CNN indicate 671 machines used to organize letters or other pieces of mail are slated for "reduction" in dozens of cities this year. The agency started removing machines in June, according to postal workers.

These machines can process 30,000 envelopes per hour. Remove them and you lose the ability to sort 161,040,000 (30,000 x 8 x 671) pieces of mail per 8 hour shift.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Do you have any sources that aren't behind pay walls?

Yeah it's called television. It's been all over the news for days.

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